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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Please tell me more about what I'm in the market for... and what I'm qualified to comment on in a public forum... No where did I ever say it NEEDS a title. Just like a bike doesn't NEED Ohlins and slicks either, it'll go around a track just fine on standard forks and street rubber. What's your point? Ohh wait, you're getting to it... Says you, to each their own... but I don't understand it because... said Brian condescendingly, since I've never, in my life, owned any wheeled vehicle without a title. And that's your prerogative. I never slammed you for it, other than losing your own paperwork, which I still don't understand. It's not like it's something I leave on the counter next to the pots and pans, but whatever -- I know mine go in one place, so I assume if you had access to one of my titles, you've found them all, and it's not someplace I get into and root through on a daily basis. but like I said, whatever.. it happens, people lose stuff. I just don't understand why you'd just shrug your shoulders over that particular document, but that's my opinion. I don't understand why that's offensive? You are lazy if you don't rectify your documentation regardless of it being REQUIRED for use as a trackbike, since it's a lot easier for you to go through the process than the second owner. There are a lot of things in life that aren't necessary or required, but some people do them because it's the right thing, or they have personal pride, or they think they'll have 23 years of bad luck, or they'll go to hell if they don't -- like returning a shopping cart to the cart corral after you get done shopping, which is a pet peeve of mine. You act like I think you're a horrible person for being lazy. We all do things that are lazy cop outs, I just don't understand why it's so hard for you to just own up to it in this case instead of making excuses about work hours and family and stuff.
  2. Insensitive is me teabagging you when I know you have chaetophobia
  3. You forgot fat kid who trolls and plays xbox to prevent from binge eating
  4. Understand I use 'you' in the general sense in most of the verbiage here... unless it explicitly applies to a particular post. I don't think I should have to qualify everything said, but the point I tried to make was -- if it originally HAD a title, then it still does, and if the possessor of the original title lost or damaged it or whatever, it's laziness at worst and misplaced priorities at best. I don't believe you need to be in the 'inner circle' to understand this stuff. I grew up in a racing family (read: cars), and some of those vehicles don't have titles or are built from scratch with tube chassis. But there are cars that DO have titles, and they also get transferred when cars are sold. I've seen where the new owner won't necessarily ever register the new title in his name, but has the physical paperwork to give to the 3rd or 4th or 5th owner from the original titleholder who can register it if they so choose. Truth. I don't believe there's been any disagreement there. People are busy is not a good excuse. I've worked 40hr week, 50hr weeks, I had a 92hr week once... If you get sued in small claims court, a judge isn't gonna go "Well, he was busy so you can't sue him". Like I said, at worst it's laziness, at best it's a priority issue. If you can't take one day off, or skip one trackday to get your paperwork in order then... that's on you. You don't want to call it laziness, thats fine... And no one is telling you what you should do with your time, but I would take that into consideration when making a purchase. Especially since I like to have options - and one of those options is: well, if I don't want to have a trackbike anymore and can't find someone to buy it as a no-title trackbike, then I might have better luck selling it with a title for the street. Having a 'no title' bike is just passing the buck to the next guy to see who ends up the stuckee when they need to liquidate it. And that's fine too. It's a numbers game. Statistically, you'll probably be OK. I don't have the REAL numbers, but if there's a 5% chance you'll get pinched by the law on a no title bike, and a 1% you get pinched on a clean title scheme/scam or something, then that's a judgement call you need to make as a buyer.
  5. It's about picking and choosing your battles. If I'm a sheeple because I "let" the gov't dictate that Halloween ToT is on a weekend where it's more convenient for me, and makes it less likely I'll run into sniveling kids or their parents on a Saturday night out to any establishment I frequent.... then I'm a sheeple.
  6. So, how do you know this isn't the gov't trolling you? It's not illegal to go out tomorrow -- just because you may think they're implying that it's forbidden, it may just be to get a rise out of the fanatical individual liberty-types to get them to go out in the shitty weather for the lulz. That's probably what I would do if I was in the gov't.
