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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. if you've got a bunch of money, sure. If not, buy a bike that's already set up and a few years older. I won't pimp my bike here, but something from the pre 2005 era with all the track goodies (bodywork, rearsets, exhaust, levers, bodywork, damper, etc.) will cost you less, and it will still be more bike than most people need for the track.
  2. Fair enough, but he can still mis-judge a turn and go in hotter than his skill level allows. While you can never eliminate that possibility, if a new rider can safely maneuver a given turn at 50mph, a 250 only allows you to screw up that turn with a 50mph margin of error. the max you would need to "panic brake" is from 100 to 50 before making the turn. (100mph top speed - 50 to get to 50) a liter bike widens that margin for error by up to 80mph (180mph top speed - 130 to get to 50. 130-50 = 80) Yes, common sense can reign that in, but if there's anything YouTube has taught us it's that common sense isn't so common. I did things on my EX500 that would have ended in a crash on a 600. I can say that with virtual certainty.
  3. hasn't screwed up YET. I'm not saying the bike is ever at fault, nor am I saying that it's impossible for someone to start on a liter bike and not crash. Of course it can be done, the liter bikes just add to the ways you can mess up. For a total newb on a 250, you can already: - tip over - lock the front wheel - endo over the bars - mis-judge a turn - be going too fast and out-ride your skillset larger bikes just add the potential for more speed into the last two points on that list, and on a powerful enough bike, they add in additional ways to mess up, namely: - accidental power wheelies/looping the bike (I'll concede that you can still dump the clutch and wheelie a small bike, but not power-wheelie it) - spinning the rear wheel - tank-slappers The issues immediately above are virtually impossible on a bike with 50 or so horsepower. There are enough ways for a new rider to make a mistake on a small bike. A larger bike just adds additional methods of fucking yourself. At the same time, the potential for higher speeds (150+ versus 100 or 115 is a HUGE difference) allows new riders to get in deeper and even further over their heads. No new rider needs a bike that is capable of more than double the speed limit on the highway. "we don't have a problem with high performance bikes so much as low-performance riders." Obviously a liter bike isn't an automatic death-sentence for a new rider, but it definitely doesn't tilt the odds in his or her favor either.
  4. I'm with Brian on this one. I agree that liter bikes are a bad idea for new riders, but this wasnt a power-induced mistake. He didn't hit the trailer at 100mph, and a 250 can hit 100... He should never have been on a group ride to begin with, and frankly "experienced" riders often fuck up and make mistakes on group rides as well. The bikes ahead blocked his view. Bad mistake on a ZX10, bad mistake on a 250.
  5. If the wife approves, I might grab this. It will become hers when I find (and can afford) an SV. The odds of her approving are slim though:(
  6. oh, and that whole "no leathers" thing sounds pretty sketchy too... If you're just looking for a place to wind the bike out at an aggressive street pace, then maybe, but if you're doing a burnout and chasing times, I'd wear leathers.
  7. fixed rearsets and bar-ends can dig into asphalt pretty easily. A tank-slap situation is entirely possible in drag-race conditions, and the more powerful bikes could easily get out of the "groove" and spin the rear in 3rd gear at over 100mph. Crashes happen. Granted, in a straight line, the bike is probably going to stay on 2 wheels and hit a wall way down the track, but it's totally possible for someone to wheelie and loop the bike at launch and sky the bike right at the start line.
  8. redkow97


    Every NFL team has fans that take shit too far. I got my head smashed into a wall while taking a piss at a redskins game in 2009. Prior to that, everyone had been really nice. I've not been personally attacked at a Bengals game, but I've witnessed Browns fans be assaulted. Let's not pretend there aren't a-hole Bengals fans as well. My biggest gripe with the bengals is that the stadium is half empty even when the team is decent. There may be more browns fans than bengals fans in the seats next weekend.
  9. redkow97


    It took you this long to expect disappoinent? I said 2-14 weeks ago. This game really wasn't as bad as it could have been. I predicted 42 to 13 with the browns lone TD coming late in the 4th quarter when it no longer mattered. Neither QB had a good game. But that's what rookies do.
  10. Definitely illegal to use, and likely illegal just to have it installed. May as well just plan your hooliganism better and remove your plate in advance, or simply tape over it for a fraction of what that will cost.
