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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. why is there a presumption that people need to justify carrying?
  2. I wonder what classes this thing could be raced in... belly pan, number plates, safety wire - mediocrity!
  3. There is nothing wrong with being careful and conscious of what firearms can be tracked back to you, but it's highly unlikely that anyone would get in trouble for doing nothing wrong. Your obligation before selling a firearm in OH is only to ask if the person is 21, if they have a felony record, and if they intend to use it to commit a crime. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty, so the state would have to PROVE that you DIDN'T do those things for you to get in trouble. realistically, unless the police are coming back to you multiple times, because guns you sell keep being used in the commission of crimes, you're not going to get a second look. I don't have anything to hide from the authorities. That said, I don't need 2 guns the same day, so why draw unnecessary attention?
  4. The idea is to get out of racing to stay out of debt. the gears are turning inside my head to find a cheap V7 legal bike, or even possibly racing an EX500 next summer, but that might not be possible. I'll definitely be racing again in a couple of years, but I took a 50% pay cut last month, and I'll cut my hours by half at the end of the year. Then full-time at school until December of 2012, instead of June of 2013.
  5. I just stop after 20 minutes or so to check the hubs. If they're warm, i turn around and go home. It sucks if i'm in a hurry, but setting the cruise at ~68 really saves gas...
  6. you buy my bike, and I'll deliver it for $20
  7. the trailer TIRES may be a pit of a concern, but I have honestly worried more about the wheel bearings. You can keep the tires cooler by keeping them inflated to the proper pressure (less flexing). But the faster you go, the more rotations those small wheels require. with 12" trailer wheels, I set try not to do more than 70mph (indicated, which is really more like 64 according to the GPS). The trailer itself says 55mph is the max safe speed. From a product liability standpoint, I'm sure they're covering their asses and erring on the side of caution. The same is true of the max tow and load capacities for vehicles. What's possible, and what's safe can be very different.
  8. My track bike hasn't even sold yet, and i'm already going through riding withdrawl While a large part of me thinks I will do no riding/racing next summer, a small part of me is holding out hope that I can afford to race something slower and less expensive, and still have some fun doing it. So, i'm trying to figure out what I'm looking for... The contenders are: - 1st generation SV650 - 2nd generation EX500 - Honda F2/F3 - whatever era ZX6 is V7 legal - EX250 (old model) Basically, I am hoping to get a bike for under $1100, and not sink much into it in the way of "upgrades" and such. Racing an EX500 with $1000 in suspension, fork work, and swing-arm swaps defeats the purpose for me. The EX's will be the cheapest to buy, but the F2/F3 is going to be faster right out of the box, and will be better for trackdays, so I don't get totally mowed down by newer/bigger bikes. assuming my TOTAL bike budget is around $1500 including all upgrades, what say you? $1500 F2/F3, or $500 EX500, and then $1000 making it suck slightly less?
  9. short on cash until my track bike sells, but looking to go to the range w/ my Uncle in a few weeks. Been meaning to pick up a shotgun anyway. 12 gauge pump is preferable. 18-22" barrel is preferred, because it'll split time between range and home defense. I'll consider other gauges and barrel lengths though. The Pit-Bull TRS is $280 retail. The leathers I have for sale have never hit pavement (grass, yes, pavement, no). fit me a bit loosely at 6' and 175. Back/chest protector made them more snug. Good condition, original liner is gone, but I never missed it with an under-suit. I figure $120 or so. combo trade of some sort?
  10. ^ let's get down to brass tacks here - how much money do you want to make, and how much do you NEED to make? I know my position will be vacant shortly. $28k base + commission. The first year is lean, but thereafter, there's no reason you shouldn't end up with 25% raises just based on hitting low sales numbers, and 50% retention rate of existing (renewing) customers.
  11. all PM's replied. If anyone wants to stop by this weekend, I'll be around. Or at least I can be. I wouldn't mind an excuse to get out of helping a buddy move tomorrow. In the rain.
  12. if we're talking only racing, then I see your point, but trackdays are a mixed bag. EX500's on the track at the same time as 1000RR's... even if the EX500 rider is god on wheels, the liter bike rider is going to create some huge differences in closing speeds in a straight line.
