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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. The suzuki is cheaper than the honda, but also uglier. The suzuki probably has an extra 30hp on the honda, and only 15 lbs... The honda is a known quantity (for you), the suzuki is a known quantity for tens of thousands of squids all over the USA. I don't think you're going to find a problem with either bike. The '04/05 GSX-R's were big steps forward for Suzuki. Inverted forks, FI, radial mounted brake calipers. They did their redesign right. I'd just check on the insurance difference, but honestly, slightly older model probably negates the increase in power/displacement.
  2. for the money, you can't beat a craigslist snow blower... I looked into the inexpensive hitch-mounted snow blades. Basically you're looking at $1,000 for something that will move small amounts of snow quickly, but be kind of useless in deeper snow. a used snow blower does 0 damage to your daily driver, works pretty well, and is replaced very cheaply. whatever brand you buy, go out and buy 2 extra belts for the auger. Every brand I've ever dealt with will snap or shred a belt when used in wet/heavy snow for prolonged periods, and it's no fun at all to be shoveling then.
  3. they make decent enough power with a good tune, they're just a bit heavy. I want to say ~60 or ~62hp, but also over 450 lbs. Probably hard to find decent rubber in the 18" rear too.
  4. I tried to stay highly intoxicated at all times. ...and went as a "drunk driver."
  5. I've read multiple reports that this dog was found or returned. Looking for details now. Thanks for keeping an eye open.
  6. Uh, i'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there... I love fords. My grandfather worked there for many years, and I have pictures of him in the original roofless mustang prototype with a rear-engine V4. ...but the only reason ford didn't need bailout money is because tehy borrowed a shit-ton of money from private banks a few months before other automakers collapsed. Furthermore, ford would have been up shit creek without a paddle if GM hadn't gotten bailed out. Fewer parts being imported into the US (from the loss of GM) would have driven up their shipment costs, and probably sunk ford. The F150, E150, and fleet sales of teh Crown Victoria kept ford alive for most of the 90's while they took some big swings, and missed. Remember the Explorer roll-overs? The Ford Contour was a terrible car. The ford "five-hundred" (rebadged taurus) sold like shit. The 4.6 liter v8 that barely produced 260hp??? come on... and again, I love fords.
  7. That is always what I was taught, and what I believed. Perhaps I'm giving the news media too much credit for accurate reporting. The details in that story do seem to add up though. The victim was sitting, and the bullet passed through his chair before hitting him. So the gun was clearly on or near the ground. I have been in the room when my cousin dropped his glock 9mm. I don't know the exact model, but his was his LEO issued weapon at the time. no discharge. I firmly believe that a firearm discharging when dropped is highly unlikely, but if that article is correct, it's not impossible. Maybe something Myth Busters should test so people won't be so afraid of guns...
  8. hey, i've wheelied during race starts a bunch of times. That makes me a stunter, right?
  9. we have a member who rides a 650R with no feeling below his chest. Tell him you can't ride a two wheeler! I'm not trying to pick on anyone for their choice of vehicle; I just don't think you can "ride" anything with more than 2 wheels. You drive it. If you like driving a trike, then that's awesome. I'm glad you enjoy it. Welcome (back?) to ORDN.
  10. do people really consider a burnout a "stunt?" I appreciate the skill it takes to do certain stunts, and I have nothing against risking your own ass in a parking lot where no one else is being put in danger, but burnouts are just a spectacle. if doing a burnout is a stunt, so is having a fancy paint job, or a loud exhaust. It draws attention, but anyone can do it...
  11. I used to agree. I scooter-bashed for a long time. Then I rode one. Super fun. Trikes just don't do it for me though. Maybe it's just my NSHO, but if you can't counter-steer it, it's not a motorcycle... And yes, I've ridden a trike. Almost the OP's exact model, actually. It was a bergman 650 with a trike conversion kit (big training wheels).
  12. I'm sure the OP is a nice person, and will make many valuable contributions to the site, but I can't be the only one who doesn't think trikes are ridden. no leaning means it's driven.
  13. insert your own tasteless joke about your fiancee "tutoring" an OR member... Just wanted to beat everyone to the punch, because i'm a dick.
  14. I agree, but a person with little to no carry experience (me) is probably the most prone to make mistakes. lord knows the news loves it when some idiot goes to show his barber his new carry weapon, and drops it, shooting the barber. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/10/06/337871/bad-sign-for-ohios-guns-in-bars-law-ohio-barber-shot-in-butt-after-customer-drops-gun/ I WILL NOT be "that guy." A careless CCW holder sets back the cause significantly. I think I'd probably carry with the firearm empty for several weeks before ever loading it. Maybe a lot longer.
  15. I like the ankle holster for the same reasons you outlined, and additionally, if it somehow manages to go off unexpectedly, I'm only hitting my foot, and not my thigh, knee, or calf. But the defensive draw-backs make sense too. You can't go to grab your wallet, and pull the gun instead if the gun's on your ankle. I suppose you could drop your wallet, but that's just one more step in an already tense situation. Still better than not carrying at all, i suppose.
  16. I don't want to derail the thread completely, but is an ankle holster really practical and comfortable? Obviously it's useless in shorts, but I'm otherwise intrigued...
  17. thanks for handling my leg work. rep for you.
  18. Just bought this for $5.27 http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Tasco_Rimfire_4x20_Matte_Riflescope&i=415370&merchID=4004&r=view I figure I'll use it as a cheap way to get a better view of what friends are shooting at. Cheaper than even inexpensive binoculars May mount it on my 10/22 just to see how it works, but for $5, obviously i'm not expecting much at all.
  19. Jinu kind of talked me into considering a cash sale, but if that doesn't happen, I'll let you know.
  20. Awesome. I am one step closer to being able to evade Griff Tannen in the Hill Valley town square ...as long as he doesn't chase me over water.
  21. Not that this needs a bump, but I fully endorse headlight upgrades. I stopped riding at night a couple of years before selling my street bike. I had one close call, and never felt comfortable again. Better headlights would only have helped. When it comes to accident prevention, this is probably one of the best upgrades money can buy.
  22. ^ but that drives home my point about NOT sinking money into the F4i if you buy it. Leave it as it is, or pay through the nose for upgrades. the exhaust and shock on my bike had to cost $1500 (combined) when they were put on. You bet your ass I'm not getting nearly that value out of them now that I'm selling it. I don't particularly care, because I bought the bike with those pieces already on it, but save yourself the heartache.
  23. This same approach works with butterface strippers.
  24. Or you can buy '03 600RR, with $2k in upgrades alone, for around $3,000 good value still isn't as cheap as a $1700 F4i.
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