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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Yes. Reminds me how old I'm getting. *sad panda* If it was State 8, someone should post the pic of the left-handed throttle they had installed upside down that we saw during Lost's M&G ride. I love that pic because I can make up so many stories of incompetence, or legitimate reasons why you'd do that... depending on my mood.
  2. Ohhh, now you're just profiling.... not all whites are image obsessed bad dancing trailer park trash serial killers.
  3. Ohh, and good luck tomorrow, btw. You'll have to let me know how it goes if you go. :cheers:

    Edit: Nvm - saw you bitched out, pu$$y :D

  4. I like the term chucklehead... that's my new PG term for asshat.
  5. Dude, I get it that illegals can strain the system. You're the one that implied they're taking from the elderly. I don't know why you assume that the elderly utilize the SAME health services as illegals and that's what's causing a bottleneck. For EXAMPLE... using your link How many elderly people do you think are using maternity ward services? Guesses?Try harder.
  6. I made a blatantly stereotypical racist joke. Watch and learn. + Black Tod will be posting up here in no time.
  7. Are you posting the answers tomorrow too? Inquiring minds want to know...
  8. Show me where 'illegals' are 'choking' out the same services (ala Health Care) that the elderly need? The only illegals I've seen at the nursing homes are the ones tending to the landscaping.
  9. This probably isn't a good thing for the 'fixed income' crowd... (adding to what psycho1 said)
  10. 700 Potatoes 450 Sandwiches -60 Workout 15 Crystal Light 705 (2.5) Cups Milk + (4) Cups Marshmallow Mateys 800 Banana Shake 30 Coffee Total 2640 I'll let you figure out what order I ate them today. And as for the "Workout reduction" -- I ran 5 miles for 750 cals on the machine, but my diet plan already figures -1500 cals for the week for workouts, anything above and beyond I just arbitrarily spread throughout the week. I decided today was worth an additional -60 cal reduction.
  11. I stay in Del Rio when I'm in Acuna, and McAllen when I'm in Reynosa. So, no I don't stay in Mexico when I'm on the border, I stay in the US and commute across every morning and afternoon.
  12. Well, I've been treated nothing but well during my travels to Acuna, Reynosa, Mexico City, Monterrey, Queretaro... and even a few of the resort towns. So, you take Michelle Malkin's word, and I'll take my experiences - mmkay. Cheech has pretty much covered the valid points... the day I'm "outsmarted" by right wing pundits, is the day I become one.
  13. I have a proxy setup through Google Labs. It works most of the time.
  14. The first offense is a stern warning. Nothing's ever made it past the first offense.
  15. You lucky dog. That I4 make you go numb though?
  16. Sidekick?! Now you're hurting my feelings. :p

  17. I would, but my buddy with an RC51 just sold it.
  18. Whoever it was, I doubt they'll own up to it here, or publicly anywhere for that matter. That's funny though, if it was their bike they highsided being a 'chucklehead'.
  19. That update was bad. Horrible abuse of power and how things were handled. Make HULK ANGRY! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_complex
  20. Interesting, I'd never read that... and yes it does. It's 450 cals. 140 = 4*35 for the 4 slices of bread, 80 = 2*40 for the 2 slices of bologna, 230 avg. for the peanut butter/jelly combination - since I always buy the same brands and the woman puts about the same amount on each day. = 450 That's not to say there are some other idiosyncrasies that aren't exactly desirable traits that comes with being methodical about everything. OCD, anyone? The proverbial 'burnout' I totally get you. I'm on a hash brown kick lately for dinner. I eat those once a week.
  21. Who's the giant dude in the picture trying to spank the pyramids?
  22. You have an Ann Coulter article you want to post too? Since when has the argument "But 'so and so' gets to do it", been rational? Just because Mexico's Laws are steaming piles, doesn't mean we should lower our freedoms to their level.
  23. lulz I can't think of ANY other organized group of people who share similar beliefs on a particular topic that would do something like that. You just have to ask yourselves, WWJD?
  24. Do it, take the trip. I've heard others have done it and it was quite the awesome experience except they'd never do it again on a sportbike.
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