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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. hey, ease up guys. If this pans out, Barry can relocated the Gitmo prisoners to the moon.
  2. redkow97


    If I were Erik Buell, I would challenge that non-compete (although I agree with you, it likely does exist). the 3 basic requirements for an enforceable non-compete are: - it must be for a reasonable amount of time (3 years is pretty standard) - in must be within a reasonable geographical area (since HD sells nation-wide, the entire US might be fair game, but in places where HD doesn't sell bikes, he could sell there) - HD must prove that it's likely Buell would actually reduce their sales (basically proving Buell is true "competition.") that last point is VERY debatable, and I'd love to see them argue it. I can't think of anyone who has ever gone shopping for a Harley (or any cruiser) and ended up buying a buell... The XB line would almost definitely be off limits for continued sale, but as noted, the 1125 has no ties to HD. I don't think it competes even the slightest bit.
  3. it's easy to say that now, but if they had gotten the first down, everyone would be sucking their dicks this morning and talking about how "gutsy" it was, and how "it's great to see a coach have confidence in his offense" and all that crap. If Brady was my QB, I can't say I wouldn't have at least entertained the notion of trying to end the game on that play. Either choice was a gamble in some respect. I agree that punting seems like it would have been the safer bet, but hindsight is 20/20. in any case, I preferred to see the Colts win.
  4. that sucks... I always feel worse for riders when they're completely not at fault. The SUV driver should be the one who's really thankful though. Personal injury lawyers are everywhere! The bike didn't look bad in the pics, but based on your "totaled" claim, I assume the frame bent at the steering head, yes? at the very least, I'm sure the forks are pretty messed up. on the bright side, if he wants to buy the bike back from the insurance co., and can find a new frame/forks, he's got all winter to do the swap.
  5. And Hix passed on that option?? what a pussy! FWIW, I heard about Spartan Leathers from Ron, and he doesn't miss a chance to recommend you. Sponsorship money well spent, IMO.
  6. I would base your suit color more on your helmet/gloves/boots than your bike. People tend to replace bikes pretty often. That suit ought to last you a loooong time. more obscure colors will be cheaper to match with gloves. once met a group of 3 guys with yellow leathers. the yellow was so un-popular, their suits were 50% off, and matching gloves were just as cheap. And it's true. Every time i check the 'clearance" section on IronPony.com, everything is yellow - or at least everything they actually have in a size other than XXL or XS.
  7. "it's only worth how much somebody wants to pay for it." - my uncle, after I claimed I had a baseball card worth $12 when i was 8 yrs old. I bet there's someone out there dumb enough to pay $5k for that bike.
  8. ^ a lot will depend on track conditions. cool as it is, traction might be more of an issue than I anticipated. And i'm by no means a drag-race expert (but I do watch a lot of "pass time" on speed, and I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night - no, seriously. I'm in ATL for work, and really wish i had my bike with me...)
  9. i swear, the first time i read this, i thought it said "to hell with the rest of you," and my first thought was, "this guy fits in too well already..." welcome, and congrats to Laura on getting her license. My wife promised to take the MSF class (that was her wedding present to me), and just got her endorsement last month as well. ride safe!
  10. has he drag raced before? if yes - 10.90 if no - 11.33
  11. honestly, 90 days in jail, probation, and restitution for the time/money wasted on the hoax sounds pretty fair. Unfortunately, this is still going to work out to his benefit. Obviously the 'get famous' scheme didn't work as planned, but there's going to be a Barbara Walters interview either from jail, or shortly after this guy is released. financially, he'll come out ahead. the country is going to hate him, but there's no denying "the howard stern affect." from Private Parts: "the average stern lover listens 42 minutes a day. most common reason why? 'I want to hear what he's gonna say next.' The average stern hater listens 93 minutes a day." - what?? if they hate him, why do they listen to him? - "most common answer given, 'I want to hear what he's gonna say next.'"
  12. IF the state knew about teh animal and didn't do anything, they MAY be found partially liable, but I think the state has a pretty strong argument in the fact that this woman knowingly and willingly broke the law. the state didn't create the dangerous situation, and in fact took reasonable measures to prevent the attack by outlawing the animal. The stat's failure to act on the dangerous situation (if they were indeed aware) is the only real point of contention, but as mentioned, it doesn't necessarily make the state liable, and definitely not fully liable. arguing that going to help your friend contain her wild chimp is "assumed risk" would be tenuous at best. Unless the owner can show that the victim knew the extent of the potential consequences of her actions, it's not going to fly. if i go to help my friend calm down his pet, I assume I can be bit, and maybe scratched - definitely NOT having my hands bitten off and face clawed to shit. I didn't assume that risk. the $50 mil figure is ridiculous though. you think the chimp owner has $50 mil?? Do you really think the state's failure to enforce an animal law is worth $50 mil? if the chimp had escaped and gone on a rampage, maybe, but this woman entered the house willingly. The chimp owner is primarily responsible for what happened, and the state's actions (or lack thereof) were not significant contributing factors. my prediction: a jury will award $25mil or so, and then the amount will be knocked waaaaay down on appeal, if the state isn't cleared completely.