  11. Understood, but that's not a habit you want to get into and then find out that it's a reflex on a bigger bike at greater speed. think of it as handling a BB gun like an AR15 in the interest of building good habits early.
  12. what's your budget? a platform that will hold a bike is easy to build. Adding 4 of these makes it raise, lower, and roll around. http://www.harborfreight.com/1000-lb-swing-back-trailer-jack-41005.html
  13. birthday party for my "niece" on saturday, but I might be able to make it for a race or two on Sunday. Not likely, but possible. Friday would also be an option for me. the price is right for sure.
  14. keep in the habit of covering the rear brake. You might need it some day http://youtu.be/YiCHgOiLW9s
  15. little video. I am not the camera bike. He passes me while I'm waving to the photographer in T7 hahaha Someone went down in T1, so we were both backing off there, which kind of sucked, but otherwise it was a fun session I wasn't running a timer, but I figure 1:04's and 1:05's for the most part. http://youtu.be/uqCK0JlC0OU
  16. yeah, I found a 1971 CB350 locally for $600. I want it. Track bike needs to sell. Not that I have time for a project, but at least I'd have the money then :-P
  17. what kind of dog? And "epsilon" is spelled wrong in your sig.
  18. My dogs bark louder than a .22. Why suppress it? (sub)Urban pest control?
  19. The Phoenix Arms hp22a I posted about earlier is about the same price and gets much more favorable reviews online. the primary complaints are minor, and can be remedied with simple modifications. They do have a reputation for cracking with "hyper-velocity" ammo, but they handle bulk federal and remington just fine. If I were employed (full time) I'd have one already. Haven't looked that hard.
  20. The "sugar high" is a total myth, so don't waste your money on the candy bars next time. Caffeine legitimately makes you more alert, and coffee still has the most caffeine by volume. Energy drinks are usually just larger containers than your typical cup of coffee. Caffeinated gum is convenient while riding.
  21. Without making this a caliber debate, no one is going to stop and ask "is that a .22?" and then stick around to get shot at if you say yes... There is no debating that other rounds will make a bigger hole in a bad guy, or make him dead quicker in many cases. I still like the Phoenix Arms HP22A with the short barrel (although I would totally want the longer one for fucking around at the range too)
  22. rural home. 3 prior home invasions. I'm betting the "local" police are a pretty far away even if he had called. The ambulance was far enough away that a single .22 round killed the intruder before the paramedics arrived. Granted, there was no indication of how much time elapsed between the shot and the call. His age might also have something to do with why a .22 was the weapon of choice. No recoil. that's one of the big pros about a .22 for home defense. More likely to land more rounds, and not go def doing it...
  23. what power upgrades are there for a GS500 that get it anywhere near the performance of an EX500 engine? I like the GS chassis a ton, but the motor is good for ~37hp and really not much more. I mean, I'm sure you could spend a bunch making more power, but why would you want to when it's probably cheaper to just buy a more capable bike that handles just as well? if he wants a GS500, awesome - nothing wrong with those bikes in the least, but if he wants a GS500 with more power, it's called an SV650, or a Honda Hawk, or a Honda F2/F3, or any number of other bikes that will make more power (stock) and handle just as well.
  24. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/04/13664055-wwii-vet-92-kills-intruder-with-single-shot-in-kentucky?lite The highlights are: - Guy's farm has been burglarized 3 times, with cattle, guns, and tools stolen - hears intruders in his basement (which you can enter from the outside of the house), grabs rifle, and sits down in his recliner to wait for them (how awesome is that?) - intruders open basement door to enter the main floor of the home, takes a round in the chest. - 2 accomplices carry wounded robber off, drive away, and pull over to call for an ambulance. Wounded robber dies in the car. The only thing that really surprises me about this is that the guy went for the .22 when it would seem he likely had larger calibers available. I'm basing that on the fact that other guns have previously been stolen. I assume not ALL his other guns. Those two guys are effed too. If KY has a "felony murder" statute, they're going to be charged with their buddy's murder. No charges have been filed against the homeowner.
  25. i hate you all for making me want to register for races I cannot afford... I got baited into riding at BeaveRun Sunday and badly needed new tires. Probably could have survived the day, but my CR "friends" failed me at tech (which provides a valid excuse for the wife to justify new Power One's) Anyway, now that I have race tires with only 1 day on them, it would be a waste to let them sit in the garage all winter, right? RIGHT?
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