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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. 1,000 is plenty when there is still supply available. As supply dwindles, your stockpile should increase, and unnecessary use should decrease. I keep a thousand rounds on hand, but if supply starts dropping, I would up that to 5,000 in a hurry, and try to work toward 10,000 as it becomes available.
  2. "The American republic will endure until congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." Alexis De Tocqueville
  3. Where, exactly, did this source find the super secret ban list? I suspect this is all a ruse to get a rise out of gullible firearm enthusiasts.
  4. damn, depending on what OMRL class this is legal for, this might be highly desirable if I can finally sell my RR. I've had 2 or 3 people emailing me about it. Will keep you in mind if it sells.
  5. I suppose that is accurate if the government is using its own DOT workers to do the repair. If it's contracting with private parties to complete the work, they have not created a job, they've just been a customer for a private company. The private company actually did the job-creating.
  6. I think what he means is that the DEMAND is artificially stimulated when Uncle Sam decides to rebuild a bridge. That's not really creating a job, it's creating a project. The government isn't making a job, they're just acting as a customer. The construction company who will complete the job already existed and had employees. Perhaps that project allows them to keep some people on and avoid layoffs, and perhaps it even allows them to hire more people, but for how long? If they keep those people on forever, then the government has legitimately created a job. If they're laid off again after the bridge (or whatever) is complete, then you're seeing the summary argument for why "stimulus" only amounts to "spend-ulus," and all you have to show for it is a new bridge rather than a lasting stronger economy. On the flip side of that coin, loosening the burden on employers would theoretically allow them to hire more people permanently. While it's slower to start, the effect would be created by real consumer demand, rather than artificially bubbled by a government infusion of cash and demand.
  7. if anyone gives a shit, I'm fine with either date. I only have 1 scheduled exam this semester (2 additional take-home exams, and my research paper), but that's on 12/13, so by the 15th, I'll either be totally fucking done with law school, or frantically trying to finish said research paper so I can graduate... Either way, I should theoretically be available to spend some time drinking and bullshitting, even if I don't have anything major to work on.
  8. Unless the NRA falls apart, I'm not worried about guns ever being banned in this country. Maybe there will be legislation requiring registration, restricting 'assault' rifles, and restricting magazine sizes, but there will never be an outright ban on guns in America. While all that would suck, a breach load shotgun and/or muzzle load rifle is all any of us really requires to survive and defend our home. The notion that we can repel our government should they choose to use force against us is laughable. In that regard, gun ownership is merely symbolic. When it comes to defending yourself and your family from other citizens, then the right becomes real, and any restrictions only hurt those who are already willing to abide by the laws. The only remaining question is "would you become an outlaw to defend yourself from outlaws?"
  9. sleeper cars are fun, but I prefer they look like pieces of shit to be true sleepers. A guy who lived down the street from me in college had all sorts of stuff done to his older Taurus SHO. The Yamaha V6 it had was horribly unreliable, but it was cool when it ran. Plus some people know jack-shit about cars... I lived with a guy whose daddy bought him a (then) new Mustang convertible that he thought was fast as hell. I pointed out that it had the same 4.0 liter V6 that was in the Explorer he had recently wrecked. He looked at me like I had 2 heads. Anyway, that old beater SHO would DESTROY the V6 mustang in a drag race. This irritated my roommate to no end, and I'm sitting here laughing just remembering how funny it was.
  10. I'm too lazy too find the actual quote or propely attribute it, but the gist is that Democracy always fails once people realize that they can vote for the government to give them things. It's the beginning of the end of democracy. Not the end of America, but certainly a transition. Candidates are winning by promising to take care of us, and for whatever misguided reason, many Americans are viewing that as a good thing. What I think they fail to fully understand is that, on a scale of 1-10, the government can only provide us with a "3 or 4" level of existence, but we're all free to achieve a 10 on our own. Things start to look a lot like communism when the government is providing for everyone. Everyone will be more equal. Equally poor. yay?
  11. Someone has a PIMP RC8 for sale on the NESBA board. Any buyers might be interested.
  12. And while I agree that these are adults who should be able to handle their own shit, neither does. Wife's boss is 28 going on 17, and my friend (god love him) has a long history of destructive relationships, including the marriage he's still in the process of dissolving. Wife's boss is 2 months out of a multi year relationship as well. She's banged 4 guys (that we know about) in the last 2 months. It's like I'm living in a sexually charged middle school.
