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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. redkow97


    ^ this strategy has also occurred to me. I've toyed with cutting out weights all together and just getting mroe serious about rock climbing... having a good strength-to-weight ratio might be more attainable (and healthier) than trying to bulk up and pack on muscle...
  2. redkow97


    I used to be REALLY into working out. Now, i have a lot less free time. Because everyone's bodies are so different, there is no "magic bullet" supplement or workout routine. I think it is good to work out with someone else, just to force you to do exercises you don't like every so often, but do what works for YOU. I also know that I can't work out at home. I'll just find something else to do. Adjust the music, check the computer, etc. I HAVE to go to a gym. In college I ate TONS of tuna, 3 protein shakes a day (80 grams each), creatine, and lifting heavy. I got up to 187 lbs. at my biggest, and could bench 255 or so. for me, 187 is huge. I went into college at 148 lbs, and I remember putting 165 on my drivers license when I turned 21, but I was really more like 162. In Daytona Beach after my senior year, I was 187 and pretty happy with the way I carried it. Those were the days. Now I just don't have the time to work out for 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week, so I do more cardio and walk around at more like 170... I'd like to put on some more muscle, but school keeps me away from the gym. Life gets in the way. I'm still "in shape," but I'm not big anymore. maybe some other time. As far as supplements (for getting bigger), I like: - NO Xplode. It tastes better than most of the other NO infused creatines. My buddy Russ (who is absolutely jacked...) swears by NO Shotgun. Both are over-priced and will give you the shits for the first week you take them. - whey protein. whatever mixes well. You're going to be taking a lot if your goal is to gain mass, so it better at least mix well if it doesn't taste good... I cycle any creatine I take, just because I feel like it stops giving me any gains after about a month. At most, I'll do 2 months on, 1 month off. I also mix in the inexpensive GNC brand (unflavored) Creatine Monohydrate with the more expensive and excessively flavored NO Xplode. That shit's like $35/bottle, so I only take 1-2 scoops, even though they recommend up to 3.
  3. For anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation, I ended up getting $200 from a junk place for the neon. I should have held out for more though. The car only had 86,000 miles on the engine, and the mechanic made some comment about how he would have made me an offer if he'd known I was going to get rid of it. Sort of makes sense - he was driving a 90's Suburban that gets 12 mpg on its best day, and without paying for labor to swap the transmission, He'd be looking at a car with less than half the mileage that gets double the fuel economy for about $1500... Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Anyway, the "new" cage is my mother-in-law's 2005 Nissan Altima. I'm not crying over the 2.5 liter I-4, but I would have been thrilled if it weren't an automatic. I got "take good care of my daughter" pricing from my father in law, so despite the fact that it's not exactly what I would have picked out myself, the deal was far too good to pass up. a 5 year old car with only 35,000 miles on it is hard to find. One I could reasonably afford is impossible to find... I haven't had much of an opportunity to really play with the car and see if it's any fun to drive, so this first full tank of gas is going to be a test of fuel economy. I'm consciously nursing the throttle to see if I can crack 30mpg. I think 27 is more realistic, but I can dream...
  4. I think USE might actually be legal in OH ...sort of. possession is definitely not legal. Growing is definitely not legal. But I don't think simply being high violates any statutes; except standard DWI and public intox laws, but those are premised on negligence or nuisance, not narcotics. legal or illegal, it's shitty that a police officer is in the hospital for doing his job.
  5. The only scenario I'm trying to avoid is someone saying, "i'd buy it if it weren't orange and brown." the $500 is only to prevent someone from backing out of our previously agreed-upon price after I've spent X hours sanding and spraying. thus it would be non-refundable, but 100% of that $500 would go toward the previously agreed upon price.
  6. ^ thanks Brian - I left the turning of the knobs to people more experienced than myself, but that simplifies it. I believe it's a triple clicker, I just haven't looked in a while. I realize it's a love it or hate it paint job:D If someone really hates it: for a $300 deposit, I'll remove, clean, sand, and paint the body-work in a white base-coat. for another $200, I'll rattle-can it in a simple 2-color scheme. Obviously the paint job isn't worth $500, but the time I'll spend doing it is. All the white on my bike is vinyl decals. The $500 would be non refundable, but put toward your purchase of the bike.
