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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I've raced Nelson plenty of times in the rain, and the entrance to 12 is my FAVORITE place to pass - wet or dry, but especially in the rain. Street tires suck at the track - period. You should know better
  2. There's a little more to it than that. However, a good set of rain tires on the track can be a lot of fun
  3. It looks cool, maybe its the angle....I don't see it. Make sure you post up some pics once its done!
  4. Thats kinda what I was thinking - something doesn't look right....
  5. Looks like you spilled something on it..
  6. One of the best streetbikes I ever had was my 2002 Yamaha FZ-1. Plenty-o-balls (once it was jetted and tuned), handled well (once the forks were done and the shock was swapped) and you could ride two-up all day in reasonable comfort. It wasn't sportbike precise in the handling department, and it wasn't a Goldwing in the touring department, but it really did everything pretty well.
  7. I don't think anyone was breaking your balls dude. Like Liz said, there are a few of us on here that have a fair amount of experience roadracing and such. Some of us have been on the track with world champion racers and even won championships ourselves I know that I feel a certain sense of responsibility to share some of that knowledge to guys (and gals) that are just getting into it. Just like the "old guys" did for me when I first started. Don't take it as bitching - take it for what its worth. Its just an opinion, after all.
  8. I meant that "revision", vintage, era, whatever. I had a 2003 that was 132 with a pipe and a pc. Of course my 2001 1000 was only 148. If you've got a 06 750 with only low 120's I'd say something is amiss.
  9. For that vintage GSX-R, $3,600.00 is a lot of beans. If he really wants to sell it, $2,800 - $3,000.00 would be a better price. No way that thing is competitive against the current 600's. That's still got the conventional forks on it. You can't even get Max's 20mm cartridge set up for those, can you? My guess is they were valved, and maybe new springs, but that's about it. I've heard that for a time max was reshimming the valves in the stock shocks. Maybe that's what was done here, but who knows? I'd like to see that vintage GSX-R putting down 114 to 115 with just a pipe and hitting it with the clicker box....LMFAO. That vintage 750's were only 125 to 130 with a pipe and a Power Commander. Hell, the 2001-2002 1000's were only around 145-150. Bottom line - not a race bike anymore, and way overpriced for a trackday toy.
  10. Good luck getting the dealer to trade shims. My experience has been that they'd be more than happy to sell you all the shims you want but they aren't going to trade you. Get a good feeler gauge and any "special" tools that may be required for your particular bike. Keep everything clean, and write all your numbers down. It's really not that hard to do.
  11. I didn't insult you. If you took it that way, that's on you. I simply asked where this new found courage to express your opinion came from, and suggested a possible source. Sounds like you're the one that's hurt. By the way, if its so idiotic and and irrelevant, what are you doing here?
  12. Nope. I'm just surprised that you're finally able to express an opinion. Did your wife give you your balls back for the weekend?
  13. and this just in from the guy who didn't have the balls to actually vote for someone: go play post-whore somewhere else.
  14. Yes, your post was. This thread, however, is awesome.
  15. The left coast would be perfect for you. Although if you couldn't handle the traffic in Atlanta, you'll be totally fucked in California.
  16. I brought it back up because only 47 people voted. What a bunch of pussies.
  17. Really, you need to do better than that
  18. Yup. You won't listen to logic. Wait and see.
  19. Check the link - the tax rates are published in a hundred different places. ooooh....cool pictures. And from the Washington Post no less...couldn't you find something from the New York Times? So, Obama's going to give you a cut of around 1% from the pre-Bush tax rates, and you're happy. So its a 27% rate instead of 28%. Sounds like a load of shit to me. Don't worry, when it happens, I won't say I told you so. Basically, he can't pay for everything he wants to do without jamming it up everyone's ass. Hopefully, when the tax cuts are repealed, and your paycheck is smaller, you'll still have a paycheck to bitch about. Get back to me then.
  20. Be a little tough to do in a gas engine. Gas engines need to maintain vacuum to keep the fuel flowing through the intake. Releasing the compression defeats that. A jake brake doesnt work by "opening the exhaust valves a little" There's an solenoid activated valve at each cylinder, and an extra lobe on the cam to activate it. The Yosh box isn't gonna add all that stuff....
  21. Really? Obama has proposed repealing the ALL of the Bush tax cuts. If you make more than $30,000 a year (and if you're any kind of engineer, you should be) your taxes are going back up. The Dem's dont look at that as an increase in your taxes, just adjusting them back to where they were. For example, before Bush's tax cuts a single person making $30,000.00 a year was taxed at the base rate of 28% or $8,400.00 (1999). Under the tax cuts by Bush that rate was reduced to 15%, or $4,500.00 per year. In addition, the income ranges for the various brackets also changed. Oddly enough under Bush, the highest tax bracket got LESS of a break than the lowest bracket. http://www.taxfoundation.org/files/federalindividualratehistory-20080107.swf When the cuts are repealed, we'll see where you are. It'll be interesting to see how the "have nots" are gonna spend your money.
  22. I highly doubt that. We already know that Obama intends to repeal the Bush era tax cuts. That in and of its self puts me (and you) worse off. That is, if you have a job.
  23. Package it up anyway you want. Taking money from someone to give it to someone else as a direct cash payment is bullshit. Call it Socialism, Relative socialism, Marxism, whatever you want. You're not "helping the havenots" by giving them $400.00 per year. Your punishing the "haves" by taking money from them solely on the basis that they HAVE MORE MONEY THAN OTHER PEOPLE. You requirement for everyone making anything over $5,000,000.00 per year SPEND it is inflationary. I believe that the total into the economy would be well over your "estimated" $15B annually. It doesn't take a large percentage of the GDP to be flooded into the economy to cause inflation. Looks like your guy has a good chance to win today. Lets look at this in a year, and see where we're at. My guess is anyone with a job is going to be worse off twelve months from now.
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