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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Self defense has 3 elements: - the defender didn't cause the situation - there was a reasonable belief that they were at risk of serious bodily harm or death (subjective test. What that person felt. Not what any other person would feel) - didn't violate a duty to retreat. I.e. had no choice but to shoot. That last one is where things get tricky. If the guy is clearly not targeting anyone but his wife and kids, then there is no belief by the third party that he is at risk, and he has the ability to retreat. To make things "clean," a CCW holder should really yell at the guy and wait until he points the gun at him. Then there is a legit fear of death, and no opportunity to retreat (can't outrun the bullet) That would be the ideal legally defensible way. But in practice, it would be beyond stupid to wait for the shooter to point the gun at you when you know he's about to pop his wife. I have to believe a jury would agree, if the prosecutor even bothered to charge him.
  2. That article states the law mostly correct, but fails to acknowledge that the affirmative defense of self-defense may be invoked "in defense of another." A CCW shooter would have been arrested, but no jury in the world would have convicted them. Even if the shotgun had turned out to be empty.
  3. Happened within walking distance of my house. Wife went to lunch at the Panera next door on the day of the shooting (without knowing it had happened). I don't have a CCW permit, but for those who do, don't they instruct you not to get involved in disputes like this, because you can't be sure who the aggressor is? I mean, this particular instance seems pretty cut and dry. Guy is walking into restaurant with a shotgun. As soon as he shoulders it, you can take him out without worrying about justifying your actions. But as a general rule, CCW instructors tell you not to insert yourself into a situation without knowing all the facts, no?
  4. for your height/weight, it would have to be a 42 or 44. I'm a couple inches taller than you, but fluctuate between the same weights, and I've worn both sizes, depending on the manufacturer. LBTS. GLWS.
  5. If anyone is looking for good gloves, the set Larry is wearing in the little intro/outro clip (cortech adrenaline) are available for DIRT cheap from STG in their closeout section. My wife bought me a set for my birthday, and although i haven't had a chance to race in them yet, my initial reaction is that they're awesome for the price. reasonably comfortable, with great protection.
  6. "what? that don't make any sense at all. you could be second, third; hell, even fourth. I musta been high when I said that."
  7. you've resisted joining in on the nonsense for 2 years? I don't know whether to be impressed, or insulted. welcome.
  8. I've never actually seen the show. Watching now. It's kind of awesome. Makes me want to root for Pegram for sure. Hell, I kind of want to work for the guy.
  9. I agree, I'm just not sure he'd appreciate the humping monkey. There's a not-so-subtle difference between saying "wow, Larry's wife is a really attractive woman," and implying "dude, I can't wait to rub one out to that broad later." WE know Craig is joking, and that he's not a total creeper. Unless they've been lurking for a while, Larry and his staff don't. I'm sure Larry can take a joke, Craig's avatar just made it funnier to turn it around on him.
  10. you know he's a site sponsor, and checks this site, right? Keith Stone, you're not so smooth...
  11. that's still awesome. I'm going to register for 5/19 and 5/20 and buy my race license in the next few weeks. Todd got back to me about number availability and license stuff today, so I'm basically all set.
  12. I just wasn't aware WERA ever raced at Mid-Ohio, other than vintage days (which somehow includes SV650's).
  13. ^ i see what you did there. you're cute.
  14. what's the rumor i heard about Saturday being half-price if you register for races on Sunday? That's a reason for me to buy my license now, and then pre-register for the 600 races. (2nd round, but the question is applicable here as well)
  15. i may have to hit him up for some spares. My tach 'works,' but the needle is way out of place. I should probably pull apart my current gauges before buying though. when did he race at Mid-Ohio? It's been a while since a 2004 600RR was competitive in the AMA!
  16. yeah, contractor grade is like the twist-lock style. I believe most 'cheap' extension cords are 16 gauge, so 12 is a significant improvement. for the track, I want the ability to turn off the power strip as a means of ensuring I don't burn out my warmers. for power outages, I would just run the power strip in near the fridge, and then run extension cords from the power strip for anything else I wanted to power. Nothing else will be drawing that high of a load though, so the voltage drop wouldn't be much of an issue as far as I can tell. I just don't know enough about this to know if I would hurt the generator, or create a fire hazard by running a lower gauge cord. this is what i'm looking at http://www.amazon.com/US-Wire-65050-50-Foot-Extension/dp/B002HWRS6S
  17. well, I've shifted my focus to finding a decent extension cord for the time being. Internet says 10 gauge is ideal, but that seems like overkill for a 20 amp generator. 12 gauge, 3-prong, and 50 foot sound about right? Can I plug that into a power strip at the end, or does that defeat the purpose of running the higher gauge cord? I'm thinking for tire warmers, and for use during a power outage.
  18. what's all this discussion of the CBR being so much heavier than the EX250? Internet says the 2009 EX250 is 374 wet, and, the CBR (2009) is around 427. 50 lbs. is certainly significant, but differences in rider weight could easily make it negligible.
  19. Are you kidding? They had that wizard guy and his obnoxious cat terrorizing them on a daily basis!
  20. why can't it be for both? I am a firm believer that 95% of motorcycle owners don't save any money by owning one (unless they get rid of their car and actually substitute their bike), but it can save cash if you look at it in the right context. I owned a Ranger 4.0, and my EX-500 at the same time. I did several trips down to Dayton to visit people. I never rode the bike with enough regularity to actually cover its purchase price and ongoing maintenance, for the sake of that 400 mile (round trip) ride, I paid significantly less than I would have if I'd taken the truck (bike was getting 58 mpg, truck got more like 18). The same is true for firearms. I buy and use them for fun, but they're still CAPABLE of providing protection if necessary, or in those rare situations where I actually need protecting.
  21. This. I had a blast filling an old CPU with .22lr If you hit the drives, it won't go all the way through. It literally cakes up with lead.
  22. the Amazon tracking number says my generator is sitting on my porch. Should be home around 7:00 to fire it up now I just have to hope it wasn't destroyed during shipping. cross your fingers. Anyone hooked one of these up to the breaker box to power their house? I'd like to figure that out sooner rather than later, so the wife sees the practical application.
  23. I've never seen HF sell them off the wall, but I would imagine it's possible if you pay the full list price. Seems like they're always on sale, or someone has a 20% off coupon. My buddy Ryan bought one the other day and put the boxes in his Honda CRX... Didn't even have to make his girlfriend ride in the trunk.
  24. What are you paving? If I paved my driveway, that would be like THREE years worth of track funds...
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