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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. the funniest part of the whole thing is that one of their husbands was the guy in the green shirt and he didnt care about what was going on
  2. I am very glad everyone had a good time, I know I did. You fuckers only come to Cleveland once a year so I had to make sure you bitches had a good time.
  3. well in less than 24 hours we will be drinking singing and making asses of ourselves...cant wait
  4. happy birthday hope its a great one
  5. It looks like that bike was made for Susan G. Komen
  6. Hell no, at this point of the trip I turn around and go back to wherever I came from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yjIJ8ibOs8
  7. I may have to work Sunday but if I do not then I will gladly help Sunday
  8. Good luck, hope it works out for ya.
  9. Sam Sam Matt Matt +1 Koz Justin Pauly Jinu SpeedyTriple +1 Jen Spz9 Art Jagr +1 Moose Kawi Casey +2 Cleaver + 1 Kristen "gsxrnurse" & Shitty Keith "Big Chief" Yota Kyle & Scott Ben & Carie 1000rr Todd +1 MadMadame +1 ScottB + 1 MJ Fonz + Jerry Hwilli + blacked eye -love you!! Mags +1 Scrappy + LP
  10. This is the current list so if your name is not here speak up so i can give buddys a final number. Sam Sam Matt Matt +1 Koz Justin Pauly Jinu SpeedyTriple Jen Spz9 Art Jagr +1 Moose Kawi Casey Cleaver + 1 Kristen "gsxrnurse" & Shitty Keith "Big Chief" Yota Kyle & Scott Ben & Carie 1000rr Todd +1 MadMadame +1 ScottB Fonz + Jerry Also if you are staying at the hotel and planning on riding with me to/from Buddy's we need to set up a time for me to pick you guys up. I would guess about 7 or 730 would be good but let me know for sure.
  11. they were supposed to but I guess they found some money to catch up on rent and keep the place.
  12. Whats even better than the fact that some jackass actually sent that pic in and thought it looked legit is the fact that they published it and made him look like an even bigger moron.
  13. I dont have any but I am sure I could get some name tags and a marker for a few dollars so I will pick them up some time this week.
  14. do we want to do the name tag thing like at the meet & greets or skip it?
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