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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. you won't find many that LOOK worse, I'll grant you that. but getting wide in T7 at beaveRun is bumpier than most portions of Nelson.
  2. "it's worth whatever somebody will pay for it." do you have an asking price?
  3. how hard is it to figure out the tree climbing gear? my old man's got a pretty big tree that needs to come down, and I refuse to let him pay several hundred dollars to have it done professionally. He didn't have 3 sons and tolerate use for between 22 and 27 years to pay for yard work in his mid 50's I had suggested that we rent a scissor lift to make the job easier, but I have enough rock climbing experience (and equipment) that this looks like it might offer a cheaper alternative... thoughts?
  4. I was never a "dog person" until I owned one, but honestly over breeding of dogs pisses me off just as much as this bitch throwing puppies into a river. think about that next time someone tells you they're buying from a breeder. Some people who claim to love dogs do some pretty shitty things to the species...
  5. keep it mind that the site (apparently) logs IP addresses so you can't vote multiple times from the same location. I'll try to vote again at school and at home
  6. #114 right here. I shared the link on my facebook page as well. I'd encourage everyone to do the same. Hopefully the majority of my friends aren't the "he paralyzed himself on his motorcycle and is still riding one!?" types... <eyeroll>
  7. the dog may get all the bitches, but the owner clearly isn't... Such a stunt requires a lot of friday and saturday nights spent at home...
  8. uphill braking zone into turn 1. interesting. someone said that MotoGP considered VIR or even NJMP as the second American date. Frankly, I don't think they'll go to Austin, because it would take away too many ticket purchasers from Laguna Seca. Logistically, there is a huge financial problem with bringing all the bikes to CA, flying them to Europe, and then immediately bringing them back to the US. As such, they're talking about either dropping one of the American rounds (indy), or makign them back-to-back to eliminate 2 transcontinental transports. If the latter option ends up being the way they go, the venues will have to be on opposite coasts to avoid cannibalizing each others ticket sales. That Austin track looks amazing, but I think VIR or even Road America is more likely.
  9. I've never had to deal with a bill that high, but my company would never expect me to front that much... I've fronted maybe $1200, but it never 'floats' for more than a month, so i just put it on my card, and pay the balance as soon as my reimbursement check comes. what's your card limit? mine's something stupid like $12k on one card, and $6k on the other... current balance is $0 on both.
  10. I got to :41's and would have been a cone in "A" group. I think you need to be in the high :30's to not be in the way. :35's are a good goal, and :29's are AMA times (on a 600). I think Herrin's qualifying lap was in the :27's
  11. I was only pointing out that Shumacher was never on the BBC payroll, nor did he ever have any confidentiality agreement in place (as the other two Stigs have)
  12. that was only because Ferrari wouldn't let anyone but Shumacher touch the Enzo FXX (which turned the fastest lap around their track by some 10 seconds, if memory serves)
  13. I understand that they didn't ask for the money, which means if they don't need it, it's gotta go somewhere. As noted, I trust that they'll use any funds appropriately, and not take some fancy vacation... that happened locally. Girl died in fireworks accident, and after a memorial fund was created, suddenly her high-school aged brother was driving a Plymouth Prowler. Pissed me off a bit...
  14. if I'm being honest, the question BadTrainDriver asked occurred to me as well. It's not that "racing is expensive, i'm sure they can afford it," it's that I would speculate that they were putting thousands a month into racing that they will no longer be spending. They'll have a pimped out class-C toy hauler to sell, etc. Financially, I don't think the Lenz family is in dire need of help. But maybe they are. ...Regardless, I donated anyway, because I trust that the Lenz family will put the money to good use, either toward their own needs, or in Peter's name via the Red-Flag fun, etc.
  15. the surface really isn't bad. The runoff is questionable in some places, but unless you're breaking the 1:10 mark, there's no reason to test the runoff... tracks don't crash bikes; riders crash bikes. You used to GP shift? I'll rent ya my bike on 10/2
  16. yeah, that's what I was going for. Another draw-back to U-Haul is that I'm fairly certain they ONLY purchase gasoline vehicles. I'd prefer diesel in something that large, if it were at all possible. the other thing to consider is that you're only fitting 2 people in a U-haul; maybe 3 if you all really like each other... Not conducive to bringing the family along unless they chase in a second vehicle. For as often as they make the trip though, that might be a viable option.
  17. I was told, "it's NOT the movie that the trailer makes it out to be." One review I read said that they expected it to get a decent opening weekend, based on the trailer, but then it would flop after people started talking about it. Sounds like that's what's happening.
  18. Redbull rookies cup is a step up from USGPRU, or at least the European/world version. Kaleb DeKeyrel (12 yrs old. gridded right behind Peter in his pics from Indianapolis) got an invitation to try out for the redbull rookie cup in Spain in a few weeks. the rider who died in that series was in 2008 I think. He was more like 15 though, if memory serves. I recall reading about that shortly after I started trackdays.
  19. If nothing else, you want to look at when uHaul is getting rid of their trucks (mileage and age), and use that as a measuring stick for when things start to go wrong with them. this is their business, and U-Haul corporate (i believe they're franchised) probably has a pretty good grasp on when it's most cost-effective to renew your fleet. In their case, reliability is the top priority. Renting a truck that breaks down is hugely terrible public relations and bad publicity. Just something to keep in mind. the box van idea is growing on me... Built-in ramp and ability to stand inside the back is appealing for sure.
  20. right, but there are easily 7 times as many kids playing football as there are road racing (let's not even bring dirt bikes into this...) Proportionally, i'm afraid that road racing is more dangerous. I hope Peter's death prompts a real investigation into these stats, and I hope i'm totally wrong.
  21. Any stats cited need to be proportional.
  22. I'm looking for data on football related deaths, and Wikipedia gets a math fail... they say the yearly average has remained constant at 9 deaths per year, but then say that there have been nearly 1700 deaths related to football in the last 75 years. that's an average of over 22 deaths per year... maybe 9 is with modern helmets and pads? We'll go with 9 per year. they claim 1.8 million participants in football (in 2006) how many people do we think race? In America, I'm betting it's a lot less than 1.8 million. Maybe a third of that, if we're lucky... proportionately, racing is killing more people. Adults and kids may fully understand that risk, but should we be allowing kids to accept it? I really want to be convinced that 6 yr olds on PW50's and 11 yr olds on RS125's is a great and wonderful thing; but the math isn't adding up.
  23. Do you honestly think the odds of getting hit in the head by a golf-ball are equal to dying in a motorcycle race? There are a LOT fewer kids racing motorcycles than playing football, baseball, golf, cheerleading, and gymnastics. I'd honestly like to see data on the fatalities "per capita" in each sport. My hope would be that racing comes out relatively even, or favorably compared to other sports, but my inclination is that the opposite is true. off the top of my head, I can think of at least 5 deaths in the last 3 years as a result of racing. that's kids and adults. I can't think of that many football related deaths in my LIFETIME, at the pro or amateur level.
  24. hey Steve(?) (SJC100rr) nice picture of you about to pass me. I'm betting this is right before you got that tank-slapper going. http://www.pbase.com/ray645/image/127985171 nice pic of Nick as well. that bike's too pretty to race... http://www.pbase.com/ray645/image/127985134 And Jinu (that bike's nowhere near too pretty to race ...but the rider might be!) http://www.pbase.com/ray645/image/127985193 and John(?) in turn 1 http://www.pbase.com/ray645/image/127985262
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