  13. if that's the case, then I tend to agree. I stopped reading updates on this story after the 3rd or 4th article had conflicting information. Taking out legitimate dangers to society is one thing. Killing off caged animals (endangered or not) is dumb. I question who would have paid for their transport and care, but it should have at least been DISCUSSED before pulling the trigger.
  14. I hear what you're saying there, but guns require a human to be dangerous. Animals do not. They are, by nature, unpredictable and uncontrollable. The same cannot be said for firearms.
  15. I believe Pauly's point was that hunters enjoy hunting, so they do their best to preserve the supply of game. I like trackdays. If tires were "game," I'd make damn sure I was taking steps to secure that baby tires were growing up for future "hunting."
  16. I don't get the impression that zoos have a lot of cash to throw around, but maybe. Perhaps 'caged" was a poor choice of words on my part. I mean animals in an enclosure; not a portable cage. Presumably zoos or circuses would have such cages for loan. Ringling Bro's is actually in Cleveland starting tonight. PETA was out protesting when I left down town at lunch.
  17. the only question that remains is, "which one can I borrow?"
  18. agree. And if you really love finishing in a girl's mouth, but she hates it, hit her in the chin a few times. Betcha a dollar she hates that more.
  19. I agree that animals secured in cages shouldn't be shot, but I question what reasonable alternatives there are. Assuming you can: - tranquilize the animal - transport it - have a place to take it, who pays for all that? trucks and crews cost money. a bullet is ultra cheap by comparison. Harsh reality.
  20. the difference is that it's MUCH more likely, and a hell of a lot easier to FIRE the wanker sitting in his office staring at the walls than it is to fire the lazy guy on the floor, who the union will defend up and down until he has 10 flagrant violations. Then they'll negotiate an early retirement for him.
  21. I voted as a "non public worker," but I do work part-time for the county. In January, that will become my only job. I don't know how our compensation is determined. I assume it is through some sort of collective bargaining with the county/state. Regardless, I am sick of fat, lazy police officers getting raises while young, competent, and in-shape officers are laid off first, simply because they were hired last. Simply "not getting fired" isn't a reason to get a raise. In my mind, that's what unions promote. Performance-based pay raises are the norm in every other job market. Why not in the public sector. Teachers are the only occupation where I have a hard time, because i have yet to hear of a really GOOD way to evaluate their performance.
  22. Zoos are not "about the same thing." At all. Zoos have staff of hundreds, who actually know what they're doing, and contingency plans in place in the unlikely event of an escape. Zoos have people with degrees in animal behavior, zoology, etc. Zoos also have multiple layers of fenced enclosures, and strict protocols for feeding, cleaning cages, etc. This guy was doing whatever he wanted. The news says that a lion escaped in 2006, and the neighbor reported that animals got out frequently. Find me instances of the same things happening at zoos. It's nowhere near the same thing. Circuses, maybe, but I think you'll find that zoo escapes (in America) are very rare. The possession of these animals isn't the issue; it's the ability to control them, and keep them from becoming a public danger. Zoos do a good job. This guy wasn't, and then intentionally set them free. If a zoo employee were to go wacko and attempt anything similar, there would have been 20 sane employees to say, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" And even if they weren't around, it certainly would have been discovered a lot more quickly, and controlled in quicker fashion.
  23. I assumed he released the animals and committed suicide. if he was murdered, then that sucks, but I stand by the irresponsibility of it all. If the animals had been in a proper facility, this wouldn't have happened; at least not NEARLY as easily.
  24. I'm skeptical as to what he was "rescuing" Lions from, other than other people who were dumb enough to buy cubs as pets. Even if that's the case, there are more suitable facilities; ones that aren't right up against major highways, and in residential communities. Places like zoos, with multiple gates, and multiple staff members in the event of an emergency. If there was foul play involved, that sucks, but it doesn't excuse the inherent risky behavior of keeping dangerous wild animals in a facility that's not fortified enough to hold them.
  25. I'm more inclined to get mad at the fucktard who was keeping them in a "private collection" than the police personnel who are 1) doing their best to protect & serve (i.e. their JOB) 2) are not trained or equipped (and shouldn't fucking have to be) to deal with these types of animals and 3) are being pulled away from real, actual, human crimes while they play zoo keeper. Catch what you can, because it's not the animals' fault, but they better be charging this jerkoff's estate for every dart, bullet, and overtime check Zanesville is writing tonight.
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