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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I am finding decent options in 160/60/18, I just don't know much about any of the models I've found. I'll do the math later, to see just how much the geometry will change going from 140/60 to 160/60, but it's over a centimeter. I can combat that a bit by running a taller front (120/70 instead of 110/70), and then dropping the forks (if possible). Then my concern becomes "will the front tire rub the fender when it stands up at speed?" That was an issue on the F2, depending on what make of fender you bought. Not sure on stock.
  2. Looking at an old Yamaha. Stock tire is 140/60/18 I am assuming I can fit a 160/60/18 and raise the rear for quicker handling (may drop the forks to compensate a tad), so 140, 150, and 160 are all potential options, but 140 is preferable (I know I'm dreaming) Thoughts? I want a decent sport tire...
  3. so you're saying I didn't need to hide all that cash from my wife? ...looks like somebody's getting a carry weapon
  4. with a better launch, it might have been a race.
  5. That's a bad day... The rider is screwed. That's a crash, a citation (or two, or three), plus his insurance company isn't going to be happy paying for the two bicycles that probably cost as much as his SV when you add them together; then injuries to the cyclists, or at the very least, the cost of the ambulance ride.
  6. nobody updated this with the new info that 3 more suspects were arrested today? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/breaking-boston-police-three-boston-marathon-bombing-suspects-151027478.html
  7. Like I said, it's undeniably cool, it just wouldn't fit my needs as a primary-use street bike. If it were a second or a third street bike, I'd be seriously interested. A guy could lose his voice at bike nights explaining to everyone what it is when they ask. It's too nice to cut up for a project, or I'd consider that route.
  8. I'll be at CRP saturday, but if the wife will let me, maybe I'll sneak down on Sunday and get even out the sun-burn that inevitably happens on my hands, neck, and face when I'm wearing leathers all day.
  9. It's awesome to see someone working in the field they've trained for. Watch out for these guys: <embed src="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/player.swf" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="id1=1012898" wmode="opaque" width="567" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" />
  10. that's so cool. I have always kicked around the idea of having a bike from the year I was born. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the performance (or looks) would really work for me on a daily basis. Still an awesome piece of history.
  11. I wouldn't mind being a cop. Wonder if it would pay enough to be worth my while with law school loans hanging over my head. Not sure I have the temperament for it. But my point is that we can't expect an ultra-high level of competency from a profession that requires a high-school diploma, and 6 months of police academy... I have 7.5 years of college education, and I still couldnt' keep up with every new development in the law if I were on patrol 12 hours a day.
  12. Let them try to make it right, but the more I learn from working on the XR100, the more brave I start to feel about working on a bike with four times as many carburetors... Youtube is your friend. Last night I spent 2 minutes searching, and 5 minutes learning how to sync carbs. Doesn't look that tough. Everything is hardest the first time you try it. I cleaned the XR carb, and it took an hour (with gas spilled all over my work bench...). When I opened it back up to change the jets and needle, I had done more work than the first time, with a third of the time spent. Plus now that's one more thing I know how to do... The time spent learning a little online is worth way more than paying a mechanic who may or may not screw it up anyway. And consider Pauly or Hoblick in the future. They don't have nearly the mark-up of larger shops, and their reputations are important to them among ORDN members.
  13. Seems like they could only help. Especially if you accidentally drag a knee on the street. In a crash, they couldn't hurt, but I have always slid on my hip across pavement, and tumbled in grass
  14. So you're saying you know everything there is to know about your profession? Cops know what they deal with regularly, and do what they have to to be effective. That can lead them to bad habits that violate the rights of innocent parties, but it's not like there aren't consequences for that. Plus, depending on the facts, whether or not someone has broken the law is debatable. If everything were as cut and dry as you're making it sound, criminal trials would not exist.
  15. I prefer 6 cheap bikes to one expensive bike. I am debating between first gen bandit 1200, SV650, and Tuna has an F3 for sale cheap that I like. I plan to build a "sport standard" for street use and light track duty. I'm gravitating toward SV's and F3's though, because their lack of hooligan power is compensated by the fact that I could race either with WERA, and probably surprise some 600 super bike newbs with MotoSeries.
  16. So you're implying he deserves the chance? Despite the fact that 2 NFL teams have thought differently, and none of the other NFL teams wanted to trade anything for him? I just have to believe that the people who evaluate NFL talent for a living may know a few things we don't.
  17. I'm applying at the prosecutor's office, so if that goes well, I WILL actually end up schooling cops, but it will be because they didn't know the law when they arrested someone else... But for reals, don't argue with cops. Even if you're right, it won't matter until you're in court. Pleading your case on the street, or in the back of a car rarely goes well. Police officers have a hard job. The vast majority do what they think is right ...but they make mistakes, and they're not always clear on criminal procedure, even when they're right about the law. I have the luxury of being able to look up laws, court opinions, etc. Expecting police to know it all is beyond unrealistic.
  18. Who else is coming out this weekend for Round 2? This will be my mini-moto debut. The Anderson Door Racing XR100's are for sure in stock XR. JB's still licking his wounds after crashing in round 1, so I'm not sure he's in for F4, but I will probably do both classes unless something changes in the next 3 days. I can just show up with a wad of cash, buy my license, pay for races, rent a transponder, etc., right?
  19. The NESBA event organizers used to talk about "the 3 stages of Nelson" 9:00 sesssion (stage 1): "this place is a fucking HOLE. I can't believe I paid for this..." 11:00 session (stage 2): "this layout is awesome. It's a shame the surface is so shitty." 2:00 session (stage 3): "This place is really fun. I'm terrified of what might happen if put a tire off the race line, but this place is FUN!" Honestly, I think it's a better track for street bikes at track days than it is for racing... Softer suspension and less urgency to pass makes Nelson a lot safer. Then again, I've done more races there than trackdays, and only crashed there at a trackday
  20. I should start by apologizing to everyone for the 40 or 50 times I've said I "might make it out" to X group ride, race weekend, trackday, social gathering, etc. and then bitched out due to school. I am finally, totally, and completely done. Graduation was December 26th, the bar exam was February 26-28, and results were published April 26th. Suffice to say, I will NOT need to be taking it again. ...I will also be charging you all $50 per post in the "politics" section, and for any other free legal advice solicited But for real, I hope to land a job ASAP, have a street bike after the 2nd or 3rd paycheck clears, and be out riding and hanging out with you fine folks a LOT more often than I have over the last 4 years. I may even get my funds back in order enough to do some MotoSeries and WERA rounds eventually!
  21. Nothing wrong with a 14 on track. Just have some restraint on the back straight! Not only is the surface a bit "green" exiting the keyhole, but a 14 will be MOVING by the end of that back section. Gravel traps are bad, mmmkay? Brake at the first marker until you get a handle on it. Maybe even stay in 4th gear...
  22. I hope he can hold a clip board well, eh. I wouldn't mind him here as a backup/TE an some offensive variety. Bring back the wild-cat! This is assuming we get him cheap though. Like $9 mil, 3 years, half that guaranteed, and potential for $12 mil with incentives.
  23. Without all the facts, no one can answer this question. If he was charged with crimes the facts don't support, then he has nothing to worry about. What the police tell you you're charged with is more of a suggestion to the prosecutor. The cop isn't the one who has to tr the case.
  24. Blasts are cool with the big bore kits. Otherwise, the EX is way faster. Liquid cooling FTW.
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