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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Jesus... Even if he did buy the bike, and he's "in over his head" parting it out isn't going to be what the bank wants, so in effect, he's stealing it from the bank. I suppose thats ok though, right? I mean, bank = big company and we all know how evil they are. They deserve to get fucked, right? I have no desire to rat the guy out, he'll get his in the end. I posted it up here in case anyone in the area is missing a GSX-R.
  2. EXACTLY my point.... Somebody should drop a dime on this crumb...
  3. So I saw this ad on Craigslist today: http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/659160216.html I called the guy, just to see what he may have left. First words out of his mouth are "everything is PERFECT on this bike. It hasn't been wrecked or ANYTHING. It just has too big of a lein on it for me to get the title." So, I'm guessing he has either stolen it, or he's parting it out to hide it from a bank. If anyone in Akron is "missing" an 04-05 GSX-R600 this may be your ride. What a turd....
  4. Personally, I'm just going by what YOU said. Of course, you did lie about the "I'm a cop" part, so I suppose the rest of it could be bullshit too. Maybe you should find another sandbox to play in. You've lost your chance at credibility here....
  5. What a douche bag. You said you were a cop, then we all find out that you aren't. You delete your profile, and try to play it off. Someday you'll be eatin grape jelly outta Bubba's ass...
  6. I'm not worried about anything - especially someone who "Works at Coshocton County Sheriffs Office". Just because someone works at a doctor's office doesn't mean they're a doctor. I find it amusing that someone who is charged with "upholding the law" flaunts the fact that he doesn't respect the law. While I sincerely doubt you're actually a cop I'm pretty certain that you'd love nothing more than to drive around your two stoplight town in a big white car with lights on the top and a gun on your hip hassling all the people that fucked with you in high school. Maybe they'll actually give you more than one bullet, Barney Fife. I'm sure the "I'm a cop with a bike" strategy might get you a hand job in your mom's basement every now and then, but being an asshole in a public forum just makes you an asshole with a Walter Mitty complex.
  7. Yeah, and if it was only your ass at risk, I'd say take all the chances you can - ride without a helmet REALLY fast after a couple of beers with no lights on a really dark road. Keep in mind you're jeapordizing innocent people with your negligence. I'm just curious though, how do you go from being a flunky at the county jail to being a cop at the ripe old age of 20? I think the bottom line here is that law enforcement officers are held to a higher standard than the general public - and they should be. I believe there are other officers on the board, and I'd love to hear what they have to say about a "cop" like you.
  8. You're welcome. Just a thought - your insurance company would cover you if you had an accident while you had a passenger, or while riding at night, wouldn't they? Oh wait, those pesky insurance companies would require a valid endorsement on your license to cover you. You don't have that. Nevermind....
  9. Every profession has its assholes, and yours is no exception. You've already shown that you're one of them, and I'm fairly certain that someday you'll run into one that has the integrity and respect for the job that you seem to lack. Of course its always possible that you'll run into one thats a bigger ass than you are. Either way, you'll get what's coming to you.
  10. Sounds like your typical redneck small town cop that does what he wants, when he wants. Karma's a bitch...
  11. Thanks for reinforcing my faith in law enforcement....
  12. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    Thanks for the bump!
  13. I've been around several boards for a long time, and I've never EVER been honored with a "private message" like this: Today, 10:08 PM NinjaNick vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true); Senior Member '08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006 Location: Dayton/Kettering Posts: 3,087 Diggs: 0 Hi Want to take this offline and talk about this over the phone and see what escalates from there? :wink: You are the biggest ass on the board and you need taught some manners boy. (shame,shame) Pretty cool, huh? Feel free to discuss...
  14. Well, scroll past it. No one is forcing you to read it. I'm in Ohio....or is that too difficult to figure out?
  15. If you dont want to read what I have to say, there's a handy ignore feature that's part of the board. I'd suggest that you use it. Of course as smart as you are you probably knew that already. Now it all makes sense...
  16. Its a DISCUSSION FORUM, genius. Thats what you're supposed to do here.
  17. This poll needs another option.... No...its a waste of time, effort and money....
  18. That's the biggest fallacy in the seller/buyer relationship. The customer is often way wrong, and its the seller's place to prove that point without making the buyer feel stupid. It seems to me that the guy that started this thread got his panties in a wad because they offered him average trade for a bike he paid too much for, and wanted top dollar for something new. If you don't like the way someone does "business" you're free to go somewhere else to get the money sucked out of your pocket.
  19. And based on average trade value, $6k is a good deal.
  20. They were being generous on the trade-in value on your Zx-10. KBB says average trade is $5950, and average retail is $8500. Maybe you should do some research before you try to trade a bike in?
  21. Hey... A buddy of mine is selling his 1999 748. Average retail is $6200.00, but you can probably get it for $5500. I know its YELLOW, but it appears to be in really good shape. Its got 27k on it, but he had the 24k service done at Cleveland-Akron Honda/Ducati/KTM/Etc. They replaced: Rockers Belts Sprockets Oil/Coolant Its got new Dunlops on it, a Sargent seat, Ferracci Exhaust, and some carbon fiber doo-dads here and there. If you're interested, let me know. I have some other pics, and I can get you in touch with him.
  22. Try this: http://fiche.ronayers.com/Index.cfm/Module/Main/TypeID/26/Type/Motorcycle/MakeID/2/Make/Suzuki/YearID/45/Year/2004/ModelID/6753/Model/SV650/GroupID/287027/Group/SEAT_MODEL_K4_K5
  23. I got NOTHING.... I'm beginning to wonder if its ME that's black-listed....lol
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