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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'd also ask what you consider "proper" pressures. i don't mean to be insulting, but I've heard people say, "i run mine at 28" and "I run mine at 44," and both think they're correct. but like others have said, it sounds like you've gotten your money's worth out of that tire.
  2. Pretty decent day for me. First day in "A" with NESBA, and I wasn't the slowest one out there. (but if I'm being honest, I was closer than I would have liked to be!) The first session of the morning was really overcast, and so humid that my visor was fogging even without any rain falling. My timer confirmed a very "average" start to the day, with a bunch of 1:07's and some high 1:06's. By second session (the big boys who had skipped the first session came out), I was getting blasted, but also had some people to chase. That was good for a 1:05.52, which is only a couple of tenths off my prior best, and the fastest I have ever gone at BeaveRun in a trackday environment. Third session was the peak of my day as far as riding goals. I turned a 1:04.85, which is a new personal best. (Now to string 10 of them together in a race) After lunch, I scrambled to get into my leathers (and tape my thumb back together - that could be its own thread...) at the 10 minute call, and went out a couple of laps late. I completed exactly 2 laps before a red flag ended my session. I rode the next 3 sessions, but it had gotten so hot that my Q2's were starting to get squirmy and greasy. Between the track heat, and general rider fatigue, I was circulating in the 1:06 range for the rest of the day, and happy to put the bike back on the trailer in one piece. I had a serious "oh shit" moment in the 2nd session after lunch when I ran wide exiting T8 and got my front wheel onto the grass. I put my left foot down (reflex?), and I have no idea how i didn't crash... there must be a little lip of pavement there, and I got really lucky. In any case, I kept going just to keep myself from thinking about it too much. Fun day with a good group of people. My buddy Don managed a 1:03.97 or something, so he's into the :03's. Hopefully I'm not too far behind, but I think new tires will be in order sooner than later.
  3. The tax payers only cover the cost of a transcript, and $5000 or so for the first appeal. After that the prisoner must fund or defend himself.
  4. Guilty of aggravated murder (we're up to 5 counts now, I think. hard to keep track) still reading other counts. So far I've heard guilty of: - abuse of a corpse - tampering w/ evidence - kidnapping - several mentions of felony murder and "sexual motivation" as aggravating factors.
  5. These came off my brothers Yamaha '93 XJ600 ("Seca II") I can check the diameter of the lead pipe for anyone interested. They are loud. They are not in perfect shape, but not bad (never crashed) They are probably heavy enough that shipping them is not ideal. But they're a lot lighter than the stock exhaust on his particular bike as well. If you've got some kind of project that needs twin pipes (hell, i'll even separate them), make me an offer. Pics when I can get them - they're sitting in my parents' garage, so I'm close, but it's still a 20 minute drive or so. I'll be at a BBQ in a few weeks though.
  6. Okay, 90% sure I'll be riding Sunday. I'll be there Saturday afternoon or early evening to hang out with some of my friends who are making the trip. the odds of them NOT convincing me to ride on Sunday are quite slim. Let's get that picture of the Browns & Bengals bikes this weekend
  7. this is my take as well. It's a true "accident" as far as I can tell. From the way it was described previously, I was picturing a rider from the group being PASSED pushing him off track. In actuality, it appears that the rider in the green shirt rolled off for some reason (i'll assume a legitimate one), and the RC51 didn't expect it, and tried to go around, but ran out of room. Accidents like this become a fact of life when you're working with a group teaching format.
  8. You sure on the KTM team? I would LOVE to see them there, but I thought they were based out of GA for some reason, and travel costs to West coast rounds were going to be oppressive. The plan was to run Mid-O, VIR, and NJMP, but with VIR off the schedule, i didn't know if Laguna would be a viable option due to travel costs. I will be really pleased if KTM makes it there. Good shake-up for the series.
  9. Exactly the kind of perspective adjustment people need. Rep for you.
  10. There's a thin line between "professional courtesy" and a lack of accountability, but your point is well taken. The union comment was more about the fact that this guy won't, and probably CAN'T be fired. He's not on his 10th strike yet. <eyeroll>
  11. Regardless of when the nicest time of year is, I am sick of people bitching about the weather like it's their favorite hobby. In the winter, they complain about cold and snow. In the spring, they complain about rain. "where's the sun? Why is it so cold?" Now you've got your sun and your heat, and you're going to complain about that too? It's not that bad outside. People survived worse long before the invention of air conditioning.
  12. You mean the UNION culture. I don't think there's anything inherent about law enforcement as a profession that breads a disdain for accountability. In fact, if you think about it, that would be a rather hypocritical stance.
