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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Only showed up because you keep your boyfriend on a short leash and didn't want him taking all the ladies at the bar home with him. Jussayin'.
  2. Werd. I think Uncle Punk and r1Crusher ended up spooning over at InyaAzz's house. RVTPilot didn't come out either, or Avenger... Yea, I called all you locals out!
  3. Disclaimer

    2009 Halloween

    ^---- what Pauly said. And V4.
  4. I think we need pics of the model... I haven't seen those yet. Not that I'm denying the sweater pupability of Caspers wife, I just want to know how bad the hired talent really was.
  5. Carie is A LOT more personable than most people - especially some stuck up "model". That's probably why your missus had no trouble selling tix.
  6. Might scare your ol' man, but not me. What are you going to hold over my head? It's not like we're sleeping together. :p

  7. No, those will always be held over your head.

  8. Welcome. Hope you have thick skin.
  9. Didn't you just get this car not too long ago?
  10. Props to Vulcan Matt and the rest of the DTC crew for putting the shindig together. Good times. I hope Mj didn't get into too much trouble with her ol' man for her Sheryl Crow serenade to me.
  11. Meh. I don't know how well that suspension setup will work... reminds me of this: I don't think I'd feel too confident @ 200mph on that bike.
  12. I'm kidding, I'll be there... I just want to see Fonz and the other DTC crew flip out. :evil:

  13. Ohh shit, this is tomorrow? I thought it was next week. I can't make it.
  14. But that's ok, I hid it in another thread.
  15. Almost a decade later, and people are STILL misinformed.
  16. +1 Why not? They both amount to tax dollars being spent. You can compare ANYTHING if they have dollar amounts attached to them. Dollars are a very tangible concrete item to compare and contrast against. The only debate is what the value of what you get in return for those dollars is worth? You know what it costs, that's tangible, but what you're 'buying' is intangible for the most part. Intangibles are MUCH more difficult to place a value on.
  17. My art sucks, but you can bet I'll be the first one to take someone else's creativity and Photoshop it into my own. If not me, Zach will.
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