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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. again IF that's actually real, the person posting is morally bankrupt, but I assume they're being driven by the fact that; at least on the surface, prosecutors are judged by their conviction rate. If something is going to trial, it's because THE prosecutor (i.e. the guy who got elected, not one of the Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys he hired) feels he can get a conviction. Once the big man decides, the minions don't have a lot of say in whether or not the state pursues or drops the charges. At that point, a failure to push for a conviction is shirking on your job duties. I think the attorney has an obligation to point out to his superior(s) that the defendant appears to be innocent, but if that's how things appear to the prosecuting attorney, there's no reason it should not also appear that way to the defense attorney, and the jury. And then there's always the appeals process. That's another reason I have a hard time believing this is real. Judges don't like being reversed. If the judge shared the prosecutor's belief that the defendant was innocent, he likely would have taken action to that effect. If it's not glaringly obvious by now, I work in criminal prosecution. Like any work place, there are a handful of assholes, but the vast majority of the attorneys I work with are extremely nice people, and take the gravity of their job very very seriously.
  2. I'd agree that the post shows "why people hate lawyers," but I reject the notion that the jerkoff posting is truly reflexive of the profession as a whole. If that's real, the person posting it is an idiot, but it's not an unprecedented move. Allegedly an APA was transfered to the juvenile division for posting something to the extent of "I can't believe I got that guy to plead guilty! I had NOTHING on him!"
  3. it HAS a 4, but the dice is weighted so that it doesn't come up. How he "pushed" the host to slap a 4 on the envelope with his phone in it is another matter though. That's less of a trick, but still not easy.
  4. I'm not sure you can blame cover-ups on religion in particular. Anywhere there is money flowing in, people will take sickening lengths to keep it coming. I am no fan of organized religion, but it's not the religion part motivating molestation or covering up molestation - it's the money.
  5. Penn State's policies don't trump Pennsylvania State Law. Unless PA is vastly different from Ohio (and that's possible), you're required to report child abuse to police, even if it's merely a suspicion. This is one of the few places that the law imposes a duty on an otherwise innocent bystander. The state may have to prove a few things to make the charges stick, but the fact is, people knew, and they not only failed to report these crimes to the PROPER authorities, but also took steps to conceal them. The whole story will come out eventually, and then we'll see if Paterno is really guilty of concealing stuff, or if he just reported something to his bosses because he was obligated to, but never really believed his friend would do such things. I can understand the latter scenario. Hindsight being 20/20, I'm sure he's kicking himself now too.
  6. Okay, so I was off by 1.5 million miles... But the point is that diesel engines last a long time.
  7. ^ plus diesel engines are almost indestructible if you maintain them properly... tractor-trailer engines (I believe Freightliner runs a 14 liter I-6 deisel) are rebuilt every 500,000 miles. I'll be interested to see if Prius drive trains last that long.
  8. turnpike shouldn't be bad. 70mph speed limit might shave off a couple minutes too. your biggest obstacle is going to be BG and UT students who are from Cleveland. Find out when their classes end, and make sure you're not on the road the same time they will be. On the way back, that can be tough. Like Bad said, taking 71 on the sunday after Thanksgiving was a nightmare in college. OSU traffic fucked things to hell.
  9. crashing it and rebuilding it gives you just as much knowledge, at a fraction of the cost!
  10. I agree. My bike, in full running condition will be for sale in the $3100 range. the upgrades alone would cost almost that much. woodcraft rearsets: $300 CRG levers: $100 each. Arata exhaust: $850 race bodywork: $500 Power commander: $200? Penske shock: $700? there are things i'm forgetting, and i'm already up to over $2500 in upgrade parts. Yes, you can sell the stock parts to recoup some of that, but it's a hassle. for the 'extra' $600, i'm throwing in a full frame, chassis, wheels, brakes, rims, gauges, engine, clip-ons, etc... Building a track bike is a money pit. It may be "better" for those who have the time and patience to part it out when they're done with it, but I don't think it's ever cheaper.
  11. abstaining from voting isn't some kind of social protest against "the man," it's simply the best way to insure that no politician will ever give a shit about your opinion. Everyone should vote. Go pick up your ballot card, and turn it in blank if you want. Just be part of the voting population so that your demographic has a voice. I refrained from voting on certain elections where I didn't know any of the candidates, but I voted for my city council ward election, issues one through three.
  12. I want to like it, but i didn't bother getting myself hyped up to watch the pilot. If i watch it, it will probably be the way I watched LOST. Skip the first season, then catch up on DVD later.
  13. I don't know much about the .380 he's selling, but I know enough about Mike to believe he's being truthful when he talks about his experience with the pistol, and I would be shocked if he didn't try to make things right if a buyer had a drastically different experience.
  14. redkow97

    Voter privacy

    p.s. - at least you had a LINE of people waiting to vote. I got to the polls at a time I consider "late" for the before work crowd. About 8:05. I was ballot number 47. then on the radio (after I voted,) I hear, "Cuyahoga County elections officials expect higher voter turnout than normal today; Issue 2 has prompted many people to get out and vote. Total turnout is expected to be 25-30%" and that's higher than normal!? we live in a truly apathetic country.
  15. redkow97

    Voter privacy

    I agree that the mistake should be corrected, but ask me how much I care if people see how I vote... If I were ashamed of voting for or against a given issue or candidate, it would make me seriously rethink whether or not I really want to vote that way. I'm not one to intentionally piss people off by wearing a "yes on 2" t-shirt to the polls or anything, but I also wouldn't be embarrassed or intimidated if someone saw me filling in the top bubble.
  16. i really need to sell some stuff so I can buy this...
  17. would the guy just have been looking to avoid teh $10 fee for posting in the adult services section? they charge for that, right?
  18. how much to build me one? **with a disc rear brake. Is there such a thing with spoke wheels?
  19. because the media will profit from demonizing this father. beating a child is bad. beating a "disabled" child is worse. I completely agree that it's not relevant.
  20. I hope people aren't too offended when 98% of the general public knows jack-shit about their child's disability. I don't profess to be any kind of expert, but I know enough to know that every child is different, even if their diagnosis is identical to another child.
  21. regardless of your feelings on corporeal punishment, my issue with this guy is that he's not punishing her, he's taking his anger out on her. There's a huge difference.
  22. That girl who threw the wrappers at her father looked like she'd be better off if her parents really did eat all her candy...
  23. i realize it's not ideal, but it's what I can afford to practice with, and carry. But yeah, probably looking into 9mm at this point, and hopefully a .22 with the same frame to train with.
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