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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I thought this was going to be a thread about mechsuits. Son, I am disappoint.
  2. Sounds like my 1987 Buick Park Ave that I 'inherited' when I started driving. Except mine was maroon, and Concert Sound II is STILL a kickass OE stereo. But, c'mon conn-e-rot... you had to know that starting this thread would inevitably mean you would not only be "educated" on Smart cars, but also how you should and shouldn't provide for your daughter, how you should or shouldn't spend your money, and what all the other posters would do differently without stepping foot in your shoes... I'm guessing this'll turn into a "No, I had the sh*ttiest first car" game of oneupsmanship to see who had it the roughest growing up and why they're better than the ones who didn't. Race to the bottom. #ThisIsORDN
  3. Not as much as I'd have liked. And no, they're literally in my kitchen
  4. That SV1k sounds nice. And that makes me sad mine's in the kitchen.
  5. It's ironic you're in the nuke industry... ya know, an industry started with gov't money and still heavily subsidized by our tax dollars.
  6. If you're just looking for like-minded people to pat you on the back, smile and to nod in agreement with you, go to church. Don't post things on a public discussion forum on the internet - you're liable to find someone that isn't so agreeable. I think you're confused about politics. I only posted that link to show that not ALL consumer lawsuits are frivolous since it's so easy to be dismissive because one idiot DOES decide to sue frivolously. Not only that, but because the company filed for bankruptcy, all those lawsuits magically disappear. Yes, "Personal Responsibility" is sooo scary for me. Please tell me all about how you're personally responsible for your life in areas that I'm deficient in. Shows you don't get out much - I'm not being defensive about anything, just pointing out how hypocritically humorous it is that - God forbid someone has a contrary opinion to yours, since I'm sure all you do and say is the only perfect and right solution to all the worlds' problems. I just hope you're getting enough oxygen to your brain since the air is so thin up there on your high horses.
  7. Well, it's still the parents' fault for not buying the safest can on the market right? The Blitz cans don't have those spouts, which are designed that way because they're 'flame arresting' spouts that prevent those can explosions. So, it's still the parents' fault for buying a can without a flame arresting spout right? Everyone here knows you can buy a gas can with a flame arresting spout, right? Everyone knows all the other products you buy and all their safety features that are available and spend hours pouring over mounds of research on whether to buy the $20 item, or the $26 item because its safer and will prevent you from becoming a story on the internet where everyone says -- "Ha. Darwinism."
  8. I think the Daily show did some investigation on that... Bain invested in failed companies 22% of the time... the govt record under Obama, MUCH better. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0712/78918.html
  9. So, it's just bad parenting then when a 7yr old knocks over a gas can and the vapors reach an ignition source, and explodes? I'm just trying to get a grasp on where some ORDN people stand on the balance between personal responsibility vs. corporate greed/negligence vs. gov't regulation. Because there's 300M+ people in this country, so there's about 300M different scenarios on how stuff could happen -- so I just want to make sure that I'm not going to see any posts in the past or future from these folks on blaming someone or something else for their own accidents.
  10. Rebuttal: http://central-pennsylvania.legalexaminer.com/defective-and-dangerous-products/wall-street-journals-gas-can-job-loss-claim-is-short-sighted.aspx?googleid=303504
  11. If you consider having "$2000 saved in your house" as talking about your finances... then you might be a ______ .
  12. I'm glad the people on ORDN don't let threads be dictated by the "fact-checkers". Facts shouldn't stop an honest debate.
  13. I'll side with the officer to keep this thread going... why not... C'mon, you all know you'd tazer a 10yo bratty kid, acting all smug about not washing your car. I probably would've used the baton though... it delivers a much more satisfying thud when it hits a child.
  14. I thought war was caused when you both flip up the same card?
  15. I know a lot angry, bullied, short statured, not very well educated people that would love to be cops. How tall are you, OP? But I see what you did there Sniper and I'll be quiet now.
  16. Clean, but I think some of the British manufacturers give it a run for their money. They're near medical-grade clean. For example: McClaren and Aston's One77 factories. Aston's One77: http://www.wired.com/autopia/2011/12/how-aston-martin-builds-the-gorgeous-one-77-supercar/?pid=1438&viewall=true McLaren: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/engineering/8729474/McLaren-Group-gives-birth-to-a-new-era-of-quality.html That was a cool video to learn a lot of facts about Koenigsegg build and engineering goals / numbers, engine patents, etc.
