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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. WINNAR!!! This answer is of the utmost 'correctitude' http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=29743&highlight=headlights+wipers
  2. Source? Before some people get outraged because they're gullible enough to believe everything they read...
  3. There's a difference between: "Holy Shit! Fox news is withholding information out of 'courtesy to Obama' that will blow this country apart - pass it along to anyone and everyone that agrees with you so you can hold 'tea parties' to express outrage because we believe everything we read and be sure to forward this along to everyone that disagrees with you too as an 'I told you so' that liberals are ruining the country". Of course, without citing sources or facts beyond what's included in the letter. Durka Durka Durka! There's a difference between that and: "Hey, check out this article I stumbled across on [cnn.com, msnbc.com, yahoo.com, google.com, snopes.com]. What do you think?" Because those are the two different types of e-mails I get from my conservative and liberal friends. I think you can figure out which is from which.
  4. That's what I'm saying... I looked through my old e-mails, but I couldn't find one saying Bush is destroying our nation by cutting taxes for the wealthy... I mean, not facetious chain mail... news, yes. Chain mail, no.
  5. Or that one ------------------------------------^
  6. I'd be interested to see how many of these political chain mails have a 'liberal' slant vs. 'conservative' slant. Maybe it's just because they got posted on here a lot, but it seems that its the 'conservative' ones that get forwarded and passed around because a lot of them are the ones gullible with outrage enough not to research facts and have 'faith' in everything they're sent or told.
  7. I'm usually on after 7...playing HQ Pro so I can level up quicker than Deathmatch, but not as quick at the FFA glitch (Parks)
  8. Gen 2 Hayabusa. The gauges on the Gen1 definitely are spartan compared to all the goodies they put on the Gen2. Here's the gen1 for comparison (minus the two LED digital readout gauges and the boost gauge) Gen1 fairings FTW Gen2 cluster FTW
  9. You should still watch Fox Sunday at 9PM, I'm sure it'll be a funny Family Guy episode
  10. Ruger SP-101 3.25" barrel, stainless for the bling.
  11. God forbid they go to the gym, don't want them being 'indoctrinated' to a healthy lifestyle. Democrats work out. It boils down to: If you don't have the self-discipline to make it a lifestyle, then don't act 'holier than thou' for the first 2 months out of the year and give some lame-ass excuse why you gave up. I've got my routine down to be as efficient as possible, I'm conscientious of the other regulars and their routines, and I clean up the machines when I'm done. All these others - and it's the same people each year, show up, ask how to use the machine (since they forgot after the last 3 times they've been told), ask advice on how to lift (sets/reps), don't listen to any of it, spend 25 minutes of their 30 minute workout talking about working out, and then leave the two machines they did use with their swamp ass. I'm all for helping people out, I'll answer the questions they have if they're new or unaware of how a machine works or what certain lifts will target, but none of these people stick with it and just get in the way for the first two months out of the year. I can't teach self-discipline.
  12. All I know is all the NY Resolution assholes that want to "lose weight" better stay the f*(k outta my way in the gym. Happens every year... I'll see 'those people' once or twice a week until mid-February getting in my way on my machines, then never again.
  13. lulz... science jokes ftw. And good article Tod. What I find interesting is that the CEO said they're already losing money in the US - so do they make money sending wheelchairs to other countries? Other countries that may have national healthcare? I don't agree with taxing equipment manufacturers, unless I'm missing something about the cost vs. profit of some of these pieces of equipment. I suppose if it costs $100/wheelchair (including the amortzation of the R&D over life of sales), and they charge $1000 for a wheelchair because that's what insurance/gov't will subsidize... then maybe a tax is reasonable, but I don't know what the margins really are.
  14. It's wintertime... drama is to be expected. If you don't want to read it, don't. Its entertaining for me. Nothing more. People take this stuff too serious and start harboring bad feelings and ill will - chillax.
  15. Completely agree, but once you're sure #1 is taken care of, you can start figure out how to take care of everyone else. Either because you're altruistic, because you're engineering/business minded that want to make the system more optimal and efficient, or for your own personal reasons. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. I take care of mine, but hey, if in the process I can make the system even better, cheaper, etc.... that's more money in my pocket, or less opportunity cost I need to bear.
  16. Whoa whoa whoa... I'm not FROM elyria. I didn't get educated here. Nip that right in the bud. Well, if they don't deserve anything, why delay the process? You have until the age of 30 to get your shit together and contribute at a specific rate... otherwise you're 'taken care of', but not in the "welfare-get something for nothing" -sense, in the 'Ol' Yeller'-sense
  17. I did, because you're right... I'm business minded and work backwards. I know the solution I want, and I need to figure out how to get there. Health care is so convoluted though, it's really difficult to navigate to get from here to there - not a straight line. And, it makes sense that younger people are without a lot of insurance, does that mean they SHOULD be? The elderly are typically financially stable, yet they still carry car insurance if they hit someone. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for choice and freedom... unless you have a habit of making the wrong choices, like getting a BMW instead of a Cobalt when you've got credit card debt stacked, no health insurance, and barely living hand-to-mouth.
  18. Why don't we take it to the extreme, and say that anyone making less than $30k/yr should just be euthanized, or put on a slow boat to China? If you can't contribute to society at least at a rate of $15/hr - then we don't need you. Or would you like to set the bar higher?
  19. I support it as far as it's 'progress', though it's far from perfect. So, your solution to all this mess is to reduce doctor salaries by reducing the cost of malpractice insurance, and to deny care to a specific subsection of the population?
  20. I don't understand why I need 'hands-on experience' to understand statistics. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's numbers. Someone has to assume the costs of a patient... what's your point? If there is a 0% chance, with complete certainty, then there's hospice and other more economical alternatives... it depends on what ailments you're talking about. Since you're an industry insider... what costs your employer the MOST, what's the single biggest wasteful expense? Fraud, cancer, heart disease, failure to pay for services rendered? Inquiring minds want to know what Central Ohio has issues with. And, whatever that cost is, what's your solution?
  21. People fight wars in the name of religion People get duck spooge in their face and on their hands in the name of science.
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