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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I don't doubt Gavin's boss-ness (), but unless I'm mistaken, you haven't seen Jeff, Kent, and Devon ride yet. Plus there was some talk of Jared and maybe Garrett racing stock XR this year too. All of those guys (and probably Biggie/Turnone when he's healthy) are capable of low :56's, if not high :55's. I'll be duly impressed if Gavin can put some passes on them. The kid is 11 or 12! He's an awesome rider, but he still has room to improve! This thread is getting twisted into me "criticizing" Gavin, and/or claiming I know everything there is to know about riding, and that's not the case at all. I can't say enough good things about Gavin, and I freely and completely admit he beat me almost every race last year - but I don't think he's reached his full potential yet either. I consider that a compliment, not a criticism.
  2. This is the district Brian and I graduated from. It's the club-med of high schools. My mom also works in the district (not at the high school though). I am pretty good friends with one of the choral directors as well. $52k a year for 9 months ain't a bad gig.
  3. nothing special for you. He will probably not have a "safety" inspection, just a VIN inspection, to confirm that the title matches the vehicle that's being brought into the state. I did this for my F2 when I bought from a PA resident.
  4. hahaha - I'm not sure his mother would appreciate that!
  5. Lucky kid! I knew they rode in Georgia. Not sure if they did other events. I would never characterize my comments as telling Gavin how to ride; I had just made an off-hand comment to his dad while Gavin was out riding my bike in the endurance race. Something to the effect of, "he's really going to be moving when he starts getting a knee out through the turns." I do think that's something he could improve, and I think it will allow him to go faster. I'm sure Adam will address it when or if he feels it's necessary. Where I think you're wrong is about Gavin going faster on race day (at least this weekend). 55.8 is among the fastest XR laps I've seen turned at CRP - he absolutely has the speed. We'll find out Saturday if he can do it in traffic, and make the passes necessary to get out ahead of Kent, Devon, and Jeff. Otherwise I foresee him doing a lot of low :56 laps and finishing in fourth.
  6. I'm not criticizing Gavin, just pointing out something I think he can improve upon. I'd tell him the same to his face. (In fact I may have discussed this with his dad at some point) I think getting a knee out will help him get faster. And he has gotten a lot faster over the winter. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did. Gavin was my teammate in the 2013 endurance race. He turned a :57.x on my bike. Apparently different tires and taking 4 months off was good for 2 full seconds. Hopefully I can pull the same stunt. That would put me in the :56's.
  7. My exhaust is 100% stock. I didn't even bother removing the spark arrestor. Didn't see the point.
  8. I can't speak for everyone, but I won't protest you for your first couple weekends ;-) As for top-speed, like JB said, with 14/46 gearing, and ML 75's mounted (which are smaller than BT45's by a reasonable amount) did 48.3 on the rev limiter at PIRC. Larger tires would likely put it almost right at 50mph.
  9. If you didn't notice the name on the riding jersey, I'm pretty sure Zach Herrin was the smaller rider, and Aaron and Ashton Yates have been known to visit the MGKT. So it's definitely something to aspire to, but don't beat yourself up too much if you fall a little short.
  10. After water, food, and shelter, there are few things more important in a survival scenario than staving off boredom. Projects keep your mind active and your morale up. A patio wouldn't be at the top of my list, but after months or years, who knows?
  11. lots of good XR/CRF100 footage from some talented (and other less talented) riders: http://youtu.be/fZc9zxQSdbQ I get a full-on rager at the 3:21 mark...
  12. not until he learns to stick his knee out more Gavin has tons of talent, but his size is a double-edged sword right now. on the one hand, he's 100 lbs. smaller than me. That helps him under acceleration a bit, but it also means less lateral acceleration in the turns. Those of us who are that much larger will lose traction at a lower speed, because we're taxing the grip of the tires more. On the flip-side of that coin, where Gavin suffers right now is that he's not tall enough to reach down with his knee and save front-end washouts. IF he does lose traction, he's probably too-far gone to recover it. I am by no means awesome on an XR, but especially in the clockwise configuration at CRP, I routinely push/chatter the front end through the turn entering the back straight. Knee on the ground, it's no big deal. if your knee is up, it won't be for long, because you're tipping over. That's one of my big goals for this year - get comfortable with the bike sliding all over. And maybe keep Gavin in sight
  13. Cool. it's not a huge paddock, so we should both be pretty easy to spot. My bike is #524, and I think we're taking JB's white F150 this round. Blue "ONLINEPADDOCK.COM" canopy that I won a few years back.
  14. Yo. I suppose we're to assume that "Campus" is Ohio State's campus, correct?
  15. What do you think he was riding? 95% of the F3 grid will be stock XR's
  16. now sell your street bike, and the transformation will be complete! I'm mostly joking, but not entirely. I found street riding terribly boring after I did a decent number of track days. I think you'll also find that your street 675 is a lot less comfortable, and a lot more overkill than the street demands. You may really want to consider selling it and picking up something more comfortable, that is still capable on the track in case the 675 is out of commission. Think FZ6, or something similar. You'll probably end up with some cash left over too. /$.02
  17. yeah, I understand, I just don't need the front stand. I would buy it if it will act as a rear stand for the XR. I've got a front-tire mounted on the rear rim anyway, so the width could be close. Bring them if you have room
  18. Thanks Obama. (But really, the stimulus money from like 5 years ago is finally starting to be used on major road projects all over the state. A considerable amount of the construction really is Obama's "fault.")
  19. Welcome. I'll check at my desk, but I just realized the mobile version of the site doesn't display users' locations...
  20. Would that front stand be the proper width to be used as a swing-arm stand for an XR?
  21. Guess I better stick it there and push anyone nearby off. Or at least lean a knee on whoever sticks it there.
  22. Okay, if Gavin can do a sub :56 on the surface, I should be able to get in the :58 range. Less worried now
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