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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Hey....take the concealed carry/open carry discussion to a new fucking thread, will ya? Jesus Christ, you fuckers argue like a bunch of women.....
  2. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I'm sure things have changed over time. Of course, I'm sure a lot of people loaded their own then too. I just wasn't one of them.
  3. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I've never done any long range rifle competition shooting, so maybe its different, but for the pistol stuff I did in the past (like 20 years ago) the factory ammo I bought worked just fine. Now, who's got an AR they want to sell???
  4. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    On any autoloader when I've had to rely on it for self or home defense or match type shooting, I've always used factory ammo. However, for general fucking around I've used stuff I made myself for a number of years across a number of platforms. I've never in my life had a progressive multistage press like the Dillon 1050 because I wasn't loading that many rounds. I'm certainly competent enough to do it on a single stage press. I really wouldn't have any issues with loading my own rounds for an AR (or any other platform for that matter) even though the gun was new to me.
  5. Update..... Its 7:39 and Michigan STILL sucks
  6. Sure, some of Erik's ideas are a little funky, but I have nothing against Buell's (or Harleys for that matter). I owned a 1998 S1W, and several Harleys (I won't bother to list them all). They were great bikes, and had only minor problems with a couple of them. I do disagree with big bore twins competing against significantly smaller IL4's and I think it was done for the sole purpose of putting an "American" manufacturer into the series with a huge advantage. For what its worth, I dont think the Aprilia's belong in FX (or whatever they're calling it now) either. Of course, I remember when FX really WAS extreme. No hating here - well, not on the Buell's anyway.
  7. I guess racing a giant bore twin against 600cc in-line 4's has its advantages, eh? Now that Erik's running the show, do you think Roger Edmunson will still be swinging from the Buell nuts?
  8. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I'd have to agree. In the past for general "shooting" I always loaded my own pistol stuff (almost never jacketed) in .45, 9mm, .40 S&W .38/.357, and 44 mag and saved a TON of money. I dont understand why doing the same thing with the rifle calibers wouldn't be the same.
  9. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I didn't say that they didn't make them, just that I couldn't find them on their website. I'm going to agree with you on the re-loading too. I heard all the horror stories about reloading my .45 ammo and how it was a bad idea, all the problems, blah, blah blah....I don't recall that I ever had any issues.
  10. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I'm guessing I'm already on a list or two, so avoiding any additional unnecessary exposure would be a good thing in my book. I wouldnt be surprised what your CC company knows or keeps track of. Thats the main reason I only have ONE card, in the business name, and it gets paid in full EVERY month.
  11. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I prefer a private transfer just to avoid having my name on another "list". Also I don't really need a "new" gun so a gently used piece from someone that needs some Christmas (can you say that here?) $$ might be a better value (I've had a pretty good year, so I'd like to "redistribute" a little bit of my wealth). As far as I know an FFL transfer refers to an on-line or mail order purchase where the wholesaler ships the piece to an FFL holder who would then transfer the item to you. Basically the same as buying it in a gun store. I'm sure someone else can chime in here if I'm wrong.
  12. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Thanks for the links. I'll be checking a lot of this stuff out. I've spent a fair amount of time reloading as well - rifle and pistol - and I'm well aware of the issues. More than likely I'll pick up a set of dies anyway for something to play around with.
  13. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I'll keep that in mind....
  14. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Yup...well, I poked around the forums that were posted in this thread anyway. You know of any others?
  15. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I've pretty much narrowed it down to RRA or STAG. I'm waiting to hear back from a guy I know up here that says he has the hook up on RRA. I'll probably go to a few shops this weekend and look at what they've got. I'd still prefer to buy one from a private owner though.
  16. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    I'm still leaning towards a left hander, but its not a must have. I'd have to say at this point though, I'm leaning towards a Stag or Rock River. I know a dude that's got the hookup on RRA, so I'm gonna give him a call today. Oh, dont worry about me bringing lizard. We're not close I intended to have several mags, so that would be in the $1500.00 budget. Obviously, if I can get something for less that appears to be a good value I'd do it. Again, I want the biggest bang for the buck, and I really dont want to do the whole gun store thing. Good heads up on the ammo. I'll probably end up loading my own, if the components are readily available though. I looked on the Bushmaster site, and didnt see any lefties. Maybe I'm not lookin in the right place?
  17. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Can? Who opened the damn can???
  18. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Do the $1,500.00 rifles shoot better? I don't know, maybe they do, maybe they don't. What appears to be evident is that more money spent will get you more accessories and goodies. I'm ok with that. Does that make it shoot better? I dont know. Ease of use and versatility would seem to improve and to me there's a value in that. I'm certainly not going to skimp on the hardware to have more ammunition to shoot through a gun that isnt exactly what I want.
  19. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Ummm...I was really hoping to avoid the gheyness in this thread, but I'm not surprised someone brought it up. I dont think I need all the high zoot stuff either, but if you have the money to spend, you might as well get all you can, no?
  20. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Good information there. I'll have to keep an eye out on those forums. If I wanted another Mosin, I'd buy one. I'm looking for an AR this time. Try to keep up At least someone picked up on that - I was beginning to wonder what was going on around here with everyone trying to send me to a dealer. I appreciate the offer to teach me how to shoot it, but I'm pretty proficient with firearms already. When I do get one, maybe I'll let you look at it
  21. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    That's what I've found so far. I guess I'm looking to get as much gun and goodies as I can for the $1,500.00 (more or less) that I have to spend Use? Eh, whatever I may need it for. It may well end up spending most of its time propped up in a corner of the closet. That being said, I'd say reasons #1, #4, and #6. Again, I dont know that I necessarily need a full lefty rifle, but having ambi safeties and the like would be nice. As far as buying something basic, and then deciding what I want on it goes, well, I don't really work that way. I'd rather get all I can in the beginning, and then decide if I need anything else later on. I know there are several avenues, dealers, etc., that I could take this down, but I'd REALLY like to avoid the whole deal of doing it that way. Basically, I prefer to purchase items such as these through a "private" individual - at least while I can. Thanks for the advice so far. Good information, really.
  22. Todd#43

    AR Shopping

    Good info there, Likwid. Thanks. The left handed thing isn't a "must have" but it sure would be nice. I'd rather avoid the whole "building" thing because I'm lazy, and certainly like to avoid the old trip to the gun store if possible. I'm really hoping there's someone around that might need some Christmas Cash and needs to get rid of one. Maybe theres a gun show coming up I can get to?
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