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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. You have just demonstrated why upgrading a 250 is a bad idea. I'm all for springing a bike for your weight, but that's a few hundred bucks. Now you've got $1500 sunk that you won't get back.
  2. Brian - call Kurak tire on Broadview. Not sure if it's technically in Seven Hills or Parma, but every time I have needed tires I have called around, and Kurak is always a few bucks a tire cheaper. Nice people too. (216) 741-8100 I wouldn't necessarily call that a "hookup," but like I said, they always seem to be $8-15 less than everyone else I call. No "buy 3 get 1" gimmicks or any BS like that.
  3. I am baffled as to how you blew T4 so gracefully! You were so upright in the grass, I can't believe you couldn't keep it on track. Did you freak out and give up a little? Seems like you would have been fine if you'd put your chin down and resigned yourself to staying on track. Have a little faith!
  4. Especially if the LEO is getting overtime to be there. I still believe the pressure exists to pull in more ticket revenue. I like LEO's, but I hate the union mentality that some of them exhibit. In cuyahoga county, public employees' pension amount is based off their "top 3" years of earning. It had never occurred to me until a detective said this to me, but "my top 3 years might be in my mid 30's even though I'll be making a much higher base when I'm 50 years old. If i hustle and put in a lot of overtime one year, that's probably one of my top 3. Who wants to work their ass off when they're a few years away from retirement?" ...so the guy basically admitted that the people who are close to retiring just don't give a shit, because their pension is already vested, and the percentage was secured years ago. Makes me think they might want to go to "last" 3 years instead of "top" 3. The two should be synonymous when it comes to base pay. If they want overtime, great, not going to tell cops they don't deserve that, but it shouldn't be a reason to slack later in their career.
  5. yeah, i've routinely said, "Henry isn't stopping any intruders unless they trip over him in the dark."
  6. I really just need to find someone with a $1500-$2000 street bike who wants to do a trade plus some cash...
  7. Beaverun has a kart track, and there is some place around Columbus. Probably other places that I am unaware of too. But the track/race fees are soooo cheap, you can travel way further and still spend less
  8. Someone buy my track bike! SV street bike + xr100 race bike sounds pretty sweet... And I could still do "big" tracks on the SV every now and then.
  9. what's a realistic budget for an XR100 build?
  10. the track itself has great wet grip. if it's damp, just be careful and feel your way around accordingly. If it's actively raining, there will be water running across the track as you come down the hill in T7. You're normally rolling on the gas there. Stand the bike up and go neutral throttle for that part. Otherwise just use ordinary caution for less than 100% conditions. The braking zone into T1 is uphill the first 70% of the way, but drops downward again for the last 30%, so get your braking done early if it's wet. The braking off the back straight is also down-hill. Otherwise just don't highside yourself exiting the carousel, or as you crest T6, and you're good. Q2's do fine in the rain. Ass way off the bike, and bike as straight up and down as you can keep it. Slow and somewhat bored is better than fast and somewhat wrecked!
  11. "we was singing songs and shit" did get me to laugh though.
  12. RACIST! Assuming it was summer school just because it was a black kid and "20 other little nigglets." (good student to teacher ratio though)
  13. unless you're REALLY loading the bike down with a ton of luggage and a second person, the C14 seems like a ton of overkill... Why do you need a touring bike that does 0-60 in under 3 seconds? I'd want to keep it under 5 seconds, but I have to think a liter bike (or thereabouts) would be plenty. Isn't the Triumph ST a 955 triple? That seems like just about the perfect blend of torque and horsepower.
  14. Where'd he hit the deer? Just curious how much meat it's actually penetrating. My guess is you'd have to be pretty close to penetrate a deer's skull, but it would make it through the neck without much issue. On a chest shot, not so much.
