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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I think i read that the record is 7,000 or something. i guess i wouldn't mind being part of the record, but bike night is a snooze.
  2. when we ran it for cross country practice, we used to refer to the big long hill as "mile high." The name was retarded, because the hill was really more like HALF a mile LONG, but "mile high" sounded better i guess...
  3. and that's not even the worst thing wrong with Neons...
  4. ugh, where were you when the neighbor kid was looking for a bike? he bought an EX250.
  5. a shop manual with a full wiring diagram is only $30-$40. (marginally more than pizza and beer) I assume you'll just want to hard-wire the kill switch, or wire up the headlight switch to act like an "ignition." I've seen it done, but never done it myself.
  6. some forms of stupidity should be punishable by death.
  7. try driving in reverse and braking hard. that used to free up the parking break on my probe. I stopped using it after the third time it stuck... but reversing the direction of force can sort of "wiggle" the brakes the same way you'd wiggle a tent stake to get it out of the ground. forward, then brake. backward, then brake; and repeat.
  8. I'll believe 140 indicated. My 600RR indicates in the 160's before I run out of track. no way it's doing more than 150 though. Highway patrol is a different animal all together. They get all sorts of fun toys. Used to have camaros and mustangs. Now i see a lot more Chargers (even in suburbs). I'm betting the charger pushes or surpasses 150. Probably electronically limited at 155, like the Mustang Cobras were. Someone had an article that linked to an older camaro hwy patrol car. It claimed a radar verified 165 for that particular vehicle.
  9. Damn, all those people afraid to take their 2009+ GSXR6ZXCBR to a trackday should be all over this.
  10. what sportbike costs $25-$50k? everyone's riding an 1198S these days? but yeah, a crown vic, even with the police interceptor package will be lucky to hit 140. I believe most of the modifications are suspension related, so they can run over curbs and stuff without destroying the car. Any performance mods might help acceleration a tad, but with all the crap they put in police cruisers, the additional weight offsets 90% of any acceleration advantage they gain. that said, the mercury marauder was a pretty badass car ...if you didn't expect too much
  11. Josh Herrin just posted on facebook that he's getting into collecting cards. he might be buying, and money is no object
  12. Playboy puts out similar rankings for "top beer-drinking school." In 2003(?) they had a note saying that "The University of Dayton has asked to be removed from our annual rankings. We've obliged, but only because we believe it's become unfair to allow professionals in an amateur competition." UD still ranked in the top 5 for "best places to have sex on a college campus: Woodland Cemetery."
  13. www.goooh.com (get out of our house .com) make the house of representatives representative again. I hope it catches on. And to be clear, the site itself has no party affiliation. The members certainly have allegiances and opinions, but democrats and republicans are both pretty threatened by its existence. I like that.
  14. Every President in the history of the United States has exercised more executive power than his predecessor. The war power becomes absurd with terrorism. You can't win a war on terror - no one's going to sign a treaty. Therefore, the President (regardless of which party) will never really be in-check. It's true, Congress has not declared war ...but they keep signing the checks to fund it. It's a rather convenient way for Congress to blame the President while publicly condemning the war. As the article points out, the US is spending more money than anyone can keep track of. That's Congress's fault. period.
  15. so was I the only OR member there? Sunday gave us perfect track conditions (albeit ridiculously hot), and I got down to the low :21's I really have no frame of reference for whether or not that's decent, because last time I was at Putnam was my first, and the track was wet most of the day. Regardless, I'm happy with the way I rode. p.s. - safety wire your oil cap if you're going to do a trackday. drilling plastic is STUPID EASY, and it will prevent your 2010 R1 from spraying oil all over me on the front straight. Not that I'm bitter.
  16. it's never "too late in the season" to buy a membership. they're good for a calendar year.
  17. you're younger than me, so unless these cards belonged to your dad, they're pretty worthless. figure you're talking maybe $12 for a rare-ish card in perfect condition. By the 90's, the market was totally flooded with baseball cards. there used to be like 3 manufacturers of them. By the time I hit grade school, there were 10 or 20. it's not a collectible if there are too many.
  18. yeah, i'm wondering what their "damages" would be. The cost of their bleacher seat ticket that they got half-off with a pepsi can? settling that $13 out of court won't be a tough call. the embarrassment and humiliation of being escorted out in front of thousands of people? I think they'd have a hard time proving that was Progressive Field's fault, given the jersey. there's just no cause to bring suit.
  19. i can stomach bike night about twice a summer. there are usually hot chicks from the local strip clubs passing shit out, so that's nice. And watching people's dyno runs can be moderately entertaining at times. otherwise, I just go to look at bikes and walk around.
  20. a 250 isn't worth taking. That's not an insult to the bike, but the market is flooded with cheap 250 parts already. hell, if someone stole my 500, I'd expect them to start it, realize it wasn't an I4, and then bring it back and tell me how sorry they were that I have such a shitty bike... the only thing I'd worry about with your 250 is joy-riders. People who bought a katana, couldn't afford the payment, and had it repo'd. That demographic might take your bike just for shits and giggles, ride it, and wreck it or leave it. as much as a lock isn't going to stop a serious thief from taking yoru bike, if there's 2 bikes right next to each other, and one has a lock, but the other does, an amateur joy-rider is going to take the one w/o a lock...
  21. only a fucktard would start a thread like this.
  22. I would never have thought, in my entire life, that I'd look at Glen Davis and think, "that dude's alright." "Towards the end of the night, Celtics center Glen Davis walks past James' party and looks at the scene up and down several times like a painting in a museum, soaking in the images of the go-go dancers, the "King" sign and the costumed man delivering bottles of champagne. Davis shakes his head and walks on."
  23. a friend of mine dumped beer down a girls ass crack at a bar. we had asked her 3 or 4 times to pull up her pants, as she was NOT attractive. It was awkward enough to ask, but we were seeing a solid 4-5" of crack, so Lardis dumped beer down her ass crack. No knife fight resulted, but the girl got thrown out for smacking Lardi's beer out of his hand and slapping him across the face. Mission accomplished.
  24. '93+ was 2nd gen, but the rims for the 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder are waaaaaaay different. Might have been to fit bigger brakes on the GT.
  25. i'm mostly curious because my first car was a '93 PGT, but what kind of power does a turbo I4 variant put out? if memory serves, the GT made 165hp from its 2.5 liter V6 powerplant. probably around 6k RPM.
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