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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. I would recommend that we knock out the 17th due to http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=54939&highlight=Jason being that day and I know several have already said they would like to do that run including myself. The 3rd I think would be rough because of 4th of July being the next day and I know many people will have family functions to be at or will have to prepare for the next days activities. I prefer the 24th or 31st but any of them would work for me.
  2. well I doubt I will make the 3rd due to the fact that its my birthday and I am celebrating the night before so I doubt I will be in any condition to ride that day.
  3. might be missing some folks since the 3rd is dyno day
  4. Vulcan_Rider


    sorry to hear bud. Keep your head up you know there will be brighter days in the future.
  5. not to be confused with skatlovers.com
  6. valid point, at least black tod seems ok with it
  7. this guy made a ridiculous generalization that made him look like an ass, then added a few sexist comments for good measure. This same thing could be written about lots of guys I know, minus all the cooking and cleaning bullshit. I have more men than women tell me im an idiot for having a motorcycle. Although there is some truth to what he said he is still an ass. If someone makes racist comments and there is a little bit of truth in them it doesnt mean its ok or right.
  8. lots of men think motorcycles are loud and dangerous too.
  9. oh yea I forgot about that, they were .99... DAMN I'M GOOD. no thats not what she said, the exact oppisi......nevermind not important
  10. ehhh thats a toss up, they have to be $2 for a reason.
  11. dont worry i wasn't talking about you. Im sure there will be a $2 steak place in hell i just have to find it first!
  12. wow that made me actually lol. Good to know when i go to hell i will have friends there.
  13. When I came home from Vegas I was an optimist about it, I said hey I didnt do too bad I went there in a $25,000 car and came home on a $100,000 bus.
  14. Oh it is bitching, if you want something to change that means you are bitching about it! Well I was going to post that link in every thread that said anything about the site but after 2 I said fuck it and gave up.
  15. I will try to do this run and I will also bring it up to my club at our next meeting and see if I can get them to do it as well.
  16. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=54893
  17. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=54893
  18. No, I'm not built for sports but I can bitch about the site like a champ if I want to!
  19. the ones i understood made me laugh...granted there were only 3 i understood but hey they were good
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