I bought my 2008 FZ1 a few months ago and have just under 1000 miles on it now and I'll tell you what I think so far. I like the more upright seating position for distance riding (which I do a lot of) and... that's about it. The power is OK once you hit about 6k rpm, nothing below that. It handles OK, but not great and the suspension is extremely stiff. My last two sportbikes, which I logged about 15k miles on, were a 2005 CBR600RR and a 2006 CBR1000RR, so I think I'm a bit spoiled by Honda quality and overall fit and finish. The FZ also tends to have a really annoying buzz in the handlebars at 5-7k rpm also. The stock seat sucks, the footpegs have a rediculous amount of rubber padding on the top, the handlebars are just weird, the levers are not adjustable and you need a huge hand to reach them, and it gets shitty gas milage. But other than those few things, I like it.... oh wait a minute, no I really don't. It's not a bad bike, just a few too many "quirks" that I don't care for. I've owned 23 different sportbikes in the last 10 years and unfortunately, this is my least favorite. I just put a Sargeant seat on it, which is awesome, a Puig windscreen, which creates way too much wind noise, and a 2 bros carbon fiber exhaust, which is obnoxiously loud and made the handlebar buzz worse. I'm not giving up on her yet though, even if that new 1kRR does look bad ass in person. Hope that helps