  7. Then what's to bitch about? If the parents are handling it then you have no complaints and ToT will go on as planned If the cities are rescheduling, for the parents that don't coordinate with their neighbors, then what sweat is it off your back if you're in the former group? I guess I'm really trying to figure out what you started this thread for and what you wanted the outcome to be?
  8. So, go trick or treating tomorrow? You can't cry about the big bad "government" and then expect the government to use it's powers to notify, inform, and coordinate the populace as to a schedule for trick or treating. That didn't happen when I was a kid. The neighborhood folks got together and coordinated it themselves, regardless of the "government" rescheduling. So, if you don't want to follow the GOV'T schedule, then the folks can get together and set it up themselves -- rain or shine. I blame the parents and neighborhoods for not handling it themselves.
  9. I still can't understand how someone misplaces a title or documentation (MSO,etc.) that proves legal ownership of a semi-expensive piece of machinery, and then doesn't bother to rectify the situation. If all my paperwork were lost, stolen, burned tomorrow... getting all of it replaced would be pretty high on my list of things to do. It reeks of laziness on the (original) possessor of the goods if they can't be bothered to reclaim pretty important legal documentation -- especially since a clean title bike is usually hundreds if not in the thousands of dollars more valuable than a bike without (Granted, you have to do a cost vs. benefit calculation, but more often than not I'm guessing it'd still be more beneficial than costly to get that documentation). And if they're that lazy with their paperwork, then I'm curious as to what else they're lazy about... like bike maintenance.
  10. Think of the children... and me, who starves every Sunday.
  11. Hey man. I didn't say anything about you... I'm just saying that different people have different ideas of what makes others' soft. That and every time someone complains and points fingers at one thing... just remember that same group can point the finger right back in the complainers face. You know the saying, "Every time you point a finger at someone else, there are three pointing back at you"...
  12. https://www.politify.com/
  13. The pussification of America comes from guys that have uber calorie laden cookouts every Sunday and spend the week in an office without any other moderate or intense physical activity. Not so much from kids whose parents are the ones that typically have to shuttle their little asses around, punishing them with this weather for a meager sum of candy. Just my humble opinion.
  14. This is how you get tough on illegals... shoot them from a helicopter. http://jalopnik.com/5955885/texas-state-trooper-kills-two-trying-to-disable-truck-by-shooting-at-it-from-a-helicopter
  15. Be sure the phone is unlocked when you connect it. So, unlock it by swiping first.
  16. Is your phone password protected?
  17. I felt this belongs here: Gov. Mitt Romney Blocked Birth Certificates To Gay Parents; Felt They Are Unfit And Kids Would Be Developmentally Impaired
  18. If you're getting passed on the track I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but laptimes ain't one.
  19. Don't fall for it. He's giving you the Ferrari special. Tell him that dog don't hunt until he proves the bike you go home with is equal to the bike you rode.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Reinvestment_Act#Regulatory_changes_1995 and...??? Where did Clinton completely wreck it? It's also funny to me that Clinton is to blame for crashing the housing market based on something he did MORE THAN a decade ago. Like, all of a sudden in the 13th year of your mortgage you just can't afford it.... the first twelve years, we're all good, but that 13th... gosh, just took them and so many others' down too. Where do I find one of these 13yr ARMs?
  21. I'd like to know exactly what they were "pressured" to do? Like, "Here, take a hit of this"-pressure? Or, "All the other banks are doing it"-pressure? Or, "the president will personally come in here and sodomize all the women-folk in your family in front of you while he shuts this bank down"-type pressure? The wiki you quote said it wasn't an industry mandate, so no bank was FORCED to do anything. I encounter pressures and incentives everyday that I can CHOOSE whether or not they'll be beneficial to my financial, social, or professional well-being... but in the end, it's still MY choice. Granted, I'm not a big "got get a loan for 'isht'" guy, but every loan I have ever taken out either required knowledge of my stellar credit history, or verification of my income.
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