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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. So, I took a 1/2 day off work today to attend my speeding ticket trial. Trial is at 2PM, I get a call around 10:45AM - sent to voicemail because I was in a meeting. Another call came in with similar digits, at 11:20AM. Finally broke out of my meeting at noon to find out that the judge granted a continuance of the case until 5/11 (Filed 4/29, granted 4/30). Supposedly, the pilot was sick and couldn't make it, and being the key witness the state had no case without him. Being that I had already requested off, I took the time anyway and drove down there (about an hour one-way) - got some additional paperwork and some questions answered, but no trial. Now, the rules of court say a continuance has to be filed (5) days in advance of the court date -- so I guess my question for the wannabe, soon-to-be, currently are, or otherwise legal experts is: If I file a motion to dismiss because of procedural error, what's the likelihood it'll be granted? Do the courts have to follow their own rules? Maybe it's just me, but I think it pretty unprofessional (and unjust) that I find out 15 minutes before I have to leave for court, that it's rescheduled when I've already requested the time off work.
  2. Duke - Hooligan vtwin Z - Looks gorgeous, can be hooligan, but not as much personality as the Duke Of the two, I'd probably opt for the Zed1k because they catch my eye WAY more than a SuperDuke, and I have a feeling they're much easier/cheaper to take care of being a Japanese bike. You might want to check insurance rates on both of them too before buying... that might sway your decision if there's a large difference each YEAR that you'd have to pay on one vs. the other.
  3. Disclaimer


    Never trust a chinaman. Lesson learned.
  4. Disclaimer


    Stiffed some 'commoner' out of $100....shady.
  5. That's kinda the goal of the HSA, to get consumers more responsibly spending since it's their own money on the line. I just used mine to pay for my LASIK. Not an ideal solution for EVERYONE, but if you're not accident prone and generally live a healthy lifestyle, it's better than most other plans out there.
  6. Disclaimer


    F*(k you and your team Wu.
  7. Anything can be negotiated. But, why don't you call your insurer and ask this question to get the answer right from the 'horses mouth'? If you don't like what you hear, then I'd talk to your doctors office and see if they'll work with you... after that, I'm out of ideas.
  8. Disclaimer


    Finale on right now. NSX, Lambo, Hemi Cuda Go team Hemi Cuda!
  9. Stabbing people in the kidney is my favorite past time. Except I use my penis, and by 'people' I mean women.
  10. WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!!!!???!!
  11. Uhhh, I can totally get down on someone that decides it's their right to escalate a minor misdemeanor traffic offense into a M1 / F4 manslaughter, assault case. That goes for any citizen or cop. Do you think that's how a cop should handle that situation too?
  12. That's a completely false equivalency. Causing bodily harm to a motorcyclist abusing a traffic law vs. someone that's already caused harm to another and detaining them. By your logic, people should be more diligent performing citizens arrests on speeders.
  13. We didn't miss the OP though... Didn't even get to register it? Lemme guess, it's in the dealership's name? Then lay a sob story on top of it for good measure. True or not, it's a little shady to give the people on ORDN a sob story and then blast it out over the net sans sob story, when you didn't meet the post count or sponsorship requirements to do so on here.
  14. Link SFW? Category "Sex" Filtered.
  15. She didn't have any trouble racking the slide multiple times, but they did wonder why she was doing it while she was looking down the barrel.
  16. Why don't you just call Wheezle up? He probably kicks like a girl and you can still call him sugar tits.
  17. I don't blame the guy. I mean, I usually use this video to teach women about buses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnupL42gmF4&feature=channel It's short, they can relate to it (it's got a crying infant in it), and it's in song. Enough to keep even the simplest minds occupied and at attention. K, sweetie?
  18. Depends on the school. Online < Brick and Mortar Community College < Brick & Mortar State School < Brick & Mortar Private School ( Just like to bust the chops of people going to state schools) and the B&M online programs are equivalent, because my diplomas don't say KU ONLINE.
  19. Gary, FTW! But still doesn't make up for the loss of the RC.
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