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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I've had three devices connected wirelessly to this gateway - two pc's and a psp - and could connect a bunch more, so its not the mac filtering. I'm really at a loss. I can force the IP and the default gateway and connect either wirelessly or wired to the gateway. I can access all of the shared files and folders on my network but I can't get to the internet. I'm beginning to think this is a windows issue, but I'm honestly not sure about that as everything worked fine before the new router.
  2. Its all one big "residential gateway" Controls the internet, VOIP Phone, and the TV. The TV part is tits - beats cable and dish hands down. The internet is fast as fuck too. I just wish it worked on ALL of my computers.
  3. The cable and the adapter (tried three wireless cards and two ethernet cards) and they function fine in two other computers so I'm pretty sure that they are not the problem. I don't think the Uverse system is the problem. I can force the IP, Subnet Mask into the adapter and it'll connect to the gateway no problem, but I still cant connect to the internet. By the way, the Uverse set up is WAY COOL. The TV stuff is awesome, and the DSL is wicked fast (on the other two computers in the house). I just wish I could get ALL my computers up.
  4. Nope - no firewall at all on that box. I'm completely baffled.
  5. Yup...like twenty times in the last three days. The computer sees the gateway, the gateway sees the computer but no internet connectivity.
  6. Help! I recently "upgraded" to AT&T's new Uverse set up. You know - hd tv signal over the fiber-optic phone line, coupled with High Speed Internet Access. Anyway, everything works great - except I can't connect one of my computers to the gateway. I've tried it with two different wireless cards, two different ethernet cards and NOTHING. Well, not exactly nothing. The computer sees the gateway (wireless or wired) and connects to it but it seems like the gateway doesnt see the computer. Make sense? If tried releasing and renewing the IP address from the command prompt, but windows keeps giving it an address in the windows default range. I tried manually configuring the IP (from the TCP/IP properties) and the gateway will see it, but I still cant get to the internet from there. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. Can't you just pull the bulb out?
  8. By looking at the pics, the neck is definitely bent - the wheel is way too close to the radiator. Best case scenario is pulling the neck back to its proper location. IF its too bent you risk damaging the bearing races or even pulling the neck off the frame while pulling it back out. The neck forks and triples could also be twisted - pretty common for a front end crash like that bike has already been through. By the way, the bearing races are only 3/8" to 1/2" deep top and bottom, and based on my experience the Kaw frames were notorious for having egg shaped races after a front end hit like that.
  9. One other thing to consider - when bikes are damaged enough that the neck is bent, often times the bearing races in the neck become egg shaped. Once that happens you're pretty much toast. I'm really surprised that this bike doesnt have a salvage title already.
  10. Its hard to tell if the forks are bent by looking at that photo. I can tell you this, for several years I worked at a shop that specialized in motorcycle chassis repair (www.mphohio.com). It looks to me like the front end is bent - the tire isn't supposed to be that close to the radiator. Most likely they havent put the plastics back on because they dont fit anymore. You can probably expect to pay at least $1,000.00 to get the frame road worthy again. If you want to know more, let me know.
  11. "The rear tire bolt was loose and shifted the tire to the left causing the bike to fall." Should have said the loose nut on the clip-ons shifted the wheel to the left as the bike was coming down...LMFAO
  12. I didnt know that an O2 sensor could detect temperature or atmospheric changes (pressure) I was under the impression that the bazzaz box wasnt capable of being a true closed loop system
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