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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. "the problem with cheap rent is that your neighbors can afford it too." my last two rental dwellings cost around $525/month and were nightmares... I have to remind myself of that each month when I pay $700 in interest on my mortgage.
  2. last I read, 'Ghost Rider' retired and outed himself. The problem is that 99% of the people in his videos don't speak English. There was a rumor going around that he was arrested while being interviewed by some news network. I've actually seen a video where the cops come up and 'arrest' him while he's being interviewed. someone who actually spoke the language (or claimed to) said he was never arrested - the cops just asked him for insurance and registration information on the bikes. When he didn't have it, they impounded the bikes he was sitting on (on a public street), but the cops were talking about how cool the bikes were mostly. Apparently the country he was in hadn't been made famous by one of his videos. Anyway, it came out that the guy is just a rich hooligan having fun by putting other people's lives at risk. His car and bike collection is enviable though...
  3. I'm with those who advocate the CHEAP solution. $45 refurb from an online site will get the job done, and you won't cry if it gets wet, stolen, etc. I've put my (car) tom tom in the map pocket of a tank bag more than once. The only problem is keeping it powered for extended trips.
  4. yawn. A BMW 1000RR with studded tires can go fast in a straight line on ice, and do burnouts? what a shocker. if they'd actually attempted a turn or two, i might have been impressed.
  5. i'd be in on this in the future, but I just saw the thread today. I don't expect those who participated in February to be in a hurry to throw down another $30 though.
  6. hmm... street legal would make getting to work in the snow a lot more fun.
  7. so which state had the honor of earning that 105mph top speed?
  8. I kept thinking, "if that guy's clutch cable snaps..."
  9. with 'parents' like that, the kid's life would have been more of a tragedy than its death.
  10. Well, i discovered today that all 3 local hardware stores think its spring. The mom & pop shop offered to order the belt I need (snapped mine in the last heavy snow), but Lowes and Home Depot aren't stocking snow blowers, or any parts for them. The manufacturer has already bought back their stock of auger belts, and replaced them with belts for edgers and riding mowers. so I can't fix my snow blower, but I can fix the deck on a riding mower if i want... I was smart enough to look up the part number to see if MTD shares the belt with any of their mowers, but no such luck.
  11. if you're resting the starting lineup, and the benchers are still running up the score, i'm not sure what else you're supposed to do. 6-0 sounds bad, but i've seen the losing team completely give up by half-time in similar situations. What is the dominant team SUPPOSED to do? I say play keepaway. And i don't htink 6-0 is excessively running up teh score.
  12. i have a suit i can loan as well. I'll post pics and sizing when I verify that it's a 42.
  13. The democrat forgot to lecture everyone within earshot about what kind of social programs could have saved the attacker from such a lowly existence.
  14. ^ it's not that "elite support people are only available 25% of the time," it's that there is no such thing as an "elite" technician who wants to do the tedious shit like virus cleanup. Frankly, most virus cleanups take a lot of time and effort. Most of our owners report that unless they can have 3 computers on the bench at the same time, they actually lose money on virus cleanup. (with 3 computers, they can at least have all 3 scanning at the same time, etc.) The real money is in monitoring and prevention these days. for $25/month, you get GOOD antivirus (not McAfee or some other shit program), system monitoring, patch management (makes sure updates install properly), and online backup. the real advantage is that someone else has a vested interest in alerting you to potential problems. The technician will get a notification from the monitoring software, "uh, hey - the hard drive cooling fan is failing." and the tech can call the customer, or even shut down the computer remotely before it fries itself.
  15. Camp. I assume we can camp Saturday night anyway... I've camped at Gingerman before, and their bathrooms are nice (don't recall if they had showers, but they should). just bring bug spray. the lake attracts mosquitoes FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR SUITS: do a google search for "AGV forza." It's probably the least expensive new suit that I'd actually wear (i.e. not Frank Thomas brand, or some eBay special). they run about $300 new.
  16. very true. Not sure WTF i was thinking, but my question is still valid.
  17. Geek Squad is a quasi-competitor for my company, and I posted this to our global forum. The shame is that I'm sure there are GOOD Geek Squad locations out there, and that one bad shop (maybe one bad employee) is the a-hole here, ruining the reputation for the rest. I agree that Geek Squad is overpriced in most cases, but they commoditize the industry very nicely. Rather than saying, "setting up a router should take 1 hour @ $115/hour," they changed the industry pricing model to "it's $79 to set up a router." period. if it takes us longer, WE eat the cost. It takes out the guess work in pricing for consumers.
  18. i can't believe he got up so fast...
  19. i'm surprised so many people find their Scorpions to be loud. I've had 3 other helmets: - some cheap one that I bought when i first started riding - a GTmax or GTforce? (my exgf bought this for passenger use. I retired it when it fell off my bike at 35mph... a bungy let go...) - an HJC CL-15 that I still wear on the street, but is due for replacement soonish - my EXO 400. the Scorpion is by far the quietest helmet I own, with the GTmax a close second. Both were FAR more snug than my other helmets. for what the EXO400 and 700 cost, I'll wear ear plugs... the 700 is supposed to be marginally lighter if anyone is concerned about the 400's weight, but I can't find any info on HOW much lighter.
  20. don't worry about it. we've gone back and forth enough that I don't take things personally when your comments come across as 'short' online. I'm sure you've seen a lot of people go through miserable situations because they didn't think of the things you're pointing out - I get that. Besides, I need to start kissing your ass so you aren't showing me a shit line around Gingerman
  21. I don't mean to dissuade you, but it's going to be tough to pack proper gear for that trip in April. You might leave OH with snow flurries, and end up in pretty damn hot weather by the time you get to FL. It prevents some interesting packing challenges, getting un-dressed on the way down, and adding layers on the way back.
  22. Charlie @ Pit-Bull used to work for NASA
  23. TJ @ ridersdicount has the best price i've seen for the Pit-Bull TRS, and i've been debating the purchase for almost a year now. I dont' have mine installed on my trailer yet either, but I've used the system in helping other people load and unload. After a trip to Calabogie with my bike ratchet-strapped to the trailer, and a buddy's bike held up with the TRS, I was 100% sold. I worried every time the road got twisty or bumpy that my bike was going to end up skidding down the road behind us. His bike was rock solid. If that weren't awesome enough, the TRS probably saved me thousands of dollars in marriage counseling, because my wife no longer has to sit on the bike while I strap it down (at 5 AM, in the rain, as I pack up for BeaveRun...) Loading is truly a 1-man job with the TRS. killer product.
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