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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. O2 Sensors on bikes?? Ummmm....besides the BMW's and Buell's, which bikes would those be exactly?
  2. The same thing happened to me in 2002 during the endurance race that used to be part of the AMA RRGC. The only difference was someone didn't pump the brakes back up after a tire change. Scary shit, man....scary shit.
  3. Oh boy...sounds like he's sporting the "lamp shade". Dont let him sneak up behind you....you'll have bruises on your calves for WEEKS. BTW, what did he eat?
  4. Thats 1:22 of my life that I'd like to have back....
  5. Huh...I live right around there. Next time you're up this way, let me know.
  6. Quick....get your tinfoil helmet on and hide your copy of the Zapruder film...they wont bother you if they cant see you....
  7. Were the replacements new? If not, its entirely possible that you bought someone else's problem. If they're new, you've probably got something else going on there...bent rim maybe, forks twisted? Anyhow, lay the rotor mounting side down on a flat surface and see if it rocks, if it doesnt rock, measure the distance between the rotor surface and the flat surface - it should be relatively the same all around. If its not your rotors are bent. I'd say its pretty long odds to have 4 bent rotors.....
  8. Jesus... How close to your house WERE the black helicopters when you found this? Another alarmist rant from a so-called liberatian who's pissed that no one is voting for Ron Paul for President. I'm betting the guy that wrote this has a tin-foil hat to ward off the government thought machines too...
  9. What the hell are you doing up here? I thought you were one of those "southern" boys. There are several decent roads in that area, ya just gotta watch out for the Po-Po. Most of them are better than 303. Next time you're up this way let me know.
  10. Well no...haven't had it to the track..... Yet....
  11. Keep in mind that a lot of the "dirt" bike SM's (like that KTM for instance) may have lights and a horn to make them "street legal" they may not have other "street" necessities - like electric start, or a keyed ignition. Things like that kept me away from some bikes.
  12. I've heard of plenty of guys that buzz around on the freeways with them. They'll all do freeway speeds, it just depends on how much of the buzzing you want to put up with. Doing a SM conversion depends on how far you're willing to go. There's more to it than hanging some 17" rims on a dirt bike. Typically the forks are different as well as the swingarm. If you're going to do mostly street riding having a cush on the rear is a huge benefit - most dirtbikes dont have that option. If you like the DRZ and the price is right, buy it. I think it would be a fine bike for beating around town.
  13. The price seems a little high when compared to retail, but not bad. IF you could get it for right around $4,000.00 it wouldn't be a bad deal. From what I've learned the DRZ is damn near bullet proof, but doesn't have a ton of power. That being said, none of the single cylinder bikes are going to compare to an in-line 4 sport bike. I rode a bone stock 2007 that a guy up here was selling for $4,200.00, and I wasn't impressed at all. I have heard that the airbox mod, along with a pipe and a slip-on wakes the bike up considerably. I ended up buying the KTM Duke, 625cc single. I haven't had much chance to ride it yet but in my limited experience I can tell you this: 1.) It wont do 130 on the freeway. 2.) It will wheelie whenever you want it to (and sometimes when you dont) 3.) Its a single, so it gets buzzy in the upper RPM range (above 5,500) 4.) The riding position is MUCH more comfortable than any sportbike. 5.) In the twisty stuff its on RAILS. Even when its bumpy. All in all its a fun bike to ride. I don't miss riding a sportbike on the street. So far, I'd say it was a good move - time will tell. I guess it really depends on what you're looking for.
  14. Then NinjaNick ought to enjoy it. Of course if its bad, he'll probably wanna kick the shit out of the hostess, waiter, cook, dishwasher, etc.....
  15. I found it on CraigsList of all places, but it was an old customer from the shop that was selling it. KBB lists average retail at $4850, but I got it for less. I think if you look around you'll probably find something reasonably priced.
  16. Patience....with all the rain, I haven't had the chance to get out and really ride it yet. I did ride it to work Tuesday...100 mile r/t on the highway. Its not bad, as long as you keep it between 70 and 75 (5000-5500 RPM). Above that it gets a little buzzy. If we get some good weather this weekend, I'll have more to say for sure. Thanks!
  17. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    You kill me dude....really. Don't you have a life outside of here? Am I really that important to you? My guess is every time I reply, you'll be there at the end. Sad, really....
  18. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    See...you still can't do it. You just can't let it go, can you. Drives you nuts, doesn't it? Makes you want to pound the shit out of me, doesn't it? You know, even if you did pound the shit out of me it wouldn't matter. There would always be one more guy that gets under your skin...one more guy that drives you totally nuts. Shit, there's three or four on this board alone. I'm guessing every forum or message board that you post on has three or four guys that get you so fucking pissed you can't see straight. Do you call all of them out like you do on here? Send them little "messages" too? Give them your phone number, so they can call and "set something up"? You've got a problem, man. A big one. You really should go get some help. Either that, or drink heavily, get on your bad-ass bike, and let nature take its course.
  19. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    Internet mouth...I like that. So, because I wouldn't "fight" you for real, I must be some kinda pussy, right? Anyway, its got nothing to do with having the last word. Its all about you not being able to leave it alone.
  20. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    Thought you weren't playing? I knew you couldn't stay away... What's next? Are you going to send me the "come on and fight me pussy" PM's again?
  21. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    What am I supposed to do? Send you 42 stupid PM's? Give you my phone number so we can "fight"? Grow up for chrissakes....
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