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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Until the battery lasts 1.5 hours, that 1.5 hour charge time is killer... they say 20-45 minutes of charge time. I'm betting it's a lot closer to 20, unless you're putting along a trail. So that means even with 2 batteries, you ride for maybe 30 minutes, then swap batteries. Ride for another 30 minutes, and then wait an hour for your first battery to come off the charger again? No thanks. Unless the extra battery packs are like $100 each, it's just not a practical power source
  2. the way bore sighting was described on one of the sights I read, they recommended removing the bolt all together, and actually looking through the barrel.
  3. and for the record, the only thing keeping my bike from being road worthy is hooking up the throttle cables
  4. I'll take that bet. The '01-'03 chassis wasn't ideal, and the bikes weigh considerably more than others from the same era. The engines are great. My friend Kevin used to have an '01 750. He was pretty damn quick on it, so it can absolutely be done; I'm just saying that it will take more work than a lighter, more agile bike, like mine. I'll be less bitter when I win my dollar
  5. that piano is badly out of tune... Otherwise pretty funny and not awful singing. the trumpet solo was the highlight for me
  6. Hey Fazer, don't sell yourself or your daughter short here. Her unit took her in, but she made herself a a special ops soldier. They just showed her how. Just like you showed her how to excel long before she ever enlisted. Congratulations to both of you. You have every right to be proud.
  7. Google has lots of results and how-to guides for sighting in a scope, but my 10/22 is not bolt-action, so "bore sighting" as a baseline isn't an option. Can someone point me toward the basics, or give your own overview?
  8. why? the officer wasn't in danger, and if they're at the address of the dogs' owner, then they know where to send the bill for the damage. Or should we kill every dog that causes property damage? Now if the dogs were preventing the officers from responding to an emergency, then yeah, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. That just didn't appear to be the case.
  9. I don't recall if it was on this site, or on the WERA board, but there is video of some pretty big tail-wag high-speed drifts on a bike somewhere out there on the internet. They stretched the bike to make it easier to control at high-speeds, which the WERA guys were really critical of. I don't see anything wrong with it. Of course it's more impressive when Stoner does it at 150 mph with his elbow on the ground, but the stretched swing-arm allowed him to throw the back tire out a lot further without as much potential for losing control.
  10. not THAT is the kind of stunting I would pay to see live (and subsequently try to emulate on a closed course).
  11. It's not that they are morons, they just have shockingly little actual riding experience. I imagine they go by what they are told, rather than actual experience in most cases. I went in to buy oil filters for my F2 years ago, and mentioned that i was taking it to a trackday. All 3 guys behind the parts counter were totally blown away. "we've gone to the drag strip, but never a track day." I was very much a "B" rider at that point, and knew a lot more about riding than them...
  12. I would have sold mine for $3k delivered, and it wouldn't have been a piggy '01-'03 GSX-R ;-)
  13. climate change is just as real now as it was when the dinosaurs' cars caused the ice-age.
  14. I have had good luck with cheapish stands. Pit-bull's are by far the best if you are going to be racing twice a month, but for occasional garage use, they're overkill. I have a $49 BVP(?) stand from Iron Pony. Lock-tite or safety wire the spool pins, and it's completely adequate. I also have a $80 or $90 T-Rex front stand that came with attachments to lift by the steering head, or by the bottom of the forks. The only thing that has ever gone "wrong" with it is me being an idiot and letting one of the pins vibrate out while it was on my trailer. they're held in by cotter pins, and I didn't safety wire them. my fault. Not a failure by the stand. I have sat on the bike on both stands, and never had any problems over the last 2 or 3 years. If you can afford the pit-bulls, they can't be beat. If you can't, T-rex is decent quality for the money.
  15. redkow97


    a friend of mine just got a pug puppy from a rescue 2 weeks ago. It's in PA, but way cheaper than a breeder, and you get to rescue a dog instead of promoting their over-breeding. I'll get the info from them. I am letting their pup (and Armani, their 6 year old pug) out after work tomorrow.
