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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Craig, I really hope you're joking, or splitting hairs... People perceive wind as having a cooling effect because it speeds up the evaporation of moisture from our skin. Evaporation is a cooling process. But if you point a fan at a thermometer (or a bike) it has no effect whatsoever. Air temp is air temp. When a bike is RUNNING, wind still won't cool the bike below the ambient air temp; the wind just ensures that the air surrounding the radiator is constantly at ambient temp rather than allowing the engine and radiator to heat the air immediately surrounding it. It sort of creates an "air blanket" that wind disrupts - but if it's 50 degrees out, wind will never make the bike's temp drop to 49 or below. It's not possible.
  2. ^ the only thing that would have made this story better is if you could have dead-panned "cracka is OUR word."
  3. but the wind from transporting on the trailer makes it colder (if you're thinking to yourself, "wait, that makes sense," go punch yourself in the face) Have fun and stay safe tomorrow guys. Pimp my bike if anyone is looking. I'll buy some serious beers at that shitty bar if it sells.
  4. The driver will almost definitely lose his job, but I do question what the fuck they expect him to do... The girl was clearly begging to be punched in the face. That doesn't mean I think the driver should have done it though. I understand where he's coming front, but he's screwed. My only hope is that she doesn't win a civil suit against the RTA. That will cost the taxpayers plenty.
  5. And Jesus fucking Christ people, it's adviCe.
  6. I have experienced a throttle that sticks, but you can still manually close it by rolling your hand forward. Or just pull the clutch. Dumb way to crash.
  7. Congrats on your robotic dog.
  8. I would adviSe you to learn to spell adviCe before giving it.
  9. I believe they're Acura TSX's, which is just a civic or accord chassis. Nothing too spectacular. But I was also surprised they were 60mph slower than a 600 on the back straight.
  10. Hell, I've been riding for 6+ years, doing track days since 2008, racing the last couple of years, and I don't even need (or really want) anything bigger than an older 600 for street use. I'm no pro racer, but I consider myself quite competent on a motorcycle, and I could still get myself into trouble on a 'busa... My standard line is generally "that much power just adds additional ways you can make a mistake. Accidental power wheelies or spinning the rear wheel are seriously bad scenarios for ANY rider, let alone a newer rider." Furthermore, the potential for greater speed means that there's potential for more panic braking situations, which innevitably end with "had to lay 'er down" stories, if the rider is lucky enough to be conscious and speaking thereafter... My first bike was an EX500, and I can think of at least 3 times where I had close calls on THAT bike that would have been wrecks on a 600...
  11. I actually think 250's are horrible at track days. In a race, where everyone is on a 250, then they're fun as hell. Why wouldn't you be "caught dead on one?" They're fun bikes, and still pretty quick compared to most cars. I would guess sub 6 seconds to 60 and in the high 14's for the quarter mile. While those aren't corvette or even mustang numbers, they are comparable to many of the sports cars I wished I could afford in high school. He'll, someone trade me a running 250 + $2000 for my track bike, and I'll bring it out to some group rides and do my best to demonstrate how capable a 250 can be.
  12. I don't "get" sinking money into a cheap bike when a 650r is marginally more, but why all the hate for the 300? It looks to be a solid package. I know someone compared it to a civic as an insult, but I think that is somewhat accurate. Cheap, reliable, and if used properly, pretty fun. I would characterize it more as a Miata.
  13. redkow97


    Silly Duc owners and their adherence to the break-in "rules!" Just ride the thing and give it an oil change after the first thousand miles. Welcome (And for future reference, I refer to children under 5 as "crumb grabbers.")
  14. "the new wider 140 rear tire contributes to straight-line stability in wet and dry"??? that extra centimeter of width really makes a difference when the bike is straight up and down? come on... The bike looks great. The fact that they point out it steals styling cues from the ZX6, ZX10 and ZX14 is a surprising admission. But all that said, I'm sure it's a great little bike, but the looks sort of over-promise. And notably absent from that video was ANY mention of an adjustable suspension (my guess is all you get is preload adjustment for front and rear). Sex does sell, and suspension must not be sexy.
  15. Then practice circle burnouts!
  16. I read it to my dogs, but they didn't laugh.
  17. What, you don't have a yard? That's how I learned on my first bike.
  18. I don't even want to admit what I let my wife talk me into for this year...
  19. I was just joking with the "girl bike" comment. It's all how you ride it, or simply THAT you ride it. I'd rock a "ningette" 250 without shame, and I have known a few girls who could race an R1 pretty well (their endurance team name was "stripper glitter") I guess if I had a (serious) point, it's that bikes aren't cool, RIDING is cool. I get no joy from a bike that sits in my garage looking pretty. Pretty much every bike looks good from behind the bars. I'm sure we'll see you out an about next spring.
  20. Furthest I've gone for work was Denver or Phoenix. A friend of mine spent a couple months in Dubai when he worked for a drilling company.
  21. my wife posted this for work a few weeks back. The Oatmeal has some pretty funny stuff.
  22. Unless he knows he'll be moving the same 3 bikes all the time, the TRS might be a bit of a gamble at $250 a pop. but I'd definitely do 1 TRS in the center (for whatever bike you move the most) and then traditional chocks on either side for friends' bikes.
  23. based on a cursory google search, around 90hp is a pretty common claim with some tuning, and people CAN get close to 110 at the wheel, but I haven't seen anyone even claiming 115... The OP said he was skeptical too, so he's not the one making that claim either. for a 550 lbs. bike with a 5 speed gear box, that's really not a ton of power though. The performance is probably comparable to an EX500 with regard to acceleration and top-speed. (12-13 second quarter mile, and around 115mph terminal velocity) I thought the point of cruisers was to cruise, not compare dyno sheets! If cruiser guys were concerned with performance, they wouldn't be buying cruisers...
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