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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Is that a threat? ...or a promise? Lover.
  2. I think this is the ad http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1585646063.html I think it's funny the first thing in the description is "NEVER DROPPED". I guess when I go to sell things I have, I normally wouldn't think to put that first. Kind of like saying "NEVER USED IN A FELONY - 40 S&W"Fishy.
  3. Inya posted, someone report the post so Casper can go back and whitewash this thread again.
  4. You frickin' people and your superior IQ-levels.
  5. If by 'logic' you mean 'Jews on motorbikes' then I concur. :D
  6. I could see using it as a free conference call service, regardless if you were actually traveling or not... tell everyone you're on highway/channel 435 then everyone can join the same call... unsecured though.
  7. Here's another App that uses the same number, but different PIN http://govcall.com/ Edit: Found a bigger list of all the Twilio Mashups on that 'nerd site' gary read that from http://www.programmableweb.com/api/twilio/mashups
  8. No, I get that part... but I think it's a trap. OTOH...More digging says that the 866 number is registered to Twilio which does make it seem more legit.
  9. What does this REALLY do?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lj_lUai3ZU
  11. If you take up that challenge and post results/conclusions that indicate you [Matt] were right - I'll considering using a tax pro next year.
  12. You keep saying that, but I challenge you to double-check your refund with one of the 'tax programs' to verify the refund you're getting with your super-special CPA *insert snobby white collar voice*, versus what you'd get if you were just doing it yourself.
  13. Inya for the silver lining...... Got it.
  14. Everyone better just be happy they're either paid up or getting a refund. Shit's getting serious with the IRS. Acquiring Shotguns Solicitation Number: TIRWR-10-Q-00023 Agency: Department of the Treasury Office: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Location: Field Operations Branch Western (OS:A:P:B:W)
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhrfhjLd9e4
  16. No hard feelings, if I was on a Honda 'sportbike', I wouldn't want to get smoked by a Suzuki 'standard' - I understand.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqMiigy92qU
  19. I'll send you guys the same texts I'm sending her, but all of you see my penis enough in person I didn't think you'd want pictures.
  20. I guess all I can say is, whatever you decide... hope it works out for you and you end up happy with that choice.
  21. I don't file married, because I'm not. So, there's one less set variable scenarios I have to run.
  22. I wonder why he wants to part with the Camaro for a G35... it seems a little fishy.
  23. Here's what I do each year... you might think it's smart, dumb, or indifferent, I don't really care - I've always done it this way ever since I wasn't able to do the 1040-EZ (so, basically since I was over 18). I fill out the information on Turbotax, TaxAct, HRBlock, etc... whatever software there is out there. It's all free to download on the net right from the company websites. After filling out all the information and answering the questions, I figure out which program gives me the highest return - and that's the one I pay to file with (which I deduct from the return). I think last year I used a program that was $60 to file, but netted me an extra $100 in a return over the $40 program, so it was worth the $20 extra to put $100 ($80 net) in my pocket. Each program tells you what your return is prior to filing and you only PAY the company once you file, so it's really easy to compare what program you're better using. What I don't get is people that go to professional tax preparers, when (at least from my experience) all they do is ask you the same questions and click the same buttons you would've if you would've been in your underwear at home - and they charge you for it. Considering that being a tax consultant is a low-wage seasonal position at many companies - should tell you something about the level of expertise needed to file your taxes. That's not to confuse these people with tax attorneys or CPAs, but these are the types of people you Mr. John Q Public is going to see at your local "professional tax preparer".
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