  17. I didn't say it couldn't be done. I only stated its much less of a hassle for the original titleholder to do it than someone further down the line. And, I'd rather people actually read it for themselves and get educated than twist my words (since I don't have a huge amount of clout on here). There are a lot of nuances to things and experience says many people are dismissive on here if you type more than two paragraphs to try to explain all those nuances. I'm glad you actually read it. And to be fair... it's 98 total pages, but the last, like, 40 are examples and pictures, so it's not 98 pages of text.
  18. Lemme just put this here: http://www.franklincountyohio.gov/clerk/docs/at/Dealer_Manual.pdf
  19. That happens a lot though, which was my point, and why the seller is still the legal owner. I've been aware of titles that have been "open" for decades. Now, I don't have a title in front of me, but the only thing the seller is attesting to is the price, odometer reading, and date of sale. , right? Therefore, if the buyer never fills out his portion and leaves the title open for years,the buyer takes the risk of someone stealing the title and putting THEIR info on it and claiming the asset, but if the open title just sits, for years, it can be passed on to the next buyer, and the next buyer, and so forth. The official record of the numbers of owners would be screwed up, but if years down the line an owner wanted it titled, he'd fill out the buyer info and register it (plus taxes and a penalty fee for filing beyond 30 days) -- title is still good.
  20. That's a pretty big AND up there. If the seller fills out his portion and the buyer never fills out his portion (which often happens if the buyer never plans to register it, and wants to leave his info blank to save him the hassle of getting new title when he goes to sell it), then who is the legal owner? (Legally, I say the original seller) Which is kinda, sorta equivalent to a "title" for me, and important to keep that documentation when a MCO bike would transfer owners. I just know that I don't have the kind of connections to ever worry about getting an MCO firsthand (which is why I been lazy on the initiative to learn about them), only from a future second owner-type purchase.
  21. You get the :trophy: for putting the pussy on a pedestal. Hopefully you at least get sammiches and BJs, with higher frequency now.
  22. $15 and proper ID (in Ohio) http://www.dmv.org/oh-ohio/replacing-a-lost-title.php So unless that's wrong, I hold my opinion that it's lazy to not just replace the title prior to sale. Since it's a lot easier for the original owner than for someone down the line, but hey, the the buyer doesn't care -- that's fine and nothing technically illegal or a requirement, but I know it's a resale value hit and that may or may not put that bike off the market for me based on my liquidity options in the future. MCOs I have no experience with, so I have no idea what the process is there, but I'm sure there is a process if you really wanted to get it reissued. And, if the process is so tedius, why wouldn't you protect that document better? I guess that's my point. Also, how many trackbikes have MCO compared to being previously titled? I'm skeptical there are more MCO bikes than titled bikes. This is life advice... not just bike advice.
  23. Legally, yes. It's still his bike. But, since you have physical possession of the title document, it's going to be hard for him to claim it's his, unless he accuses you of stealing the title, the bike, and forging his signature complicit with a false notary. As it's been discussed... you can sell that bike to someone else and just hand them the signed title from the guy who sold you the bike, which they may never register either, and the cycle continues until someone along the line decides they want to register it and (if it's been dated from the original seller) has to pay the tax and meager penalty for not registering it within 30 days (I think it's 30 in Ohio, ymmv) of the original sale. Until that point, you can just keep passing the signed title to the next person down the line. And of course, every ownership transfer down the line from the original seller makes it harder and harder for him to find the title and bike if he were to cry foul on the transaction. Regardless, someone still has the title and it can be registered at any time without issue, since they hold the asset and the title to it.
  24. No, see you read what you wanted to read. My posted stated I was curious as to the other things they were lazy about, not "they're probably lazy". That's not a blanket statement, and it provides for benefit of the doubt the way I originally stated it. Not, how you read it. Words do have meaning, and I do tend to choose mine more carefully (or like to think I do, since I do put an effort into it). And trust me, I know how common it is. Just because I post on this forum, doesn't mean I'm not reading all the other ones out there or that I don't have personal experience with it. I'm not arguing about what is and is not required for trackbikes to get on the track, legally. I'm just saying that somewhere, along the line of ownership transfers, titles get lost, stolen, or whatever and instead of getting a new title through the appropriate processes like the owner at the time should have before they sold it -- they either consciously made the decision to not pursue getting a title reissued (because it didn't make a good business case) or just got lazy and needed some fast money at the time. I have a feeling that it's usually the latter.
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