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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I've pondered the super-ultra-conservative stance that anyone who runs from the police should be shot at (assuming there's not a substantial risk of injury bystanders). print fliers, do TV and radio PSA's, etc. for a year, and then on Jan 1, 2012, "anyone who runs will be shot at." I'd like to believe that the only people dumb enough to run would be the ones who already did something pretty fucking bad. I'd like to believe that... oh well. keep fighting the good fight.
  2. I've heard this a lot, and I understand the basic principle that bigger bullet makes a bigger hole, but bullets are explicitly designed to PIERCE, not knock people down. a rubber bullet or bean-bag is designed to knock people down by being blunt; as in the opposite of sharp (like a bullet). So when people are making claims about "knock down" and "stopping" power, I assume they really mean "immediate and obvious pain." A .45 inflicts more immediate and obvious pain than a .22? - I'll buy that, but my suspicion is that if I were to shoot someone with a .22, they wouldn't be sticking around to find out if the second shot tickled. Now that said, I do believe that an armed home intruder IS likely to have something larger than a .22, and being out-gunned is never ideal. If someone's breaking in JUST to cause me harm (and not for their own personal financial gain), then the benefits of having a larger caliber round at your disposal make more sense - but I think that will rarely be the case.
  3. yeah, i think i'm sold on the shotgun, as much as the wife will hate it, I think she'll hateit more if I shoot through our wall and kill a neighbor while defending us... So 12 gauge it is. now what ammo do I use? I'd like to play with slugs in someone's back yard, but i'm seeing 8 pellet, 9 pellet, 27 pellet, etc. cartridges, and I have no idea what I want for home defense, clays, etc.
  4. I've actually considered a revolver due to the simplicity of the design. as a home defense weapon, you have to leave it loaded so it's ready any time. I'm sure I'm not hte first person to think, "isn't leaving the spring compressed in the magazine all the time kind of a bad idea?" a revolver has no such issue, but I have been led to believe that rimfire ammo is less reliable. six of one, 1/2 dozen of another?
  5. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, because I'm relatively uneducated regarding firearms, but what's this? http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/manufacturers_id/227/products_id/48311 isn't the only difference rim-fire v. center-fire? I count it as the "same" ammo even if they're not interchangeable rounds...
  6. Unless something has changed since I did it, $0 - but it's nto a full trackday. it's a 20-minute demo session on the bike, with your pace (somewhat) limited by a control rider. If you're all over their back wheel, they'll either speed up or wave you by though.
  7. ^ My cousin's and LEO and he pointed me at the NEF/H&R "pardner" when I started looking last year. ~$220 new at sporting goods stores for the 18.5" version. It's a part-for-part copy of the remington 870 with few exceptions. What I liked about it was that you could use most 870 accessories. Speedy - if I can find time, I'll PM you. I'll be at school some of the day tomorrow, and at Cedar Point on Sunday. Would you be available Saturday? I wouldn't cry if we went during the buckeyes game, but I understand if you want to see it.
  8. shit man - i'd say tonight if I wasn't going to dinner with my in-laws. I work at Pleasant Valley & Brecksville Rd, so I'm basically there already... What kind of restrictions does stonewall have on shotguns?
  9. i wish I was black so I could come back at you with, "how about you touch my dark saber?"
  10. Ok - that's along the lines of what I thought... What about a 20 gauge? is ammo still easy to find? can I shoot clays iwth it? will it put a (big enough) hole in a bad-guy?
  11. Chevy - I don't really have a dog in this fight, but why should we believe that the photo shown was taken on the date claimed?
  12. I'll trade you my wife for yours + a .22 and a shotgun.
  13. if I had my way, I'd get: - a .22 pistol - a .22 rifle with a big-ass scope - a higher-powered hunting rifle of some sort (haven't researched that at all...) - a 12 gauge shotgun. - a .45 pistol Realistically, that would cover pretty much all my needs except carry, which I don't currently plan on doing (routinely). Might still get the permit though, just to have the option. ...but I'm married. I stopped getting my way as soon as we started planning the wedding!
  14. Put yourself in Suzuki's shoes: You have to think of this from a sales/marketing perspective. Suzuki is asking themselves, "who is our target market here?" I assume that the answer is Males, age 18-35. Especially at the younger end of that spectrum, people are financially retarded. They won't even look at $12k and think "damn, that's a lot of money," they'll look at the $99/month payment with $500 down and finance the bike for 10 years. by 2014, their 2011 bike will be on Craigslist because their payment jumps from $99/month to $199/month, and they'll be paying interest out the ass. They'll still owe $8900 on the bike, and that will be their asking price; despite the fact that all of us will know that their bike is only worth ~$6k max by then (and that's with low mileage and no drops). So either they'll sell it and take a significant hit, or the bank will repo it, and someone (probably a dealership) will buy it at auction and put it back on their showroom floor for $7500.
