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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. That'd be an excellent bike for you to cut your chops on. What year, what mileage, HOW'D it end up salvaged?
  2. Lulz, the only way I'd be able to keep up is on the SV. The 'busa don't turn, remember. Srsly though, the SV is much more sure footed in the corners than the long low busa. You need a standard or 600 of your own to wind out. Straight line top speed isn't something you need when you ride with these guys. I've never ridden with CORE, but I've been on some of their stomping grounds with black Tod. That's how I know.
  3. Matt... you're gonna need a sportbike if you plan on doing anything CORE related.
  4. It's changed a lot with the new businesses there now... I drove through once or twice, but never could bring myself to stop there and 'hang out'. I never rolled with the Mansfield/Madison crowd though either, so maybe that was it.
  5. I'm pretty sure this is going on July 17th... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=54939&highlight=Jason so I'm not gonna be able to make it on the 17th. Edit: Bad beat me to it...
  6. Tell me you didn't... you were really a Park Ave cruiser?
  7. Why there? I suppose the cliche thing was to put it on your 'guns'...
  8. She won't even let me have visitation....
  9. If you want to discuss, start another thread. Quoted for lulz - sans mega pic
  10. Sorry your raise was spent buying golden parachutes for Wall St. execs after years of deregulation. They're better than you, so they don't have to sacrifice their million dollar bonuses.
  11. That's fine, just realize you're never going to get the last word then as long as you keep responding. You signed a CONTRACT to serve, which is why I said in my last post, that once your contract is up... you've fulfilled your obligations and can leave. What's so hard to understand? You have to honor your contract - one you CHOSE to enter into. Really? So you're better than everyone else (except other military)? Why again? Because your perception of your sacrifice is greater than everyone elses? Once again, it's a different type of sacrifice. I sacrificed time in my life to learn electromagnetic field theory, calculus, and differential equations... you chose a different path. I don't judge you for that, but you're judging me. That doesn't make sense. No, I'm just saying that I don't have much sympathy that it's a LOWER raise, when most of us have gotten zero raises or taken cuts. That's just how it is given the current economic climate.I could blame the past administration for it's lack of fiscal responsibility, but I won't turn it into that - yet.
  12. A coworker alerted me to this story this morning... I always like to read the comments on these articles that the 'general public' can comment on. Really makes you lose faith in humanity the things some people say and the way the think. *sigh*
  13. Disclaimer


    I didn't know psychological exams were part of the BMV testing procedure now. (just trying to lighten the mood)
  14. Just what I said... we've made different sacrifices. I sacrificed 4 years of my life in engineering school in order to be able to help equip our troops with the tools they need to protect our freedom, as well as serve the private sector. It's not the SAME sacrifice, but a sacrifice nonetheless. Like I said, we all contribute in our own ways. Not everyone is capable of being an engineer, not everyone is capable of serving in the military. What good is a military without people to make weapons for it? What good are weapons if you don't have soldiers to use them? So, we pick and choose our paths in life. Some sacrificing more, but that's how life goes sometimes. I don't think anyone here is belittling their service. The point of this whole thread was a rant/rave on military pay. That is a KNOWN going in, plus many of us private sector slobs haven't been getting raises in the past two years (and many of us taking cuts). So, I don't really have a lot of sympathy for someone complaining about too small a raise, just like I don't expect a lot of sympathy for my pay cut. If you don't like where you're at, in your life, in your career, etc.... then change it. Once you've fulfilled your obligations, then leave for those greener pastures you've been longing for. You have the power.
  15. If it didn't have that color scheme...
  16. Nothing is ever really 'official' with the group of yahoos on here. We're all just about having a good time.
  17. Who invited that guy? He's not from the Northeast...
  18. I don't understand why you're getting all huffy and puffy about it. It's not like us 'civilians' don't appreciate sacrifice, but we've all made different sacrifices in order to pursue our little slice of the pie to contribute to the global society in our own way. redkow97 is right - you made a choice to go into the military. If our freedom was really being threatened, you bet your ass I'd be right behind you in my fatigues and government issued assault rifle, but - we're not. Hence our all volunteer military. You can bitch and moan all you want (just like everyone does about their chosen paths in life), but bottom line it was a CHOICE, and you reap the benefits and drawbacks of the choices you make. No one was stopping you from making a different choice.
  19. That's because he isn't your typical 'angry black' j/k you gais...Jeez
  20. It's OK if it's funny... that's what I've learned. Ohh, and you add emoticons and lots of j/k's
  21. Life outside my kitchen is so bright and scary. I'm just here because you caught me between pregnancies.
  22. Harley wannabes - you know how them vtwin guys are.
  23. This followed me for about half my drive home from work today. Rubbing salt in my eye.
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