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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. You missed quoting the rest of the wiki... in context Follow the money. It should probably also be noted that Mortgage Discrimination was about denying loans based on race, creed, or sex... not income.
  2. Follow the money... who stood to profit? Banks. You can fault the gov and the individuals all you want, but that's not how I see it. If the banks didn't think they'd make money doing it, they wouldn't.
  3. Facebook didn't promise it wouldn't put up a "paywall" (for lack of a better term). Like I said, free market capitalism. If you don't want all your eggs in one basket, you probably shouldn't put them there. Personal responsibility and such. Facebook is a private organization like all the others and can run their business as they see fit within the confines of what they're legally allowed to do. You're not suggesting more regulations or anything are you?
  4. So... who's fault is that for approving them? I guess that's where I stand. I'm not saying the "homeowners" didn't make bad decisions, but considering the avg. level of intelligence in America is a HS diploma, they aren't exactly fiscal geniuses.
  5. Did I miss something? That's only for "fan pages" (or people so narcissistic that they use the "Promote" feature on their personal pages). Besides, it's a perfect business model... provide something for free that's addictive -- then begin charging for it. Free market.
  6. $1B compared to the total amount received is a laughable slap in the face to governmental regulations.
  7. Ok, except for MT's advice. In fact, everything MT says should probably be heeded as 'life gospel'. In MT we trust. I'm not knocking your approach -- "ask others' with experience" is a great tactic and will get you far, so you're mature enough to realize what you don't know and humble enough to ask for advice. Good. The point is, and I know I'm being presumptuous here, how many people on an Ohio Motorcycle site do you think you'll get good advice from? You'll get advice... but the caliber and quality is all over the board, just realize that if you take others' advice from here (that aren't MT) and you crash and burn. It's really about how well you vet the advice right? And if you're vetting peoples' advice anyway, you'll already be doing research on other sites way more applicable to your financial conundrum than here. The best you'll be able to get here is someone elses' experiences that may or may not apply to you. If your excuse for why something ever failed is "Well, these guys on the internet motorcycle site I frequent said it was a good idea" -- then you have some introspection to be doing...preferably while nose deep in blow off a hookers' ass.
  8. Truer words have never been spoken.
  9. Hookers and blow. That's always been the answer on ORDN.
  10. I'm working through my Mazda badge... so I have B,A,and S tunes for my miata RX7 and RX8... so whatever class you wanna race as long as it's B,A, or S
  11. Ex Big Fat Kid (Jinxy-boy) was trapping low 150s (153-ish).... I was thoroughly impressed.
  12. I'll play forza4 if there's someone to race with, but I'm a BF3 guy right now. I've got Madden 12 too, but I got sick of it.
  13. "I <3 elyria", said JRMMiii trying to keep a straight face. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2012/10/19/police-release-names-details-in-overnight-shooting/ This is my sad face.
  14. It took 3 pages (or 60% of 1 NinjaNick page), but I'm gonna go ahead and ask Cheech to sign below for his delivery from nurkvinny. ____________________________.
  15. It's not your fault. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtkST5-ZFHw
  16. Binder reviews http://gawker.com/5952799/too-small-for-women-amazon-flooded-with-hilarious-reviews-of-binders-in-wake-of-debate
  17. The problem with marriage is that it's a two-party system.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATzONfFRU0U You're welcome.
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