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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. He may have the paper title, different states do it differently, but that title (no matter what state you're in) means absolutely nothing if there is still a lien filed.
  2. I ride to work everyday there is not snow/ice on the roads. 42 mile round trip, all highway. I think there was only one week this winter I didnt ride at least one day. Full Olympia gear, (not heated) handguards, and a taller windshield make it comfortable down to about 20 degrees. I've put 2000 miles on my 2 bikes since Jan. 1. I would so much rather ride than drive anyday. Plus there is just something cool about being one of the only bikes on the road and people just looking at you like you are crazy.
  3. I never really thought about it but that is a good point with the phone. Although in this case it doesn't seem like it would have mattered where his phone was. Sounded like he was pretty out of it.
  4. Aww hell, don't make me respond to that!
  5. Thank you for reconsidering us in the future. The entire management staff was changed a couple years ago and a lot of things have changed (for the better) since then. The scenerio you described would hopefully not happen at this point. (if the sales guys want to keep their jobs it better not happen)
  6. I'm the Finance Manager at HNW
  7. He is an enthusiast, he rides and races offroad and ATV's. He doesn't rub most people the wrong way, just some. We all do at times. He's a good salesman because he's funny and very personable, but not everybody takes to his constant joking around. That's ok, we have other sales guys that have different personalities and they will gladly help you if Austin somehow offends you. (which does not happen very often) And he did work at ASK but he was a service writer and he eventually walked out because of the way they did business
  8. He's young and a total goofball so I think sometimes his personality doesn't click with certain people, but he really is a good salesman and a good dude. In fact, at this point so far this year, he is in the lead out of the 4 sales guys we have.
  9. Sorry for your bad experience. We just want everyone that walks through our doors to have a positive one, even if we can't come to a deal. You spoke with Austin, he's a good kid, but no he does not have a lot of street experience. He does know his product fairly well though. We might not always be the cheapest, but we are never the most expensive. We do actually care about our customers and want to have a good reputation. If you are serious about this deal, ride your bike over here and I'll see what I can do to make it better for you. Thanks to everyone who had kind words to say about Honda Northwest. It is appreciated
  10. If he said the 2008 then he was mistaken and I apologize for his error, but I stand behind everything else. And we WILL discount the 2008 CBR, (several hundred dollars actually) he's just not gonna give it up without at least a little fight.
  11. Ok back to the original topic here. The $6000 trade figure came from the owner. Our Cleveland store sells Kawasaki so he knew there is a $1000 rebate on 07 Zx10's, therefore you actually can buy a 2007 ZX10 for around the $8k price range. So if you can buy the exact bike you would be trading in with 0 miles for mid to high 8's, what would you pay for a used one with 800 miles? We were thinking low 7's at most, making your trade worth about $6000
  12. So you want us to be like a car dealership where people are afraid to just go look for fear of being hassled by a pushy salesperson? And in your first post in this thread, you stated that at one point you tried to make a deal with us and couldn't, so obviously you have been helped. You sure you're not just bitter about that experience and not getting what you wanted?
  13. Thank you Lizard, that couldn't have been put any better
  14. If someone there told you that you can buy an 08 ZX10 for $8k, they were obviously mistaken. We don't even have Kawasaki and never have. Who did you talk to? Yesterday was crazy around there with the open house going on. Not tryin to make excuses for someones dumb mistake, but I'm sure thats all it was. As far as what your bike is worth, did you have it there? Without seeing it those numbers come straight out of the NADA book. You can't just walk in the door, especially this time of year and during the busiest day of the season so far, and expect everything just handed to you. And on a hot new bike too.. There are a lot of people on here that have bought their bikes from us (HNW) and will tell you we don't fuck people around and do not have the highest prices either. You can't expect the sales guy to just drop his shorts the first time you come in and want a deal on something. They are trying to make their money also. All he did was try to charge you retail (no freight, prep, or other bogus charge) and give you book value for your trade. Tell me exactly what is wrong with that??
  15. Welcome to 3 weeks ago http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=11735
  16. zerocrash


    make it stop!!!
  17. Did you seriously just refer to homosexuality as a disease??????? Are you afraid you might catch it??
  18. LOL, yeah in this case everytime Im about to post something he or InyaAzz has already said it very well
  19. And I wasn't sure what I was going to do this weekend...
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