My situation and my job didn't "allow" me to go to work - it was a decision that I made. For what its worth, try hopping airports on a near daily basis. In and out of airplanes, through security, trouble shooting production machinery in high tech manufacturing facilities. Basically, if I wasnt in an airplane or a rental car, I was on my feet. I asked what you do. You had a chance to respond. You chose to be a smart ass. we come to the REAL reason you wont work. Your lawsuit "settlement" wont be as big if they think you can work. Give me a break. That's 90% of what's wrong with a lot of people. Hey - its not your fault, its the other guy's. Sit on your ass, don't work and we can get BIG money out of his insurance company. Maybe you could sue the manufacturer of the your bike, or the company that made the shoes you were wearing at the time. I mean, its their fault too, isnt it? If the insurance company covered your bike and your medical bills, that should be enough. Go get on with your life - its not like the guy ran into you on purpose. I asked questions, and you answered. I still think you need to grow a sack.