  15. Home ownership isn't bad as long as you know what you're getting into. Sounds like you've got a good handle on it. And I assume the entire 3.5 acres isn't cleared, so mowing can't be THAT bad. the intro-level commercial cut (33") mowers are around a grand new, or if you want to go the really extreme route, you can spend a few grand on a tractor that's big enough to cut grass AND plow the driveway. Realistically though, most people just keep half an acre or so "nice" and then the rest is kept under control. My someday plan is to have an acre fenced in, and then a couple more acres to "play" on with bikes and guns.
  16. place looks nice. How much land? part of my 5 (maybe 10) year plan is to upgrade to a 4-bedroom place with 3+ acres in a better school district. I know I'll have to migrate a ways to do that, but my wife already works way out East, so that's looking like the direction we'll go.
  17. I wish the wife and I could make her our next foster project. If you've still got her in March, I'm your guy, but I won't be home enough until then... poor girl seems like a good dog on the verge of being a great dog.
  18. Does MotoSeries have an "enforcer" instructor? I mean someone to go out and pull people who are breaking the rules in, regardless of how fast they are? You can accomplish almost the same effect by just having the corner workers black-flag people, but for some reason people tend to listen better when they're being chastised by someone who caught up, passed them, and then turned around to glare at them and motion to pit-in... Psychological thing I guess. "don't tell me I'm breaking the rules unless you're faster than me."
  19. 20 minutes/hour is more than enough track time, especially when "A" isn't full. Going out for double sessions, or just being to lazy to go out at the right time is BS... Todd ought to be cracking down on the BS IMHO.
  20. the best thing about sumo's is that you can ride them ALL DAY at most kart tracks for $25... Definitely cuts down on the old trackday expenses. And you can burn the tires down to the cords.
  21. consider yourself lucky. ...unless you're into that sort of thing. Then just search away on the internet. You'll find much gayer.
  22. now i really hope no one buys my bike so I can just keep it. knock on wood, I'll have a "real" job again starting in May and will be able to race at least one weekend a month. Then I can beat all you clowns with your fancy $5k 2006+ bikes on my old honda. It looks like hell, but it GOES like hell too
  23. The dog may get you out, but most are not good training partners. Dogs want to go out fast and stop after a couple miles. There are plenty of online schedules for training for a half marathon. My brother was in town on Friday and we ran 8+ miles Saturday morning. I alternate between 3.x mile loops and a 5.2 mile "out and back" route averaging around 8 minute miles for the long loop. Doing 8+ miles at a 10 minute pace was pretty easy... So especially when time is at a premium, a faster 5-9 mile training routine will still allow you to finish a half marathon. In any case, you want to alternate LSD (long slow distance) with shorter runs at "race" pace.
  24. you think an owner who crashes his street bike before 3000 miles was a "careful" owner who didn't abuse the bike? (i'm not sure what 'abusing' the bike means when they're made to run at 17,000 RPM, but still...)
  25. won't be too far off? I will concede that converting a 2000 bike and 2012 bike to track form are both reasonably close as far as the cost of upgrades, but that's as far as I'll go... I mean, aftermarket rearsets for a 1999 R6 aren't that much cheaper than rearsets for a 2012 bike, but the cost of upgrading stuff is way more than buying pre-setup. You could buy a set-up 2008 bike for $5k-$6k no problem. This one is $4500, and although it doesn't have suspension, that would still keep you under $7k http://weraclassifieds.com/ads/2007-yamaha-r6-race-prepped/ The bike you're looking at is already over $3k, and you can't even ride it. Figure upgrades will be (approximately) - $300 for rearsets - $1200 for a shock - $400-$1200 for forks (depends on how nuts you want to go) - $200 clip-ons - $600 bodywork - $500 damper - your time and effort safety wiring - $150 SS brake lines - $250 adjustable levers - $400 power commander (no idea how much that costs, but i'm betting that's ballpark) - $600 full exhaust system that's all without looking, but it adds up QUICKLY. Now add that ON TOP of all the stock parts you may have to buy to get the bike rideable. Case covers, a new rim, new forks? those are the common damages to salvaged bikes up for auction. If it's all bodywork and other stuff you would replace, then you're in a better spot, but still not the best...
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