  13. it's 110 in Cleveland (the index - actual temp is more like 95). I went for a run at lunch just to shut people the fuck up. People need to stop bitching about the nicest weather we have all year. Yes, it's hot. Drink a cold beverage, and find some shade. If you've got AC, that's a viable option too. But unless you're an infant, over the age of 80, or mentally disabled, there is no reason this heat wave should be anything more than a minor annoyance. Shit, turn on the sprinkler and crack a beer sitting in a lawn chair. Thank me later.
  14. leave it to girls to be laughing when shit's about to break... I wouldn't have been nearly as entertained by this whole scenario. Zero planning on their part, which is about what I would expect from most (not all) women. A step box, and simply anchoring the ramp to the truck somehow would have eliminated 95% of their issues.
  15. Still debating whether or not I'll ride. Plan is to show up Saturday with the bike on the trailer and let myself get talked into riding Sunday. $195 is steep though. Stupid late fee
  16. cool bike. I just read the wikipedia page about it. seems like there are some interesting design experiments that weren't epic failures, but didn't catch on either. that split transmission is an interesting idea with people being super conscious of gas mileage. the only thing I didn't like reading was 611 lbs... 84hp is pretty respectable from an engine of that size and era. Makes me want to strip it down and straight pipe it LBTS - GLWS.
  17. wouldn't bother me one bit, but the seller likely has an obligation to disclose that. Anyone want to split that place w/ me? I'm in for a solid $30k, and we can rent it for the cost of the 15 yr mortgage.
  18. A Ferrari 430 Modena is a great deal for $20k, but that doesn't mean any more of us have $20k lying around to spend. What's the next most expensive bike you've seen on this site? That's the audience you're dealing with, and the vast majority of us already have bikes. How many people spend $12k on a second bike? If the had the cash laying around, they would have bought what they wanted the first time... It's not a knock on your bike or your price, but like someone else said, it's easier to sell a civic than a ferrari. More accessible.
  19. I hope your FZ1 deal happens. I think you'll be glad you passed on the RC51. Those bikes are like psycho ex-girlfriends that were hot and good in the sack... You lust after it, but when you have it, it's kind of a nightmare 80% of the time. Then you break up, and every so often you'll remember back about that one thing she did with the lube and her hot friend - and you'll want her back. but the reality is she's still pyscho, and you can't eff her all the time. That's how I think about owning an RC. 80% of the time, it's hot, heavy, and uncomfortable. That other 20% of the time is freakin' awesome, but ultimately you'll probably be happier with something else. YMMV.
  20. anyone feel like the Bell helmet shells are bigger than other brands? Just LOOKING at my Bell Vortex next to my Scorpion EXO 400, the Bell seems larger. I'll measure to verify, if I get a chance. Both are mediums, and the Bell is MORE snug (although I know it will loosen up).
  21. I just changed teh oil, and I might be riding on Sunday. We'll see if the part gets here before then or not. But I have tentatively confirmed that Imprez is right, and the case cover does in fact need to come off. One of the NESBA CR's used to race an '05, and he said this happened to his bike as well. I have gasket in a tube, and all the necessary tools, so I'm just waiting on the rubber oil seal that I ordered yesterday. I should probably do the fix in my garage rather than in teh pits at the track - that's asking for some kind of trouble for sure
  22. I don't want to derail this too far w/ the Raider talk, but I've ridden one, and while it had impressive torque, the overall performance for the size of the engine was underwhelming. It handled okay, "for a cruiser." If you're looking at the bike as a fashion statement, then I understand the desire for an air-cooled V-twin, but the Raider is only a couple tenths faster than an EX-500 in a straight line... Again, I understand that cruisers aren't built for speed, but you're talking sub SV650 acceleration, from virtually triple the displacement. If looks are indeed the primary concern, than the 1300 VTX engine shouldn't really be a complaint. I've had this same discussion with HD owners who claimed "it's not about performance," but then talked down about the sportster 883. If it's not about performance, why is the 883 "a girl's bike?" Carry on...
  23. what do people consider a "good" price for leather repair? i hear "it was way less than I expected" all the time, but no mention of what people were expecting.
  24. ^ you had the pulled-pork too?! (kidding ...mostly. That sandwich was totally worth any "suffering" I endured though. I will buy it again!)
  25. i've read about them, because my dad bought a lowered GS500 from a woman who wanted to buy one. http://www.cycleworld.com/motorcycle_roadtest/riding_impressions_articles/archive/riding_impression_2010_honda_fury This lady had to lower her GS500, and was about 5'4" and 110 lbs. I'm certain she dumped her Fury, so you can probably find it in the Columbus area for sale pretty cheap. For my money, I'd go Yamaha Warrior before Honda Fury.
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