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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. overconfident in their own abilities and/or self-restraint. Who's to say he wouldn't have crashed a 250 as well? the lack of gear is stupid, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to riding in just a helmet. Especially in my first year. In a lot of ways, the track is the thing that forced me to buy proper gear, and educated me on how bad things might have been in a crash. I hope he heals up fast and isn't sour on riding.
  2. I've give him a grand for the bike in crashed condition. But yeah... 100+ hp and strong brakes for a new rider is just bad news.
  3. when was that, may I ask? Because that is a thing of the past. For better or for worse, people are all kinds of self-conscious. Or maybe it's a bullying thing. Frankly, I think we're getting what we ask for as a society. I'm not going to pretend bullying isn't a very real issue, but we've gotten in the habit of suspending or expelling kids when they stand up for themselves. That's the bullshit. In 5th grade, a kid who bullied me laid me the fuck out during a recess touch football game. I got up, grabbed him by the collar, and jacked him in the face. In the principal's office, my dad was told "it's school policy not to fight back." He told my principal, "well, it's family policy to fight back with everything you've got." My principal was a former boxer. I got off with a warning, and a lot of respect for my old man.
  4. Sumo's are great at the gap because it's really a slow "course." The thing I'm learning quickly about light bikes is that body position is EVERYTHING. You can have shit body position on a 500 lbs. VFR, because you're 2/7 of the total mass. On a Sumo, you're almost HALF the mass. That's seriously significant. Less bike = more rider.
  5. I want a 2013 Honda Hawk. Someone needs to make an SV650 competitor... I know Kawasaki makes a 650, but it's really aimed at new riders. Or I could just buy a first gen SV and strip it down... Close to Sumo weight. Spoked wheels on an SV would look awesome, and maybe save some weight. that'd be sweet.
  6. I actually have a lot more pain walking DOWN stairs than up them after a hard leg day.
  7. I agree. It says they must provide equal accommodations and opportunities, not that every student may access the SAME accommodations. They may have to allow girls to try out for the boys baseball team (i don't see the big deal), but there is no discrimination in making a student shower with other students of their own gender. If this leads to any real changes in CA schools, it will be the addition of more private changing/showering areas for gay students. I don't know about you guys, but I never showered at the school after practice anyway. Non issue.
  8. They're not starting the race on brand new pads. Plus they've been using them on the warm-up lap, so even if they were new, they'd be deglazed long before stopping on the grid. I see new racers use the warm-up lap as a parade lap too often. You've gotta keep as much heat in your tires as possible on that one lap. it's part of the race, even if the green flag hasn't dropped yet. As for the hard braking,I think it's just a feel thing. Getting as much heat as possible into the brakes may be part of it. GP bikes especially need stupid amounts of heat to work well... I liken ceramic brakes to the downforce in F1 racing. There's a "dead zone" where either just doesn't work. You have to trust that they'll work, or you're screwed.
  9. Nice job with the paint. Next time, i'm asking YOU for advice.
  10. it cleans the boogered rubber and any other crap off their SLICKS so they can charge hard into turn one. On a street tire, weaving is completely pointless. it's not like you're leaning the bike far enough over to really clean off the tire, and street tires aren't made to heat up like race tires.
  11. i stopped the video as soon as someone started weaving. hard acceleration and braking warms tires weaving does not.
  12. Should have tried to borrow a front wheel for the day. Sucks that you missed th track time
  13. A dog that big should learn to stay off furniture. That will make him more adoptable. I already have a foster dog right now, or I'd offer to buy him some time. (The foster is in addition to my two mutts, and one of my sister-in-law's dogs. She's on a cruise)
  14. if he's carrying a gun, he may be committing a crime. He could be on probation.
  15. Just because you have a right to do something does not mean you have a right not to be questioned about it. Miranda rights are not in effect until you are 1) in police custody, and 2) being interrogated. Police may investigate a crime without Mirandizing anyone. "excuse me sir, I need you to surrender your weapon while we ask you a few questions" is investigation. You can give the cops the silent treatment from the jump if you want, but they're just going to arrest you for obstruction of justice.
  16. That is flatly 100% wrong. The cops can absolutely stop you and ask for you to provide identification, because there is nothing incriminating about providing identification. If you're carrying a firearm, the police have every right to make sure you're doing so legally. If you're not a felon, and you cooperate, they ought to send you on your way. If they don't, THEN you have a reason to be irritated. that's not to say they won't read you the riot act for being a fucking moron and inviting scrutiny by carrying a gun in a situation where you're damn well aware it's going to cause people to freak out. Case-in-point, I can walk around telling people "the devil is coming," and acting all kinds of crazy. That doesn't mean people won't call the cops out of concern. Or even more parallel, if I was walking around carrying a knife in my hand, or hanging prominently on my belt. You're telling me you wouldn't be concerned if some stranger was visibly armed?
  17. I liked the American Ale better. It was the cheapest non-twist beer available, so I drank a lot of it to get bottles for home brewing :-p
  18. I had a teammate for the last one. Have two teammates for this one. Last time around, I was able to complete all the obstacles without help. Having teammates is more about having someone to train with, and talk to for 10+ miles... Not sure if we're going to try to go faster this time, or just have fun. Last go 'round, the course was MUCH hillier than anticipated. My target time was 2 hours 30 minutes, but with the hills, we ended up taking 2 hours 48 minutes. That includes 2 stops to empty rocks out of our shoes. Next time around, I'm having my wife meet me on the course with fresh socks at least twice.
  19. I think that's the bigger problem... the traffic, not the snow. Unless your tires are bald, front-wheel drive is fine. Keeping the car moving is easy. It's that getting started part that's tough. Maybe I'll see how things go next winter, and reevaluate then.
  20. has it really been 3 years??? Not 3 years in the current location, has it?
  21. As much as I would love an STi, I'm thinking the Impreza 2.5i "limited" is more my budget, and will get significantly better economy. And I would be buying used. My Nissan gets around 26/gallon, so that is the mark to beat. What I'm really torn on is whether I want to find a 5-speed, or settle for the CVT, which gets better economy, but is boring and weird. The wife has very limited experience driving stick, but claims she is willing to try.
  22. It's a silly game, but I can't stop playing. If there is interest, we could start an ORDN syndicate
  23. First generation Suzuki Bandit 1200 You'll find them in good shape with reasonable mileage for $2800. Great engine, and it will handle worlds better than your cruiser. It's definitely not a sportbike, but it will feel like one in comparison. You can get them up over 100hp with a slip-on and a tune, and they have monster torque. Or if you want something more on the "sport" side, just find a decent SV650. That would have a totally different character than your HD.
  24. redkow97


    Alright, I'll bite... Who? Ryan Kerr? He's gotta be one of the youngest Superbike riders, and I know he just moved up this season. Seemed like a nice kid when I met him at Mid-Ohio 3 or 4 years ago.
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