  13. I realize this shouldn't be my problem, or my wife's, but her boss is trying to use both if us as a go-between to test the waters for a future hookup. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I am flat out telling my wife's boss "ask him yourself. He hasn't even admitted to me that anything went down." (All true) She is not hearing it, and although its not a mess yet, I anticipate this messing with future social gatherings. At this point, my attitude is "fuck it. Lets ambush them by making sure they have to confront each other by getting them in the same place without telling the other one they'll be there." The big issue is that my wife and I are on the same page. I you'll recall, things were pretty strained between us a few months back. That's been better. I aim to keep it that way.
  14. i believe the Versa is either the least expensive, or second least expensive new car available in the US when you're talking base prices. That said, it isn't a bad car, there is just nothing you'd ever rave about either. Motor Trend compared it to a Kia model (the two least expensive new cars on the market), and while they were impressed overall with both "for the price," that was a backhanded compliment at best. For a teenage daughter, it would be safe, reliable, efficient, cheap, and pretty uninspiring to drive. Sounds about perfect.
  15. the kizashi is actually a nice sedan, and i dont think a rebadged Nuissan Frontier is much of an insult either. i also liked their small suv. sucks
  16. I am only familiar with the County vehicles. The highway patrol is a separate entity, as are municipalities. The County Sheriff who gave me a ride to lunch in his supervisor's unmarked Charger said it had a V6. The marked units may have V8's, but it wouldn't shock me if the V6 was a budgetary consideration. the 3.5 isn't a bad engine.
  17. All I know is that locally, they've been buying V6 chargers since the crown Vic went off the market, and the sheriffs don't like the chargers. Too cramped. As far as bikes, they're all HD's in Cleveland. I nearly saw one rear end a guy he was pulling over.
  18. Sean Brennan is now Parma City Counsel President. I don't agree with his politics in many cases, but I believe in his integrity. I'd like to think he would put a stop to that kind of crap if he were aware of it. That said, I think he was a ward representative back in 2003 as well Corruption is the kind of BS that the unions should be coming down on HARD themselves to protect the image of the good cops. Instead they try to protect the corrupt ones. I don't know how the system got to be so ass backward. Hell, I should just call myself a Democrat and run with completely conservative policies. I bet 90% of the voters don't even pay attention to the policies...
  19. So the system works - she showed her receipt, and got her firearms back. That's different than the scenario I described though. I didn't know people just called the cops and said "i want this gun gone," but apparently that happens in East Cleveland with relative frequency. It's generally garbage firearms, but for free, why wouldn't they just keep them? It may violate some department protocol, but there's no way to account for firearms that aren't issued by the department. If they're confiscated, that's different, because it should be in the report. If they're voluntarily surrendered, why would there ever be a record?
  20. Yeah, I just spent the last hour or so looking into who to contact and making a to-do list for the whole deal. As an added bonus, my State Representative is a local attorney who has worked in the office I'll be applying to in May. I was totally into this just as a safety initiative, but it could end up being a seriously impressive resume builder, and might lead to a hell of a reference from a State Representative in the same party as my future boss... I'll start a thread devoted to the project when it becomes a reality. I want to make sure nothing gets shaken up in tomorrow's election before contacting anyone.
  21. I was thinking about this thread earlier, and I may email an Ohio Congressman (State House, not Federal) after the election and offer to draft an amendment to the ORC that would allow for (not provide) motorcycle officers to wear proper safety gear. At the same time, I would approach a manufacturer like Pilot Leathers (possibly a group of vendors) and see if they'd be interested in designing a 2-piece suit that complies with the amended uniform requirements in my proposed legislation. I understand the law, and I understand motorcycle gear. I'm not an LEO, but I think I could talk to a couple motorcycle cops and accommodate 99% of their needs while still substantially improving their level of protection on a bike. In my mind, protection is piece is already solved by the leather manufacturers, but the police uses and visibility concerns would need to be adequately addressed. It could be a huge (no-cost) PR win for some Ohio Politician. Pro-police, and wouldn't cost taxpayers anything unless municipalities wanted to spring for the gear, or officers bought their own. That provides a unique opportunity for a vendor to jump in and make a heroic PR move at the same time. "police" compliant leathers available to LEO's for $200 a pop with a minimum order quantity. (or something similar). I really think it could be win/win, but the first step is amending the uniform guidelines to even ALLOW for the market to exist.
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