  7. probably because it's a setup. she just happened to fall asleep with her hair pulled back in the bandanna so her forehead was totally exposed? i'm not convinced.
  8. hahaha - thanks. I pretty much copied and pasted the same text on the NESBA & STT forums, and also put it out on Craigslist. obviously I'm more inclined to negotiate with people on this site, so I'm open to reasonable offers. I've got some other stuff I'd prefer to hang onto, but I'll throw in for the right price as well.
  9. Old car died, and new car is being paid for in cash. School is keeping me from the track lately anyway, so the Honda's up for sale. 2003 Honda 600RR - I have a WI title for it, but it's been through 3 owners without being registered, so it would be exceedingly difficult to title it in your name and put the bike on the street. $3500/negotiable, or will consider trades + cash for SV650 street bike, or F4i street bike. Basically I'm considering the option to go back to street/track, but leaning toward cash right now. Maintenance: - runs like a top. It's a honda, and I'm not one to slam the bike off the rev limiter for no reason... - oil/filter changed every 4 trackdays, if not more often. - coolant flushed twice a year when I swap in antifreeze for winter, and water wetter each spring. - chain lubed after every weekend at the track. - hasn't touched the ground since it was crashed as a street bike. - off the top of my head, mileage is ~10,000(?), but the taller gearing does throw it off a bit. upgraded parts: - Woodcraft rearsets (currently set up for GP shift, but I'm told it's an easy change) - Vortex clip-ons - Vortex triple-clamps - Vortex keyless gas cap - SS brake lines (not sure on brand) - CRG adjustable levers (this is one of those things I would never have bought if the PO hadn't put them on, but they are pretty sweet) - frame sliders (unsure of brand, but they're the short, "mushroom" style) - PO claims it's Armour Bodies body work (in very good shape; great shape if you like the browns) - FULL Arata Titanium exhaust - Power Commander (dyno's at 103.1 HP mapped for 87 octane. I think 110 would be easy w/ premium) - ZG "double bubble" wind-screen - Penske rear shock (pretty sure it's a triple-clicker, but I'll verify) - GMD computrack fork internals (suspension is set up by Turn One Racing for 175 lbs rider + gear) - Scotts steering damper - 520 chain conversion - I'll throw in the pit-bull TRS pins with it as well, but not the whole TRS. Extra Parts: - coolant overflow reservoir - rear sprockets (three I think - 43, 44, and 45 tooth in addition to the 45 on the bike) - stock wind screen - extra plugs - full set of fork seals - OEM triple clamp (with bearings) - brand new brake pads - unopened. - XT lap timer BEACON probably more stuff i'm forgetting. The bike is plenty capable, and I'd probably keep it forever if I had the funds to ride it more often. It's done 1:06's at BeaveRun, 1:40's at Mid-Ohio, and 1:18's at Nelson, with a lot of room for improvement. the guy who converted this bike from street to track intended to race it, but never did. This bike has NEVER been raced, but it is safety wired beyond any trackday club's "advanced" requirements, and 90% ready to race. Just add yellow plates (which I had planned to do this winter) and drill a couple of things. $3500, negotiable. Can help w/ delivery within 100 miles or so, or meet you southerners in Columbus, etc. the day I put the painted body work on: last time I rode the bike (with OR members @ BeaveRun)
  10. How much does the adjustment affect the likelihood of accidental discharge? I'm trying to equate this to "adjusting" some other product improperly. Like if I rode a motorcycle with 8 psi in the tires, that wouldn't be the tire's fault, even though it's the tire that failed. I'm ASKING if there's a plausible correlation with the triggers here. I don't know firearms, nor did I see the show - so again, I'm ASKING. a bad design allows failure, but in some cases poor maintenance is what CAUSES it.
  11. you had a radar detector and got a warning? Forget lucky, that's almost unbelievable.