  13. i had forgotten that she didnt' have hands either... that makes it even worse. What CAN this woman do for herself? run into things? :-/ why is the city being sued? did they fail to enforce some kind of ban on chimps? but even if the victim wins her $50 million - what's she going to do with it? without a face and hands, what good does the money do her? In her place, I'd only be looking for enough cash to make sure my medical expenses were covered (including a live-in care provider), and that my family wasn't burdened by me, financially or otherwise. it's not like she's going to be able to enjoy any money she wins...
  14. womens beware: any guy who 'wants to drink ______' with you, or 'wants to smoke ______' with you, or 'wants to shoot _______' with you is probably attempting to get in your pants. if you're cool with that, then party on - but the only time i ever specifically bought a bottle to drink "with a girl," i was trying to sleep with her. the ONE time i ever got totally shit-canned with a girl and DIDN'T have a sexual motive, we both got trashed play "edward 40 hands" with king cobra, and ended up sleeping together anyway. The next morning, she admitted that she was trying to get me drunk enough to cheat on my girlfriend with her.
  15. that's awesome. police dogs are usually really good, and it's nice when they get to enjoy retirement
  16. the triple clamp cracked, but the forks are fine? riiiiiiight.
  17. there are some things people weren't meant to survive... we're at a time in history where we can 'save' people from dying, but we can't yet preserve their quality of life. It raises some serious ethical questions. sad for that poor woman. it was her friend's chimp, no? If it was hers, I don't feel quite as bad. i wouldn't go so far as to say she deserved it, but "what was she thinking?" is unavoidable.
  18. for now, i'll say my '93 F2 is my favorite (sold in July). aside from some fork dive (corrected by thicker fork oil), that bike was just so much fun to beat on... And I barely cared when I crashed it. bought it for $1250 (with penske shock, racetech emulators, woodcraft rearsets, race bodywork, etc.) and sold it a year later for $1400, after crashing it twice. my '03 RR is sure to eclipse the F2 in fun-factor (i'm already faster on it than I was on the F2), but I'm still too sentimental about it to really push, and risk crashing. It will undoubtedly become my favorite in due time. The EX500 will always have a place in my heart as my first bike, but it's "overwhelmingly underwhelming" in every way, now that i've ridden better bikes. my brother's seca II is just big... I like the brake feel, but that's the only thing I can say i really enjoy about that bike... my dad's GS500 is light, but anemic in the engine department. If there's anything i really enjoy about it, it's that I get to wring the piss out of it and not be in danger of breaking any posted speed limits :-p
  19. no one's can. by definition, supersports are designed to put the rider in a position conducive to aerodynamics in a straight line, while still providing for comfortable movement from side-to-side and hanging off the bike. A comfortable seating position isn't a priority when the bike is designed to have you hanging OFF the seat 80% of the time anyway someone really needs to design and market quick-adjust clipons... maybe I'll do it. A set up with 'risers' that could be flipped so they also act as 'lower-ers' for when you want to ride more aggressively, maybe? no tools required. all quick-release stuff that could be changed in 60 seconds.
  20. check around near campus. Milanos or Bdubs might have it. I always preferred the Fieldhouse (shit hole that it is), but i'm not sure if they even have cable, let alone satellite
  21. redkow97


    thanks, veterans. the world would be a very different place without you.
  22. an owl (maybe 20 inch wing-span, body bigger than a chipotle burrito) took a pass at my dog the other day while I was raking leaves. Hank is just under 40 lbs. Not sure what the owl was thinking, but maybe he had backup i didn't know about!
  23. I'm with brian on this. Chinese bikes should come with a case of beer and a shop manual, because that's how you'll spend the majority of your time with it. if it were an old yamaha TW200 or something, I'd say go for it - but for $500, you can get an old honda scooter that will be a lot more fun.
  24. yes. Ken Block owns DC shoes, and knows how to use disposable income. I don't know which came first, the shoe money, or the rally car talent, but i'm betting the shoe deal made the rallying possible. The fact that he's awesome at it is a combination of luck, and money (practice).
  25. did anyone see how much it's going to weigh? how is it going to put all that power down? anyone else think the single-sided swing arm might not make it to production? that much torque may necessitate a traditional swing-arm...
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