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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. The 696 is the rich man's SV650. Obviously there's a bit more than the Ducati decal and the extra 46cc's that make it more expensive than an SV650, but not enough to justify the price IMHO. Pauly's wife has or had a 696. Personally, I'd prefer more power if it was an option. Air-cooling keeps things a bit tame in the hp department. Monster 900, you'd have me sold.
  2. 93+ ZX6 and ZZR600 are definitely on the list as well. Seems like a lot of people value them pretty high though when selling.
  3. What size rims are in the FZR? Is it an 18" rear? Seems like track worthy rubber would be hard to find in a 140 rear even if its a 17" rim.\ **edit - wikipedia says 18" rear with 140 width. That is my concern with it, otherwise it looks like a great bike.
  4. Just want to start a discussion on the best cheap bike options. We could get all scientific and score each bike based on performance, reliability, availability of parts, and ease to work on, and then add up the scores; or we can just speak anecdotally about what bikes we like. Either is fine. No purchases on the horizon for me until my current ride sells, but I like 'shopping' bikes for fun. I've noticed that the cheapest bikes are generally older cruisers, but occasionally there are some 90's bikes for under a grand that I wouldn't mind owning. I'll start: 2nd Generation ('94-09) Kawasaki EX500. Can be had for around $1500 all day long with reasonable mileage. Parts are everywhere. Performance is so-so. Acceleration is good, but not great. Faster than most cruisers, but not by a lot. Reliability is good until 20k, and handling is... well, the frame is a noodle, and tire choices in stock sizes are limited at best. 90's honda 600's (F2/F3) I've seen these for as cheap as $600 when they've sat for a while, but more like $2200 in good shape. Parts are slightly more scarce, but not too difficult to find. They have 80+ hp at the wheel if you tune them well, and probably closer to 90. Reliability seems to be good as well, and handling is great for the era. They run the same tire sizes as an SV650, so rubber selection is still pretty good. I'll toss the GS500 and EX250 into the mix as well. Reliability is good for both, and they handle well, but the lack of power makes them somewhat impractical if 2-up riding is any kind of consideration. The thing is, they're usually not much less expensive used than an EX500 or even an older 600... others?
  5. Pauly beat me to it - i was going to suggest just using a spare rotor, or something of similar thickness. The calipers just have to be squeezing something. It doesn't have to be a brake rotor. Heck, you could take off the rear wheel and use the front caliper to grab the rear rotor if you really don't have anything around that is proper thickness.
  6. track days on an FZ6 would still be pretty fun. I'd rock an FZ6 for sure if I could find one that's been crashed (read cheap).
  7. I can respect the fact that he wants to be around while his daughter(?) grows up, but that doesn't have to mean drastic changes. He could run his own team and make his own schedule. Pick and choose which tracks, bikes, etc. are safe enough for his liking. Or do the same with the car thing. but the fact is, he's a proven winner on 2 wheels. That will always be his best means of making money. Well, maybe not always, but for the next 5-10 years for sure.
  8. He's not quitting - he's making a point to Dorna. I don't know a lot about Casey Stoner's personal agenda, but I am sure he will be back riding professionally within 3 years. He may put on a little weight during his time off, but he won't be "out of shape." He may never come back to Moto GP, but he will make a living riding a motorcycle, either as a test/development rider, a school owner, or in some other series. Casey is a competitor, and while he has been criticized for whining and blaming others (or his bike) for his failures, I think he has shown that he wants to compete and win. Badly. He'll be back.
  9. Yeah, "talk" to you. Are you familiar with the term "blackout babies?"
  10. This whole experience makes me want to get a fireplace insert, and just not worry about wiring in the furnace.
  11. A lot depends on if you have gas or electric appliances too though. I have gas appliances, so all my generator really has to power is the electric spark to start it, the fans, and the thermostats... That's for oven and furnace. Can't be more than a few hundred watts.
