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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. ha - he's not mine to trade. The boarder collie too smart for its own good? for a Collie mix, Mouse seems a little "special" sometimes. I'm sure it's just him being a puppy, but it's good for a laugh or ten...
  2. Once again, I have a foster dog who is wearing out his welcome this is "mighty mouse." (the shelter names a lot of dogs - give them a break). Mouse is around 6 months old, house-trained, and a pretty darn good dog. I think he'll stay on the smaller side (under 40 lbs). He's neutered, and up on all his shots. You can see that part of his leg was shaved in the picture - that's where his IV went in for his surgery. He doesn't have any weird skin problems or anything like that. Like any puppy, he's still learning his manners, but he's VERY (ridiculously) food-motivated, so it's not too hard to get him to cooperate for training. Mouse is crate trained - during the month we've had him, he's gotten MUCH better about not whining when we first put him in the crate, and he's learning to "crate up" when we tell him to (did I mention he was food-motivated? Pupperoni does wonders.) Because he's still young, we hesitate to crate him for more than 4-6 hours at most. Mouse is well socialized with other dogs and not aggressive at all. He is slightly protective, and will bark at my dog when we're playing, and he thinks hank is getting too rough with me. either that, or he's just jealous of the attention. All the dogs we foster can be adopted through Secondhand Mutts http://www.secondhandmutts.org/adoptlist.html
  3. hahaha - i'm glad I read all the posts before pointing out the exact same thing. Especially with your right foot, there's no reason to ever have your toes sticking out. Rear brake is a no-no for anyone not at the front of "A" group, so get in the habit of keeping that foot back further. Left foot is harder to get under control because you're having to drop gears before turn-in, but even then, it's a good habit to keep your foot back unless you're actually shifting. dragging a knee is a lot more fun than dragging a toe...
  4. are they the same for '03-'06? I want to say the FI changed slightly in '05, and that might make a difference. I only ask because someone on the wereclassifieds.com is selling the same exhaust I have for $650, and IF i wanted to part with that, I wouldn't really need the PCIII anymoer...
  5. Sorry I mucked it up Shaun, but you're getting a bike with a voltage regulator that's 10 years newer than the rest of the bike, and a brand new battery for the original asking price The fairings on my bike are in very good shape for a model that a lot of people learn on (and drop) frequently. You could probably sell them and cover the costs of any projects you want to pursue. If you're into the cafe style, the EX could be a fun little project. If i'd kept it, I was planning to strip it down, install and under-body exhaust, and slap a circular headlight on the front. This is one of the better stripped-down EX's I've seen: I like the look of a painted frame with minimal other color. that's a first-gen EX500, so the front disk is on the wrong side, the fender looks stupid, and the rear is a drum brake. It also has 16" wheels. But otherwise it's very similar to the 2nd gen I'm selling. I believe in this case a lot of the electronics are relocated onto a home made tray under the seat.
  6. interesting... I'd have to guess the GPS was on, then turned off momentarily, and then back on again. The unit could have assume that the distance covered during that lapse in time was instantaneous, and thus logged a ridiculous speed when it realized it traveled x,xxx feet in what it perceived to be a couple of seconds. Maybe?
  7. hahaha - i was at the auto show in maybe 2008, and they had a "robot" talking about the new F150. Someone made some comment about Honda making a truck, and the "robot" didn't miss a beat. He blurted out, "Honda doesn't make a truck; they just make that wimpy 4-door thing with half a bed. I could put that on the bed of an F150 and drive from here to Alaska!" While I thought that was hilarious, the ridgeline is all most truck buyers need... I'd consider one if they weren't so freakin expensive for what they are. Explorer Sport-trac is easier and cheaper to find used.
  8. I disagree, and (unfortunately) have experience to back up my claim. a car battery puts out 12-14 volts, but with the car running, the alternator puts out a LOT more than that even at idle. I fried the voltage regulator on the EX on Sunday doing exactly what the OP did. It sounds like his battery was in better shape than mine (i left it in the bike knowing it needed to be replaced this spring anyway). If there was any kind of smoke or anything, I'd say your voltage regulator is cooked. check eBay for the part. Mine was $30 or something silly,a nd it's literally 2 screws and 1 quick-connect plug to replace it. Getting to it is harder than actually replacing it. Nothing wrong with the $50 walmart batteries as long as you trickle-charge them first. They'll work fine even w/o the charge, but just won't last as long. I still got 4 years out of the last one...
  9. I love my '03 RR too, but let's not get carried away by calling it a "newer bike." I kid, i kid. It's all relative. My EX500 feels fast compared to my car, and the 600RR feels fast as hell compared to the EX500. Perspective is a good thing. It prevents you (or at least me) from constantly wanting a faster bike!
  10. I would be very wary of any "open" trackdays. They're very rare for bikes, and that is a terrible way to learn... p.s. the WERA classifieds section is disappearing soon and moving to www.weraclassifieds.com. Free to brows, but $10 to post bikes, and $.99 to post anything else. the selection of parts and gear will fall off for a while while people re-list stuff. Many probably won't realize the old classifieds disappeared.
  11. how cheap are you willing to go? I was browsing .22 pistols Saturday while waiting for a range stall, and the Taurus PT22 caught my eye as a cheap little plinker that could easily be concealed. they run about $225 new, and Stonewall had a used example for $170. Now that said, the reviews I was reading on my phone were less than glowing. Basically the grip is too fat for an 8+1 pistol, and it's terribly inaccurate at anything but point-blank range. ...or so some guy on the internet says. Definitely an inexpensive option though.