  12. a friend of mine has a 75 gallon freshwater tank. I think he gave up on trying to maintain a saltwater tank, but he still buys and sells equipment. Last I talked to him, he had profited over $2,000 in the last year. That's with renting a truck, and paying his roommate to help him move the heavy stuff... When I got my trailer, he was excited because we can move more 5 gallon buckets of salt water
  13. i'd love to do this, but i don't have the time. Plus there's no way I can leave it in my driveway long enough to part it properly. that would be the best option though... If I had a way to tow it w/o paying someone else to do it...
  14. how much of a tax write-off is it really going to be? You really think it would be worth a $50-$75 tow back to my house to sell it on CL? the one thing the junk car companies have going for them is that they'll usually pick it up for free...
  15. need options fast btw - Conrad's in Strongsville is only charging me $115 for their diagnosis, plus $55 (zero markup) for the tow. I know they're a chain, but that location earned my next routine service. Didn't pressure me at all to fix my shitbox, and I don't think they're charging me to keep it over night. Even so, I want it out of their lot tomorrow, if at all possible.
  16. It's no secret that I hate my (wife's old) neon; particularly the shit-tacular 3-speed automatic transmission with such wide ratios that it's never in the proper gear... Well today, the neon proved me right and took an absolute SHIT on 71 South while I was headed to Polaris for work. The transmission is completely toast after just 86,2XX miles. the mechanic speculates that the trans was failing, heated up, and actually boiled the trans fluid lines. Because the trans fluid shares a radiator with the motor, the boiling trans fluid actualy backed up into the radiator, and was cycled into the engine. The engine itself doesn't seem to be damaged, but a new trans and radiator were quoted at $2100-$2500 installed. That's with several coolant flushes to get the trans fluid out! Anyway, the car's worth maybe $2k, so it's being replaced. What's the best thing to do with a neon w/o a transmission? I'm trying those "we buy junk cars" sites, but i'm not really expecting much in the way of cash money. donating it is another possibility, and I'd love to sell it as a parts car, but only if somebody knows someone who's looking. other options?
  17. insurance is like any other business; they're out ot make money. if you're paying $200/year and then your $4,000 bike gets totaled, the insurance company has to cover you for a total of 20 years just to break even. I don't find it terribly shocking that they raise your rates. What it amounts to is you get the value of your bike, but you pay them back at 0% interest over the next 5 years. SOMEONE is going to pay - it's supposed to be whoever's at fault, but if they're not available, the insurance company finds it a lot cheaper to go after the insured than pay megabucks to fight the person at fault in court.
  18. you should see some of the ammo available for that thing... speedytriple and I were looking at rounds with two little hockey-puck looking things, and then 5 pellets around it. perfect home defense round
  19. My bike is worth maybe $1200, and I still cover a lot of uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage. That's mostly to cover my potential injuries, but it should also pay for damage from hit-and-run accidents, or even the random old person who never realizes they hit me. and always call the cops... depending on the nature of the accident, you have up to 24 hours to report it. Getting the clock ticking can be important. Probably more applicable when someone runs over your mail box than when they hit you on your bike, but still a good rule.
  20. FYI - that Mossberg Maverick 88 someone offered you in trade for your 9mm is at Fin, Feather & Fur for $199 new.
  21. I'd love to visit the rusty rainbow, but I can't do it tomorrow I would strongly suggest camping at one of the local resorts. It gets dark pretty early now. ACE adventure is a place I've rafted twice, and their camp sites are cheap, and the showers are nice. You can even rent a tent if you don't want to pack one. Not sure about sleeping bags though...
  22. just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
  23. tandem is great; if you like having a dude's junk strapped to your asscrack. I'd prefer to take the class and jump solo. Yes, I'm a control freak.
  24. we tried "assassins" with squirt guns between a fraternity and a sorority. The problem was there was no time-limit imposed, so it would go on for way too long, and a couple hardcore people were totally nuts about it. I like this better. multiple targets that must wear an identifying mark.
  25. funny that someone should post that second video - before I finished watching the first one, I was thinking, "they RE-arrested this guy? I can't believe he didn't 'accidentally' die of the wounds inflicted."
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