  12. It's probably most economical to have a 2nd breaker box wired in with your throw out switch. The secondary breaker (off th power grid) only needs to be wired to certain outlets and essential appliances. I need a furnace and fridge, but I can go a week or two without a toaster or a dryer... A generator large enough to really power a WHOLE house is just overkill IMHO.
  13. That's totally different. If a given establishment wants to prohibit guns, that's their right to do so (and your right to patronize other establishments). This is about a lawsuit claiming that targeting criminals as customers is illegal.
  14. I generally agree. I was comfortable buying my bike because the original owner is still on the WERA board and gave me the full story about its history, and why the title was never transferred. Plus I have the physical certificate of title - just not in my name.
  15. This has real potential. I love it when a user's second post is insulting to a long-standing member, and full of spelling errors.
  16. so there is still no first-hand story where anyone has had a bill-of-sale bike confiscated simply for not being titled in their name. That was a repo of a stolen engine.
  17. It's not a scam, it's just a shitty deal. You have to do a bunch of dumb shit to get your "free" stuff and discounts. An example would be I get "sponsored" with some product, and then I have to do a video review of it and post it online. Once i get so many hits, they reimburse me for the purchase. Most people will have to work really hard to get anything for free.
  18. So we still don't know anyone who actually witnessed this happening? Has Tomato ever posted about it here? I remember the username, but I don't think I ever met him.
  19. P.S. - Officially, Cuyahoga County public offices are on a 2-hour delay, and won't open until 10:30. I was informed of this by email at 7:45 when I arrived at work. Cockgobblers...
  20. We started getting crazy wind yesterday afternoon. A lot of people lost power locally around 8 or 9 last night. We lasted until 4 AM. My power came back on at 7:30 (no less than 20 minutes after I woke up and got the generator all set up. fuck that shit.), but a lot of the Cleveland area is still in the dark. Lots of traffic lights out.
  21. who, and when? I have heard similar stories on multiple occassions, but it's always third-hand knowledge, and no one has ever actually witnessed it. I don't believe this happens with any frequency whatsoever. Hell, I went across the US/Canada border with my bike, and it's not registered in my name. I told them as much, because they were asking if we intended to sell the bikes. "no sir. I can't sell it. It's not titled in my name." They just asked what I was doing with someone else's motorcycle, and I told them that because it's only used on the track, there is no reason for me to title it or register it. There's nothing illegal about being in possession of someone else's property when you have the owner's permission. (we were using a borrowed trailer at that point too. They just asked if we had the owner's permission) I suppose they could have called the number on record for the last registered owner, but given that it's a dealership that has been out of business for 5+ years, I don't think that would have gotten them anywhere... If it's not stolen, and you're reasonably sure it won't be reported stolen in the future (a bill of sale from the previous owner would prove that they voluntarily surrendered it to you), then no worries.
  22. Will law enforcement just do that for you? Any vehicle should come back to the last registered owner. Technically, whoever that is could still report the vehicle stolen at any time. They would need the VIN to do so though, so if the title was legitimately lost or destroyed, there shouldn't be any worry about that.
  23. However unethical it may be to mass-produce affordable firearms that thugs can easily purchase, it's not illegal... Even if you assume that Hi-Point is doing exactly what this suit accuses and makes weapons that they intend to be purchased by criminals, it's going to be impossible to show that only criminals bought them. There are people on this site who have (legally) purchased Hi-Point firearms, and use them (legally) at the range, for home defense, etc. You can't restrict that lawful behavior simply because criminals can also afford the same weapon. That logic would effectively make any cheap product that can be used as criminal tool illegal. "Kia rio's should be illegal, because they encourage poor people to use them as getaway cars in robberies" and so on and so forth... Trying to blame the manufacturer for the behavior of a certain purchasing demographic simply won't work.
  24. You still can. I work with a lesbian who has gay clients lining up to utilize the estate planning services of "someone who understands where they're coming from." I don't kjnow what being a lesbian has to do with her legal knowledge, but it's a tight-knit community. Apparently gay people refer each other to her.
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