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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. That's weird, shes got no problem choking on mine?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WruodIBlfs
  3. Not that those tests aren't "real", but like f4 said -- they're biased, I'm sure they chose those specific tests that play to Ford's strengths. That being said, I've traveled around the block as a green engineer looking at how things are made and corporate cultures... the Tundra may very well be weaker than the Chevy or Ford, likely it is, but much of the Far East manufacturing is done to "right size" the product. For instance, if you look at a die to stamp panels for a US automotive OE manufacturer, a lot of them are built to handle multiple millions of hits with relatively little maintenance. They are just beefy. I bet there's US tooling out there that you could put into a press and still stamp out parts for an '82 Cutlass. Compare that to a Japanese tool - it's built to handle 1 to 2 million hits and if it totally crumbles into metal ashes at the 2M+1 hit - so be it, that's how it was designed. That philosophy and culture filters all the way down through the organization - the US "beefy/robust" vs. the Japanese "Right size, Right Spec, No waste". So, I'd bet that the US trucks are "tougher", but how important is that under the given circumstances? I don't use a flamethrower to light a candle when a match will do. But, then again, there's something to be said for having a tool WAY more than capable of handling the job you ask it to do.
  4. Must be a girl thing...Also why I don't change diapers. $190 isn't something to scoff at, but I'd fork it over not to wade in a smelly bacteria laden environment without the appropriate equipment. Time is money, too.
  5. I thought the crew cab S-10s had the ZR5 package. The ZR2 package was for ext and reg. cabs... (I suppose I'm splitting hairs though). My S10 is an ext cab ZR2. I don't understand why you'd be interested in a 4dr truck if you're not getting a fullsize? The mini-bed is practically useless, in my humble opinion. I can barely fit a motorcycle in the bed of my ZR2 ext cab, and it's got the normal 6ft. bed.
  6. Why the hell are all of you speaking English anyway? I live in America, I should speak American. Cheerio, Gov'na!
  7. I haven't fully vetted the idea of a sales/consumption tax, but from the initial outlook -- that seems to be a pretty good method of progressive taxation. I've yet to find a lot of downsides to that.
  8. This should be in the Politics section... n00b.
  9. Don't die. You'd save $3 and have a HELLUVA lot nicer track if you just took rt. 13N right to Norwalk. It's worth the extra 25 minute drive. http://summitmotorsportspark.com/schedule/copy_of_friday-night-test-n-tune.ics/
  10. I'd love to derail this thread to discuss that, but I won't I drive a 2003 S10 - it's OK for my lifestyle. I think I get a whole 12.75 mpg from the 4.3L V6. It just turned over 30k miles. From the sounds of the initial post, you're MPG-conscience, so all else equal, I'd get the truck with the highest MPG. I just end up with GM products because I had multiple family members working there in the past and can get GMS pricing. I think there's probably a few small I4 pickups still being made on the market if you have to have a bed. Otherwise, I'd opt for something with a little towing capacity, but more car-like (Equinox, Escape, Edge, etc) for more MPG.
  11. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/04/27/puerto-rican-funeral-home-presents-shooting-victim-on-his-motorc/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbpy0DWp1Co&feature=player_embedded
  12. Well, you know what they say... "You scratch my back... I'll tickle your prostate." Or something like that, I know I'm close.
  13. For this The elephant beatings will continue - 'cuz I want MOAR!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Rnl7Orxdk&feature=watch_response_rev
  15. Meh, I got no dog in this fight, I'm not illegal, I'm not even 3rd generation FOB. I'm pretty sure my family was the first or second settlers in Ashland/Richland county before Ohio was even a state.... from what I can recall from the genealogy presentations my great aunt gives at family reunions. I only interject to enrage people and keep the fuel on the fire. You guys are doing a good job keeping the flames fanned right now. Jon Stewart covered this all last night anyway... something about (I'm paraphrasing) "all you have to do is say you're a citizen and they have to take you at your word...it's a loophole so big you could drive a truck... full of daylaborers... through it" -JS
  16. Ohh I know, that's why I'm laughing.

  17. Ask him what he wants for the White '06 Hayabusa with the AM exhaust. It's been posted on CL, but never with a price -- which makes me think "if you have to ask... you probably can't afford it" Just think, '06 Hayabusa, or 14 yr old F3 for the same price...
  18. When it gets to that point... "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
  19. If it looks like a taco, smells like a taco, and tastes like a taco... it's probably a taco right? Where it's made makes all the difference in the world though, doesn't it?
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