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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. The other thing you could check is the diaphram on the slide. Sometimes those just "give up" unexpectedly.
  2. Call Doug at MPH in Akron OH 330-655-5015. I know he's programmed the Bazazz box on his GSX-R1000 - complete with TC and the selectable mapping. Tell them I sent ya.
  3. Did you use the aux tank when you ran it last week? Just curious. Anyway, I've seen it before - things run fine immediately after cleaning then suddenly stop. Usually the culprit is a piece of debris that stayed stuck through the cleaning process only to get loose afterwards and end up where it shouldnt. Also, keep in mind that the idle circuit doesnt just "shut off" when you turn the throttle. Its progressive..it takes time on a vacuum slide carb for the other circuit to raise the slide and run.
  4. You have a fuel delivery issue, most likely a blocked passage in the idle circuit. Sometimes blowing out the passages isnt enough - you actually need to get in there with something to clean it out. You could also have a problem getting fuel from the tank. Check the petcock and the screen.
  5. Just soaking the carbs doesnt necessarily clean them. You may have loosened something up that is now stuck in the idle curcuit. To really clean a carb you have to disassemble it, and physically clean everything. Other than that, check and make sure the floats aren't sticking and are set correctly.
  6. As long as you still have all the pieces, it doesn't matter if they are connected or not. They'll still function fine, just easier to lose one when you're changing tires.
  7. The correct gearing along with a 520 would make a big difference. You eliminate a fair amount of rotating weight, and expand your gearing selection exponentially.
  8. I'll agree that everyone does it differently - to a point. However, "comfort" really isn't a key to anything - other than being comfortable. Just because it feels "right" doesnt mean it is right, you know? There are several fast guys that tend to "rotate" the upper body rather than get it off the bike. Pegram, Hodgson, and Colin Edwards come to mind. I used to do the same thing, but I found out that I was FASTER around the track, and used less lean angle if I got my upper body away from the center of the bike. In the beginning it was a lot more work, and and it was "uncomfortable" as hell. I made a committment to it though, and by the end of the season it became "second nature". Hey, we all know Liz is a dick...lol. I've learned not to expect much from him.... Anyway, can't wait to see the vids!
  9. Aftermarket rearsets - even the non-adjustable - kind make a HUGE difference. If you're just grinding the shifter peg and brake peg you may want to try adjusting them up if you haven't already. Good Luck
  10. If you get your upper body off the bike more, you wont have to lean it as much. Are you still running the stock rear sets?
  11. Nice pics, Flounder. Its always coold to get those freebies Anyway, one thing that helped me go faster was to get my upper body off the bike more. Dont "rotate" - keep your shoulders perpendicular to the bike so you have to look "outside" the windscreen. Once I started doing that, the bike seemed to corner better with less effort. Just my $.02
  12. Send him an email back and tell him he's a stupid fuckstick. If he's going to use big words, he should learn to spell them right. Its EPITOME, not "epitimy", and its AD not "add" Moron.....
  13. In all honesty, an 02 750 for that kind of money probably isn't something most of the WERA guys would be interested in. Its several generations old, and not eligible for contingency. You'd probably have better luck on the CCS, NESBA, or STT forums for something like that.
  14. Thats not a "bad title" for a race bike, dude. When people say bad title, that usually means they dont have one, its in someone else's name, etc, etc. Lighten up on yourself...lol. You should post it on some of the track day forums.....
  15. What do you mean when you say it has a "bad title"?
  16. Pelosi already killed it. Anyway, its just more worthless bullshit from a guy who hasn't done anything the entire time he's been in Congress. His only claim to fame is being one of the first mayors to put a "major" city into receivership. Someone should bring him up for treason for meeting with Assad in Syria http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57506 I can't believe that he keeps getting re-elected.
  17. Kucinich is whack job. Glad I finally moved from his district. This last episode will dry up and blow away like everything else he's done in Congress.
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