  16. if you get too far away, the tannerite won't detonate. We had some 16 oz canisters at the range a few weeks ago, and at 120 yards or so, an AR wasn't making it go boom. At 50 yards, we made a pumpkin go boom. several times. I think that much tannerite would be a catch-22. You've have to be further away than any reasonably-sized rifle could detonate. I suppose we could have tried the M1 Garande, but it wasn't mine to offer up
  17. You might get some uneven tire wear on the trailer tires, but it won't cause any problems. I moved my bike to the right side of my trailer to make more useable space on the left side for "stuff" like an ez-up and such. I have noticed 0 problems, and I took the bike to Summit Point, WV and back like that. I do try to put as much stuff as possible on the trailer (and not in the car) to balance things out, but even with JUST the bike there, the trailer tracks 100% fine. My trailer's rated for 1100 lbs, so I figure each tire is designed to have 550 lbs on it. the ~400 a bike weighs over 1 of the wheels is not overloading it. You MAY want to be cautious and take right turns slower if you're worried about the trailer flipping, but I honestly don't thinkt hat would be an issue unless you're pulling a serious emergency evasive maneuver.
  18. people piss me off with their asinine misunderstandings of what freedom of speech is and isn't. insulation from being offended is NOT a right. "hate speech?" Is that even a legally defined term? Or is this guy just trying to expand the definition of "hate crime" on the fly? (don't even get me started on "hate crimes.")
  19. The owner should have a memorandum title. Ask them to fax or email you a copy (of both sides). Post here, and we can give better advice. I've never seen a Maryland title, but Ohio titles have spaces on them for listing liens against the vehicle. I believe the theory is that the owner can transfer the lien to you, and just cut the balance out of your buying price, rather than forcing them to front the money, and then you pay them back. But definitely do not hand someone money, and only receive a promise in return. You want whoever has the title to be 100% clear that YOU own the bike now, and they should send the title directly to you. If you go to the BMV with the seller, they should be able to sort this out for you. You're not the first person to attempt to buy a vehicle with a lien on it. The only draw back would be that you may end up paying taxes twice... Once to get a MD title, and then possibly again if you need to get an Ohio title. But I'd like to think they thought of that and realized it's not fair.
  20. Dogs really aren't THAT expensive, but little stuff adds up. How much food you buy depends on the size of the dog, but the biggest bags of food are $18-$23 and should last a medium-sized dog a month or more. Flea medication and heart guard is another $17/month. If you pay for grooming and nail trims, figure another $20-$40/month (if you buy a short-haired dog, and trim its nails, you pay $0 for this...) You can buy pet health insurance for ~$35/month (http://www.embracepetinsurance.com/) or pay vet bills out of your pocket. Our dog has gone to the vet twice in the past 3 years for minor stuff. it's usually $50-$150 a visit. More serious stuff can be in the thousands of dollars though, so the insurance pays off huge if the dog is hit by a car, or prone to genetic problems (hips in shepherds, etc.) Toys and treats probably average out to $5/month. No big deal. Good bones are shockingly expensive, but they do last more than a month. a single person working 40 hours can have their own dog, but you have to come home after work right away every day. You're not supposed to crate a dog more than 4 hours a day (says those dog shows on animal planet), but 8 hours a day is pretty common. Our dog was crated daily for a couple years before we could leave him out w/o chewing. My friends have 2 dogs that will always be crated. You just have to exercise them a lot after work to make up for it, and walking them in the morning would be ideal too. But dogs sleep a LOT. My wife and I work with www.secondhandmutts.org We currently have Babaganoush in our house. I like Sergio and Bo Jangles a lot too. Haven't met all of them. Some rescue dogs are easy, and some have issues stemming from their past. Baba is scared of new people. We're working with a trainer to help him out. He's already improving a lot. I may lobby to keep him if he doesn't get adopted before Christmas
  21. ^ hey hey hey... My wife was NOT a whore from the time she was 14. ...she waited until she was more like 20
  22. redkow97


    I'm sorry, but based on that mug shot, if I showed up at that broad's door, my first thought woudl have been, "this girl is probably going to try to kill me." Dude was kind of asking for it...
  23. Personally, making a promise in front of my friends and family to love my wife was a lot more significant to me than any piece of paper from the government. ...at least until we got the tax break for filing jointly
  24. I am fascinated with all this 11.11.11 'excitement' and worry. it's 11/11/2011, so really not straight 1's And we invented leap year at some point, so I'm not even totally confident that it's really the 11th day of the 11th month. Might have been yesterday, or tomorrow.
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