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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I'd say you failed. You didn't get many votes, AND you told a stupid joke that NO one got.
  2. Nahhh...none of the above has me beat. I'm working on my concession speach right now...
  3. I waited, nothing happened. Only a couple of hours left on the poll....
  4. I think papa mixed his Troy's up. By the way, Corser won championships on twins and inline 4's.
  5. DOT's are way different than a street tire. But you already knew that....
  6. Really the question you need to ask yourself is would you have paid what you paid (let alone top dollar) for a bike that you knew was a salvage title bike? If the answer is no, short of getting your money back and walking away, you got fucked.
  7. If they'd sell you a bike and didn't tell you it was a salvage/rebuild what are the chances that they "did it right"???
  8. Todd#43


    The name changes I can deal with. Most of the programming that I listened to on XM has changed - and not for the better. Too much chit chat from the "Dj's" - even on the comedy channel. I think its too much like regular radio now. I'm thinking I'm gonna cancel
  9. Re-read the original, wolfie. He said "I got the seller to adjust the value to $2500 from $3500" That doesn't sound like he got a grand in his pocket. That sounds like the seller "adjusted" the sale value on the title. At the end, it doesn't matter. That bike is really worth about 1/2 of the value of a clean title bike. He may also have trouble finding insurance. Some companies won't insure bikes that have a salvage title.
  10. Todd#43


    Anyone here have Satellite Radio? Before the "merger" I mean. What did you have and what do you think of the recent changes?
  11. If the vehicle was represented as a clean title bike, and you found out you purchased a salvage rebuild, I'd be pissed. Average retail for a clean title SV is $3,575.00. Getting one that's been soaking for a while for the same price is bullshit. I'd be talking to a lawyer, instead of polling the collective "wisdom" here. You got fucked - hard.
  12. And there's something wrong with that?....lol
  13. I dunno if someone else suggested it, (because I'm way too lazy to read four pages of bullshit posts to find out) but you should take a ride on a Ducati Hypermotard. I did. Now I want one. The "R" model. Wicked. Wicked. Wicked.
  14. Nice Thanks for the clarification. Yowch....that's gonna leave a mark :grin:
  15. Actually, dumping the income tax in favor of a national sales tax would be AWESOME! No loopholes, everyone pays based on what they spend (tied to how much money they make), and you tax the underground economy. Even those fuggers gotta by stuff in the store.
  16. Exactly. You pay state and county sales tax on a vehicle purchase. Nothing goes to "Uncle Sam".
  17. THAT is something only the Federal Gov't CAN do. The death tax, tax on your retirement, etc.
  18. When did we start paying Federal tax on purchases?
  19. Nahhhh...they won't hide them overseas, they'll just move the whole show to Mexico. When congress and Obama cave in to the unions that supported them, get rid of the secret ballots on organizing votes and the like, there won't be any companies here to get the meager tax break "barry" has been talking about. Most of the businesses that could be in an expansion mode are small businesses, and won't see any beneficial tax break in the programs that have been discussed. I really hope this board doesn't have another melt down. When the shit hits the fan in about a year, we'll all look back on this and have a good laugh.
  20. Thoughts and prayers from my family to yours. We're all hoping for the best possible outcome.
  21. Careful there skippy. Their SOLE JOB is to make money for their brokerage, and themselves. You're third in line.
  22. Wow....even you dont like you. That must really suck.
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