  15. I may have started a similar thread a few months ago, but I can't find it... to recap; I've never owned a gun, and only fired hand guns. Hoping to buy myself an early christmas present though. (i gave up on my prior gun quest when the track bike needed a new rear tire ) Here are the "bullet points" (haha - i'm hilarious) of my situation: - my primary concern is home defense, but I want to actually USE any firearm I purchase. Range shooting needs to be possible and affordable (i know the last range I was at didn't allow rifles or shotguns...) - my wife doesn't like firearms. I have to choose ONE (for now). She particularly dislikes the size and "image" of shotguns, or this would be an easy decision. - I am CHEAP. $200 is my absolute max budget. Cheaper would be better. - cost and availability of ammo matter a lot. - "stopping power" isn't a huge concern for me. Missing an intruder and shooting through my neighbor's wall IS a concern... So where the questions come in... how accurate can a novice shooter hope to be with a hand gun? I like the compact size (for storage purposes) of a hand gun, and the wife somehow finds them less intimidating than shotguns, but I don't really love target shooting in the 15-30 foot range. Options I'm considering: 1) telling the wife to blow it out her ear and buying an inexpensive 12 gauge. Only draw-back I see here is the size of the firearm, and maybe the recoil. 2) telling the wife, "I understand that a 12 gauge scares you and you'd have a hard time handling the recoil in an emergency, so I'm buying a 20 gauge" (is ammo as cheap and available? could I still shoot clays with it? is it still a decent home defense weapon? what could I potentially hunt with it?) 3) buying a cheap-ass hi-point .38 - for $135 new, it just seems like a convenient and cheap option... 4) going with an inexpensive .22 revolver or pistol that can share ammo with a .22 rifle I might some day be able to purchase - then the hand-gun is my "home intruder" weapon (despite the small caliber round), and the rifle is for when I want to pretend to be a sniper, or pick off looters in the street when the dollar collapses and the country descends into anarchy. As much as I'd like a small arsenal in my home, I'm also trying to keep my wife relatively happy, or like I said, the shot-gun would be a no brainer. thoughts?
  16. Coincidentally, that armslist site Casper(?) posted the other day had a Maverick 88 up for sale around Columbus, so I did a little research on it just before reading this thread. As others have said, it's the cheaper version of the Mossberg 500. The primary differences are: - no scope taps - the safety operates differently than the 500 - the slide is different than the 500 If you're not looking to modify the gun, the 88 appears to be an ok and inexpensive choice. There's 2 of them for sale on armslist; a used 20" barrel model, (which adds enough room for an additional round) and a new 18.5" barrel. Both are listed for $200. From what others have posted here, those are at least $50 high.
  17. yeah, the 400 and 700 fit me well... never tried on the 1000, or I'd seriously consider it.
  18. and another thing (probably what I should have said first): If they HAD put out the fire, why would anyone else in that city ever pay their fire fees again? They could just wait until their house caught on fire, and then pay what they owed in late fees. The fire department wouldn't be able to pay their employees, and there wouldn't BE a fire department for anyone.
  19. so you're in the habit of calling relative strangers "bro?" I stand by my comment.
  20. you know what, I'm happy this happened. There SHOULD be consequences for stupidity. This guy took a risk, and it bit him in the ass. Do I think the government should have to notify you that you're delinquent on your Fire Protection Fees? Of course. Do I think they should give you 120 days to pay before they stop responded to emergency calls? Yes. But this guy was completely aware of the fact that he hadn't paid, and just thought it didn't matter. That attitude of entitlement is bullshit. He had his chance to pay his $75 just like every one of his neighbors did. They were responsible; he wasn't. A few points that should also be noted: - paying a yearly fee for fire protection services is pretty common out West. Not as common in TN, but it's not as strange as it sounds to Ohioans. - this county VOTED for the fire department to function in this manner. As a result, their taxes are significantly lower. As far as I'm concerned, this is no different than cities who charge for trash collection. You stop paying, and they stop picking up. I fail to see why fire should be any different. Or is that a "right" now too?
  21. "maybe not since 9/11. Everyone's so sensitive. Thanks, Bin Laden."
  22. you should knock $1,000 off for calling him "bra."
  23. where at Nelson can you put a knee down doing 140?
  24. are you joking? I nearly hit a deer in the park last month while JOGGING. i swear on my grandfather's grave that I got less than 10 feet from a deer on foot, and I was the only one getting scared. I slowed to a stop to avoid (theoretically) chasing the deer back across the road and into the Lexus SUV that was rounding the bend. the deer barely even acknowledged me. I've blasted the horn at deer, revved engines, and thrown things. Nothing scares those dumb fucks anymore.
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