  12. call it whatever you want, but femmoto, sportbike track girl, etc. is sexist.
  13. I agree with your sentiment, but I'd say the '02 and earlier F4i was actually more similar to the 600RR than the '03+ F4i's. The introduction of the 600RR made the F4i a better street bike. Because it didn't have to be Honda's 600 supersport anymore, the seat got more comfortable, the bars got a little higher; it was basically a lot more livable than the '02 models. Yamaha did basically the same thing with the R6 and R6S.
  14. so now that this thread is totally off topic, and I don't feel this is near important enough to start a new one: I went to the range last night, and some monstrously fat man was shooting a S&W .460 ...and they put me in the lane next to him. With my 22. So I'm shooting "pop pop pop," and then I would get scared fucking shitless every time this guy reloaded and uncorked a BOOM BOOM BOOM. He literally caused the light bulb above his range stall to burn out. The shockwave made my head hurt.
  15. mine gets the job done. It's still better than I am on the track, and gets the job done (relatively) cheaply. Not sure how I'd like it as a street bike, but it has a lot of good attributes that will definitely get you to overlook the 'hard edge' stuff.
  16. I'd have to guess that it's a LOT more than that. 17HMR has roughly double the muzzle velocity of a .22LR, and a .22 is good for 100 yards.
  17. redkow97


    My grandma bought stock in "El Paso Gas" because she thought it was clever. This is where my inheritance is going...
  18. redkow97


    a friend of mine and I are toying with the idea of going in on a house 50/50 and either renting or turning it around. the problem with the latter is that the longer that takes, the more you lose in interest and payments. Cost of improvements is something you can control; cost of ownership isn't... Renting would be more appealing, but it's 100% dependent on finding good tenants. 1 bad tenant can make your life hell, and cost you tens of thousands... I have the basic landlord/tenant law down pretty well, but as someone else said, tenants have a lot more rights than landlords. I've heard horror stories where the landlord sues and WINS after the tenant caused $7k in damage to the property. The problem is, there's probably a statutory limit on the damages, and winning doesn't mean that the tenant can pay you... That guy had $7k in damages, and what did he win? His tenants wages were garnished to the tune of $16 per pay check. The landlord gets a $32 check each month. I'm betting his attorney fees were also in the $2500-$5,000 range. Great win for the landlord.
  19. I think Rossi's just dipping his toe in the water at this point. By the second half of the season, he'll be back up front for sure. I read an interview with Hayden, and he basically said they're listening to Rossi on things they would question him and Stoner about. So basically, they believe it's a good thing to try because it came from Rossi - Hayden's been asking them to soften up the chassis for a year. It's a different direction for Ducati, and there are bound to be growing pains. The bike obviously has the potential to run up front, and I am confident Rossi will get it there. Hopefully Hayden comes along for the ride!! making up 2 seconds in setup time when they're making such major changes right now is VERY possible. And remember, Rossi's injured. I don't know if he's 2 seconds off the pace, but it may not all be the bike.
  20. will that kill a skunk at 40 feet? I've looked at those, but they're not even powerful enough to self-eject the casing... maybe sub-sonic round with the bike idling in the garage to cover it up a little? I don't imagine my neighbors; nor the police, would sympathize much with my choice here, so being inconspicuous is very important. I'll be taking a shot from my garage window at an angle where the bullet will impact the ground long before it enters anyone else's property. I assume a sealed bag is the best way to dispose of such a problem. would burning also be an option, or is that just going to amplify the stink?
  21. Not a totally fair comparison. Race is a constitutionally recognized "suspect classification." It's an immutable physical characteristic. Riding a motorcycle isn't. From where I'm standing, this is more of a privacy issue. Yes, they're profiling a group of people, but doing so based on an interest isn't discriminating against the person; it's discriminating against the interest. I am curious about how they get around probable cause though.
  22. My dog charged a skunk and took a direct hit to the grill. He retreated, and then was retarded enough to take a SECOND run at the skunk. That was epically awful. His second encounter involved a baby skunk that didn't pack nearly as much punch, but he stuck around longer barking at it from 2 feet away. I've seen the adult skunk in our (fenced in) yard multiple times since then. You can usually smell them before opening the garage to let the dog out, but I check compulsively now. We've tried trapping them. All I caught was the neighbor's cat. Serious question: is sub-sonic .22 ammo quiet enough that my neighbors won't call the cops?
  23. what does the cargo buckle run? That's definitely better than loose straps.
  24. if i were closer and you were willing to help me set up the trailer (it's folded in the garage w/ no chock on it), I'd say "case of highlife and some cash for gas." Pretty sure someone will have you covered for about the same.
  25. I said $2k because I didn't want to say a low number and make him feel like he got ripped off. $1500 is a great deal though. I was thinking $1800 would be about right, but that he could have paid as much as $2300. I understand that $550 isn't chump change, but as a percentage of the truck and trailer, I think it's a worth-while upgrade. Of course he can and should buy what he wants, but I was always super nervous transporting my bike with a traditional wheel-chock and ratchet-straps. Every time i hit a bump, the suspension would compress, the straps would go slack, and I would cringe as I waited to see if the hooks were going to come out of the soft-ties around the forks... Plus i've seen people arrive at the track, drop the ramp-door on their trailer, and immediately scream, "MOTHERFUCKER!" Usually the bike was rideable with a little tweak to the clipon, but the trailer wall didn't fair so well. And that's not even mentioning the unnecessary pressure ratchet-straps put on the bikes' fork seals. All I'm saying is that it's a worth-while upgrade when funds allow. No chance of buyer's remorse whatsoever.
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