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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. If only it would happen. They'll just cut the pay for the office back to what it was before. Its happened several times in history....
  2. No problems with the flash games here. Still have issues with Full Tilt, and YouTube. Flash is the latest version 10,0,12,36. I still think this may be a streaming issue, but I'm not really sure.
  3. Are you sure that pogo and yahoo are flash? I know that pogo prompted me to install a java applet to play a game, and at the bottom of the window it referred to a "java applet started"? Is it possible that some of the games are flash, and some are java? Because of the problem with Full Tilt (thats what started this) and the fact that the site asked if I wanted to install an applet, I assumed that they were both java? I tried updating the flash player this weekend, and that didn't help. I'll try the games on this site when I get home tonight and see if I have any issues. All of the other Pc's on my network are fine. This is the only one that has an issue.
  4. I've been thinking that its related to the streaming too, but I'm not sure. I do know that I can kill everything but the essential (as far as I know) processes and I still have the same issues. Interestingly enough, I don't have this issue on any of the other computers in the house. Christ, even my son's ipod touch plays the streaming video from youtube with no problems, and its wireless.
  5. I've done that. I also uninstalled Sun Java, installed Microsoft VM with no difference. Went back to the latest version of Sun (installed last night) no improvement. I dunno if they are flash or java videos - what's YouTube? I have problems with that site, as well as other sites that might have a video embedded from YouTube. As far as the gaming sites, I usually play on Full Tilt Poker but I don't know if thats flash or java. Just for laughs I tried games on pogo.com, msn and yahoo too - same issue. The game slows down, stops, then picks back up. It comes and goes. Really strange.
  6. Never. And I REALLY hope that I dont have to do that this time. I have a TON of applications on there and I really don't want to go through that. This morning. No difference. I've done that about 10 times in the last two weeks. Yeah...this weekend. No spyware, no viruses. As far as I can tell, I'm only starting what's absolutely necessary. I can get a list, but its minimal. The odd thing is that I'm only having trouble with Java and video. Everything else runs fine.
  7. I'm running windows XP, and most of the videos are being played through the browser. The gaming sites run their own software, so I don't know anything about that. No recent updates (that I haven't done to every other box in the house). I've cleaned all the stuff from the java cache, uninstalled and reinstalled java too - no difference. Its an AMD Dual Core processor, but I'm not infront of it right now, so I can't tell you the speed. I've got 1 GB of ram. Actually, this used to be the fastest machine in the house - now its a pig.
  8. Ok, here's the deal. I can't really view ANY videos on my laptop - streaming or otherwise. I also seem to have some type of issue with anything that uses Java (Full Tilt Poker, etc.). Video's load, start to play, but soon the picture stops moving, although the sound keeps going, sometimes the video will "catch up" to the sound, other times it all stops. On the java apps, the same thing happens...like it bogs down, then starts up again and runs fine. I've switched java programs (sun for microsoft vm), cleaned my registry (I think) defragged, got rid of a bunch of stuff, etc, etc. I've gotta get this fixed. Its reached the point where playing poker and watching porn isnt fun anymore. Anyone have any ideas???
  9. If FT called Mid-Ohio, the only sound they would hear is laughter. Fasttrax helped run the RRGC there in 2002 and it was pretty well attended. I dont think they'd be able to get a crowd these days. Fasttrax raced at Grattan a few times, but the turn out wasn't any better than at Nelson. Beaver could be fun on a little bike, but its way too much work on a big one. Summit is fine, but I don't know that its worth the drive. I've been to Gingerman, but I wasn't real impressed. Its also a hell of a long drive - even from Northeast Ohio. Fasttrax problem isn't the venues. Its the organization - or the lack there of. They run too many classes for a small organization, and a race day takes forever. Its a bit of a "good ole boys" type club, and if you aren't in it, well....you know. When Fasttrax was started there were very few ways to get track time on a bike. Now, you could do a track day every weekend practically, and do it for less than the cost of being in the "club" and racing for a weekend. Until they realize this and "push the envelope" a bit, the grids will continue to decrease, and eventually it will be gone.
  10. Putnam isn't going to keep it alive. Marketing the series to the new racer, while keeping the old guard is probably the key. Reducing the number of classes, and not trying to accommodate EVERY one may be a start. In the end, I'd be surprised if they can afford the bill at Nelson much longer.
  11. Dude....you know NONE of that is going to happen. Fasttrax WAS a fun club to race with back in the day. Unfortunately I think it has outlived its usefulness. There are plenty of trackday organizations now that caters to the people that were the typical new Fasttrax Racer, and for those that really really want to actually race, WERA's the only thing going. Fasttrax has been on life support since 2003. Seriously, its time to pull the plug.
  12. No, I think you're comparing apples and oranges. A Streetbike is different than a car tire wheelie bar slider clutch raked front prostock bike. How many of those pics that you posted had single sided swing arms? None. How about these The 'busa is over 400 RWHP, and the V-Rod is 172RWHP - on pump gas. I dont see car tires on either one of those. How about some of the other prostar bikes? Maybe Mikey Slowe: Just two different deals, that's all. If you want to build a prostock or funny bike, cool. Its all good. Its just a turbo busa with a VFR swing arm isn't a funny bike. Ok, maybe if you put a car tire on it it would be funny.
  13. I dunno....7 lbs of boost on a busa will get you over 200RWHP. Thats not THAT boring. Try 21lbs on a properly built motor if your balls are big enough. Mickey makes a bike drag radial thats the shit. The car tire sucks, it still adds wayyyyy too much weight
  14. It doesn't have anything to do with being light. Why would you spend all that money to increase your horsepower, only to suck half your gain away by using the heaviest tire and rim you could get away with? By the way, I've ridden a turbo busa on the street, along with a turbo charged vrod. Both had excellent manners when the boost was set to a reasonable 5-7 lbs.
  15. I'd say street - depending on the boost. 5 to 7 pounds is VERY streetable. He's also got a VFR swing arm on it - thats all show. The car tire has a TON of disadvantages on a bike - especially a sport bike. They're WAY heavier, which robs horsepower, and they make the bike really hard to turn.
  16. Ok, I'll bite. Why does putting a car tire on a street bike make sense?
  17. Obviously? Obviously the next question would be "Why?" As in "Why in the fuck would you wanna do that?" Seriously...I really want to know.
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