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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Amanda Berry drinking game: Because I only get network TV, I'm trying to have some fun with this. Take one drink for: - "Amanda Berry" - "Michelle Knight" - "Gina DeJesus" Finish your beer for: - "Miracle" - "hero" - "McDonald's" Double-slug for: "Castro" "Burger King" "Lorain Ave" "Seymor"
  2. ??????????? no way. They sponsor some major racers. Josh Hayes wears their shit, if memory serves. their customer service was awesome to me too. I have a 5 yr old pair of Teknic boots, and one email to their support staff got me a new set of toe sliders for a very reasonable price. that's a part no one stocks anymore. Even the shipping was fast... Too bad. Their stuff was quality.
  3. Welcome. Nice to see a couple that rides together. My wife got her "M" endorsement as a wedding present to me, but she's never had her own bike. I can't speak for everyone else, but if I bust on cruisers, I'm (mostly) joking ;-)
  4. Not interested in the job, but if my interview in Lake County goes well, I may be looking to trade in my Nissan for a Subaru. 50 mile commute + snow belt = Subaru.
  5. Welcome to the OP. I'm currently without a street bike. Looking to pick up a project. Spent the day dropping off resumes, so that's one step closer to getting another street bike I'll ride your bike for you! (you still trying to sell btw? That speed triple is dead sexy... We also need to talk about getting a NEO group shoot going at A&A. It's like $200/day to rent the "sportsman range." I'll bring a grill, and a bunch of us can make a day of it. $20/head should cover it.
  6. for rattle-can jobs: - buy that little gun dohicky that clips onto the spray can bottle. Your index finger and thumb will thank you. - prime the bike white or grey first, just to have a uniform color so you can see the coverage better. - more thin coats are better than a couple of thick coats. Leave ample dry/cure time! - rattle-can clear isn't bad to apply. I did 2 coats. wish I'd done more. could only have helped the durability.
  7. The amount hasn't been disclosed. Rover asked her point-blank on the radio if it was a million. She said she didn't want to discuss anything financial, but then said "at least" a million. That could just be her saving face though. Would you want to admit you took it in the ass for the world to see and didn't get a million out of it? (rhetorical question, please...)
  8. just registered for another Tough Mudder... I've worked out once since completing the last one 3 weeks ago. My run/pullups/pushups yesterday were harder than anticipated. I'm thinking that's a combination of the prolonged break, lots of boozing during said break, and the fact that my quads are very very sore from racing the XR on saturday.... Oh well - August 24, here I come. Time to get back out and run again.
  9. I just don't understand why he would ignore me. If it's sold, that's cool - take down the CL ad. I told him as much on the voice mail I left him. If I see the ad disappear, I'll stop calling...
  10. As if Farrah Abraham was ever going to college...
  11. I've decided not to worry any more about the tire until the motherfucking seller calls me back. I really don't understand this kind of shit. The guy's ad says "I want it out of my garage ASAP." I contacted him teh day he posted the ad (Friday) and said, "I'm racing Saturday, but I could take a look Sunday." He emails back and says "Sunday will work." I respond asking what time, and where he lives, and get complete silence. So I didn't sweat it, because I was racing Saturday, and ended up buying a new lawnmower and cutting the lawn Sunday. I thought of calling the guy, but if he's a church-goer, I thought I'd wait until after 1:00. then I forgot. Monday I was in Columbus all day for swearing-in. So I called Tuesday, and left him a voice mail. As of now, I have not gotten any emails or phone calls since last Friday. why won't this guy take my goddamn money!
  12. Is it that hard to stay under 100mph? I wish we had variable speed limits... There is no reason to go 60mph when the road is completely straight, and completely empty. If there's a lot of traffic, sure, 60 makes sense, but the same road can be navigated safely at drastically varying speeds, depending on time of day, weather, traffic, and the vehicle being used. It doesn't make sense to me to pigeon-hole a given stretch of highway with a single speed limit...
  13. The wife and I drove by the house (by accident) on our way home from dinner. What a ghetto cluster-fuck... 200 people who don't have to work tomorrow, staring at a house and blocking the street. people were literally just standing in the street. The cops were eating pizza out of a box on the hood of the squad cars, presumably waiting on a search warrant.
  14. Hi. Tour on down to Circleville for a race day :-)
  15. pffft... nobody races in the 750 class unless they're a 600 rider who needs more than 2 classes a weekend! just kidding. Nice ride.
  16. having a really hard time finding the BT-090 in 18" rear. Based on the chart linked prior, I know they make (made) it, but I can't find them in stock anywhere... The FZR seller isn't returning my emails right now anyway. I'll give him a call tomorrow or Tuesday.
  17. it just takes practice. As for which foot up, there are pros and cons to both. for max safety, keeping your right foot up would allow you to drag the rear brake if you really loft the front wheel too high. If you keep the left foot up, you're ready to grab 2nd gear whenever you want. You did what the car guys would call a "bog-n-go" launch. That's sometimes preferable in high-powered cars, to avoid wheel spin. For bikes, it's less effective, but it does save your clutch. That's actually how Josh Hayes retired from race 1 at Daytona this year. He said he slipped the clutch longer than he normally would, because he saw Cardenes pulling up along side him. If he'd dumped the clutch and bogged it a bit, he would have saved the clutch, and not retired with mechanical failure.
  18. if you braked and hit it, that means you probably would have been long gone before it crossed your path if you had just kept doing 40.
  19. is it easier or harder to ride than an XR100? the position is just all wrong on the XR. I have to really really concentrate on dropping my shoulders and head into the turn. I thin it will build excellent habits for any bike with a more aggressive riding position.
  20. Those both look like great options. Thanks. I'm also exploring the possibility of a rear wheel swap to a 17", but that obviously requires the purchase of another rim. Either tire above is probably a cheaper route.
  21. MotoSeries round 1 is today, so some people may have been at Nelson doing Saturday practice. I'm sure more people will grid up in a couple of weeks. I have to learn to turn left before then...
  22. it's called Put OUT Bay. And it's like spring break for 40 yr old white women... Honestly, I've been there 3 or 4 times in the last couple of years, and it has always been fun. There are indeed some douches, but that can be said almost anywhere. We just always try to rent a house that "sleeps 13" and then cram it with 20 people. Then you cab it to the bar, and fill half the place yourselves.
  23. May be buying a bike today... Otherwise, I may be able to sneak out and catch the afternoon races. Stay safe and have fun.
  24. '93 FZR 600 I'm thinking I can find something that will work. I was hoping for something sportier than BT-45's, but I am familiar with them. I did track days on BT45's with my EX500. They were great for a guy who had never been on track before. I'm less sure they would perform optimally now... But as noted, I wouldn't be looking to set the world on fire, just go out and have fun. The bike would mostly be a toy. If I want to seriously get back into the (big) track game, I would need a more purpose-built bike. After riding the XR100 in anger for the first time yesterday, I'm more and more impressed with what a less capable bike can do in somewhat capable hands. That said, it has taken me a couple of crashes to get used to the bike's (and the tires') limits. (even at the track) I don't have the luxury of crashing a street bike without much more serious consequences and costs.
  25. Well, my first time on a kart track started off humbling. Pretty sure I crashed in the third or fourth lap of practice. Spent the next 8 laps trying to regain some confidence, and finally found some in the first F4 race. By the end of the day, I was happy with my progress, if not with my pace :-)
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