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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. This. Riders discount and/or stg. Whichever has the size and model you want. Both will get you insane pricing.
  2. I can do that. It transitions directly into a crash, but I know I can power slide for at least a fraction of a second.
  3. Right on. And I bet those two know more about bikes than 80% of the other umbrella girls on the grid. That adds points
  4. I'm sure there will be other teams who have that same mentality. Just be prepared for a couple of groups that take it seriously, practice regularly, and have a legit pitching rotation. I found out the hard way that it's not very fun to get no-hit in whiffle ball by a team of 5.
  5. When they say "competitive," this is who registers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_rslXAXE6Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. Watch some video of competitive wiffle ball before you register. A good 3-man team will destroy a group of guys who just thought it sounded fun.
  7. If anyone plans to attempt this, a huge rear sprocket helps. Keeps the engine from bogging at slower speeds. He did that whole course in 1st gear with no clutch (that I saw).
  8. to some extent you get what you pay for. You're going to have a little picture distortion at the $300 price point. But basically there are only 4 major manufacturers of the actual SCREENS for modern LCD TV's. LED's might be different, but for LCD's: - LG (like the cell phone company. I believe the largest manufacturer as far as volume) - Visio (sells the most actual TV's, even though LG sells more screens. Bigger in Plasma than LCD or LED) - Sony (makes their own shit) - Samsung (makes their own shit, then sells the technology to the other companies after it's no longer new. IMHO, some of the best TV's if you can afford them) For a bedroom TV, I'd honestly just find the cheapest one that has a screen made by LG and call it a day... I bought mine years ago, and I literally looked at a Magnavox and a Polaroid that were both 32" LCD, and after a little research, I found that the screens were exactly the same. Literally from the same factory. Other stuff to consider with budget in mind: - how good of a signal are y ou going to be putting into it? Most HD satellite and cable channels are only broadcasting in 720. DVD's are also 720 (i've been told). So buying a 1080 (or whatever's better than that now) is only worth it if you watch a lot of BluRay discs. - the "processor" speed and quality is what actually avoids the "ghosting" of images and stuff. Find a sporting event on TV at the store and just see which one looks best to you. I didn't see a compelling reason to spend the extra money on a samsung with the awesome electronics versus the polaroid that was the same size and several hundred dollars cheaper... www.edealinfo.com has good prices on stuff if you're really trying to stay under $300
  9. ...which is why I think the cheap generators are the way to go.
  10. Bike? You should sell your bike because there are people with less experience than you who tour/commute better than you. You're a failure at your dream.
  11. There's a difference between living there and clearly being out of place there. Poor folk don't go out of their way to shit on other poor folk. You're "one of them." I'm not saying they won't take advantage if you give them an opportunity or a reason, but no one wants to be at war with their neighborhood. keeping to yourself goes a long way. It's just a difficult balance of looking the other way, and not coming across as weak. I'd never make it known than I had anything but cheap-ass guns in a poor neighborhood. Never let poor people know you have anything worth taking. Rule #1 of living in a shitty neighborhood...
  12. Janice Joplin lives in that wall?
  13. Horsepower will be more determinative of top speed. With torque and the right gearing, you can make any bike pretty "quick." But for the money, I could get a wrecked ninja 250 of GS500 (no radiator to ugly things up) and have better reliability, and plenty of cash left over to make it cooler...
  14. It's from me. Didn't want to wake you up by texting you before I went to work. You around tonight for me to pick up wheels?
  15. Good! so some black people DO get it. Like this guy. he's more conservative than I am! http://youtu.be/WpUAFGqwiJY
  16. That's a pretty bold statement without knowing the facts. I trust the news media to report the complete, accurate story about as far as I can throw my TV. (and i'm talking my old-school 32" tube-TV that weighed a clean 70 lbs., and there was no good way to grab for a decent toss) The notion that beating someone up is "justice" for anyone else in an unrelated incident is just stupid. We'll see what details come out on this latest case. "he asked some kids playing basketball to quiet down." If that's all he did, then cool. But if it comes out that this cranky white guy started yelling racial slurs at some black kids playing hoops at a reasonable hour, and maybe threatened them, or flashed a pistol or something, then all bets are off. Being an ignorant asshole defies the boundaries of race, color, religion, national origin, economic class, political affiliation, etc. You just can't make any kind of bold call until you know all the facts.
  17. ^ that is what I don't understand. The AFJ guys I have met at various tracks have always been nice guys. Why do THEY tolerate this handful of assholes who show up on ORDN and make their club look like a bunch of morons? I have nothing against any of the AFJ guys I've interacted with in person, but there's no way in hell i'd want to be associated with the vocal minority of idiots.
  18. Never, but I expect him along shortly to start a thread about guns.
  19. did he have an orange "C" sticker on his front fender? (actually, I think Jeff got new paint this winter, and NESBA folded their midwest region, so he probably doesn't. But if it was a green kawasaki with black cow spots, it's the same guy) That's the problem. There was no reason for him to be in the race school in the first place. Sit him down, go over starting procedures and flags, send him out in Advanced, and have him take the written test at lunch. There. Race license approved. No reason to have him in "novice," or have instructors wasting their time "helping" him.
  20. My take on CR's being "above the rules." first: I think the org should make it ABUNDANTLY clear during the riders' meeting what each group's passing rules are, and what rules apply or don't apply to control riders. I also think part of control riding is traffic management, and slower riders may need to be pulled off the race line (on straights) and faster guys waved by in some cases, to speed up the process and make everyone's session a bit better. I am of the opinion that CR's should lead by example whenever possible. ...but I think they should be technically "above the law" for a number of reasons, and at their RESTRAINED discretion. That should be for teaching purposes though, or for tracking down riders on larger bikes. Safety is always #1, then teaching is #2, and fun is #3. Occasionally, #'s 2 and 3 can swap. Just depends on the individual rider's goals for the day. Some people love tooling around in Intermediate and just have a ball riding and an intermediate pace. That's hard for a lot of people (me) to wrap our heads around, but there's nothing wrong with it as long as they're being safe. Sounds like the Indy Ducati people have it right, but the MCRA "instructors" were breaking rule #1
  21. they used to. Before they let me in. I've never ridden in Advanced at Putnam. I would if I went back. But yeah, putting the race school in with the novices was a monumentally dumb thing for the MCRA to do... Sounds like they were making a lot of dumb decisions that weekend. But I do struggle with where the proper place for the race school is. As noted, there was one rider in the mock race doing :17's (if he had a 21 on the front of his bike, I know that rider is capable of :14's). I'm sure there were others who were over the 1:30 mark. When there's that big of a range of pace in the same race school, you can't safely put all of them in ANY group.
  22. Should we start referring to Larry as "Prez?" (nothing against the AFJ guys, but that shit cracks me up. When's the next election?)
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