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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I really don't care if godaddy gives a damn about me as a person. I didn't chose them to get a warm fuzzy feeling, or anything else out of the deal beyond what I paid for.
  2. That stuff is pretty basic. It shouldn't be that hard to do. There are other programs out there, but free is free - you can't expect too much.
  3. If you're using the godaddy "sitebuilder" deal, its not really that difficult. Pretty limited as far as what you can do, but it will get you something up there pretty easy.
  4. I've used godaddy.com for a number of years with a bunch of different domains. Never had a problem with them at all, and I don't have their logo anywhere on any of the sites. Up time is excellent, their email servers don't go down, their tech support is great (all USA based), and their pricing is better than most.
  5. There's way more to it than just little things. Missing money...all kinds of stuff. Lotta bad blood there.
  6. Last I heard the deal died. Maybe they'll add another flush toilet this year?
  7. Its there.... If you're too lazy to search for it, post up the question.
  8. Seriously....start up a thread...ask the question.... "Why doesnt WERA race at Putnam"
  9. Last I heard the deal to buy Nelson fell through. Don't expect any improvements there any time soon. WERA isn't at Mid-Ohio because of the flap surrounding the RRGC last year. I'm guessing it will be a long time before you see a Regional at Mid-Ohio. Its tooooo expensive. I'm guessing there will NEVER be another WERA event at Putnam. Go to the WERA board and ask why.....
  10. Actually, one of my Harley's was a Buell. 98 S1W. Lot of fun....
  11. Ahhhhh....another sheep has been added to the flock. I've owned several HD's through the years, and none of them had any service issues. The last one that I owned left for its new owner with over 80,000 miles on the clock. It never saw the dealership service department. I've also seen a few HD's that would wax some liter bikes. A certain Turbocharged V-Rod we built comes to mind.
  12. and DONT get it wet....
  13. Don't forget to add back the cost of the reglator and the battery when you figure out what the bike cost you. I still think you paid way too much. I guess I don't understand how you didn't get screwed when you paid too much for a bike that you wouldn't have bought had you known the title status?
  14. You're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy overdue for an oil change, yet you're anal about you bike? Bullshit.
  15. Todd#43


    THAT is exactly what I'm talking about. TOO MUCH TALKING from the "Dj's". It seems to be like that on EVERY channel.
  16. Todd#43


    That's a good question. If their refinancing gets done it may go up then. Of course, they might see a drop in revenue and subscribers since they've "merged" the programming. On that subject it seems like the people that had Sirius before the merger don't have a problem with the changes. It also seems like most people who had XM feel like they got fucked.
  17. Goddamn dude. I thought I was skinny. Lay off the meth or eat something.
  18. I'll say "Happy Birthday" even though I dont really give a shit. There - ya happy?
  19. PSSSsssst....Dweezel.....Princess thinks anyone that says anything about anybody is a rude, inconsiderate, piece of shit. It's ok though - she's just trying to be a peacemaker.
  20. Todd#43


    O&A are about the only thing I listen to on a regular basis that hasn't changed. $10.00/month for O&A for 20 minutes 5 days a week isn't worth it. I can get them on terrestrial radio up here during that time for free. All the other stuff I used to listen to is gone - or seriously different. Sirius-XM Seriously SUCKS
  21. My guess is it will be like his year on the Foggy-Petronas. Shitty.
  22. After losing all the posts that everyone was so proud of, I would have figured you'd have gotten some votes. I'd have voted for you, but I wanted to vote for myself.
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