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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Back by 6PM? I have places to be at 7PM
  2. I found a couple more: This might be NSFW: http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo40/stn0001ab/funny%20pics/boobflop1.gif
  3. The next two potential memes. "Hide your kids, hide your wife, even hide your husbands, 'cuz dey rapin' errybody out here" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua-OqYZC1DA Four year old Geoffrey's bad day at the zoo. Yea, he's no "I like turtles" kid, but made me chuckle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAZtebBzYOo I can't believe they made him waste his time with all the gentle animals when all he wanted to see was the otters. That Harmony chick sounds like a high maintenance bitch.
  4. No, nothing at all... unless you want to stop by Wooster and meet the Highway Patrol.
  5. This made me crack a smile. Well done sir.
  6. Geography fail -------------------^
  7. I'll swing by QSL Sheffield if I happen to be out on the bike that evening and can catch a few buddies out there. But yea - what you see if exactly what you get out there. People that would rather drink than ride, looking for some ego fluffing because they're bad ass on two wheels. Panties, drop. Now.
  8. Rent a bike down there and cruise around...
  9. You gotta watch who your friends are on facebook, or you might end up friends with this guy...
  10. That's only because Black Tod doesn't have your number - he's been wanting it to be friends for, like, EVER. PS. He also has texting.
  11. Disclaimer


    Meh. NSX's are cool, but not $90,000 cool. Especially when a new Lotus is $70k, and it's the epitome of the "lightness = quickness" design philosophy, making the NSX look like an Accord in comparison The HSV (already mentioned) is sex on wheels. Youtube some videos of them testing it at Suzuka and screaming at 10k. I'll wait while you change your pants. I've been following that car for the last few months ever since I read about it on Jalopnik.
  12. I was at the game... I wondered what all the commotion was. I couldn't get a good look from my seat. All I saw was the cop escorting the guy and chick out and her flipping the bird to everyone as she walked down the steps.
  13. What makes you think you have the right to demand a Breathalyzer? It's not your choice.
  14. That's 'cuz Inya is on BPT
  15. For real? I leave for a few hours and I don't even get to wish Todd goodbye?
  16. :: Begins filling out second HFR in as many days ::
  17. I'm just shocked that your relationships don't work out for you... with your cheery disposition and positivity. Nothing like promising someone forever and then taking it back.
  18. I'm just posting the information and scenarios... not debating it. You're right, says nothing about identification on some plastic credit card
  19. I think she might prefer a few failed marriages and owning a small business first...
  20. Even if he got banned, he'd just create another account... I wonder what his new name would be?? http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=41527 Note: I know Casper bans IP addy's and not names
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