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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. More random pics Someone forgot to tell this van driver it was a construction zone
  2. For me, outside is harder than the treadmill. My marathon coworkers bust my chops because on the treadmill they say "you're just jumping and letting the track go underneath you vs. outside where you actually have to make an effort to propel yourself too" I'm 6' tall.
  3. Like DGTLGRL said: I hate running, I only do it because I'd be 300lbs if I didn't. I used to max out at 2 miles, but I run 10ks about 2-3times a week now as part of my regular training. I did my first half marathon last week.* You basically just work up to it. I mean, I used to just run for 20 minutes, at whatever pace I could muster on the elliptical. I was "running" 6:30 miles on the elliptical - so I knew that was off. So, I decided to 'hate my knees' as maxpower so succinctly put it and switch over to the treadmill. I was in shape enough when I started that I'd run 3 miles no problem, then I started running outside with a couple of coworkers who regularly run marathons and half-marathons - on their 'training runs' of 4-5 miles, then I'd go out with them on 6-7 miles days. I'm not as fast as them, but our last run this season (I only run outside when I can wear shorts/t-shirt) I finished about 48 minutes to the fastest guy at 44 minutes - and I've got 50-60lbs on that guy (I weigh 210lbs). Hell, one of the guys I run with finished a 5k run under 20 minutes pushing both his kids in a double-stroller. I was lucky enough to have coworkers who were encouraging, and the best advice they gave me is that the distance is more important than the time... the lower times will come, but whatever you do - if you set your heart on 5 miles, GO 5 miles. And whatever you do, do NOT walk... it can be the slowest jog in the world, but do not break stride and begin walking. So now - like I said, I'm 210lbs, and my PRs are a 5k @ 20:55, 10k @ 44:55, and my one and only half marathon so far is 1:49:48* *Note: This is all on a treadmill because I'm a 'numbers' guy I need to track my progress and use the treadmill as a relative gauge. Running outside on pavement is NOT equal to a treadmill. Like Nike says: "Just Do it"
  4. I call BS, your Kawi couldn't do 70 going downhill with a tailwind.
  5. What's it matter? Who keeps a balance on their credit card?
  6. Mj and her 'angry boys'
  7. I was surfing jj.am today, and one of their latest images was a chick getting it from behind on a leash... it looked like you. I'd link you to the image, but it's wholly inappropriate for this forum.

    Do you have any 'night jobs' that you aren't letting us in on?

  8. Catch me if you can... without dumping it of course. I hear Ohio roads love to eat Katanas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  9. Maxim's 100 Funniest Jokes http://www.maxim.com/humor/stupid-fun/85265/maxims-100-funniest-jokes-ever.html Some are good, some are bad, some make you groan.
  10. I tuck at that speed to give my neck a break and to get out of the wind (especially when I'm slabbin' it)... like stretching. Rest my chest on the tank... so I can't hate on him for tucking. But I can hate for weaving all over and for riding a Katana
  11. Ok, I don't really own satellites - it's more like a decent sized collection of model rockets.
  12. I own all satellites and all your base are belong to me.
  13. You try the new link? I posted the embed link earlier by mistake...
  14. While we're playing name that tune.... What's the song at the 4:00 mark in this Top Gear clip? http://videos.streetfire.net/video/080-Top-Gear-Maserati_181928.htm
  15. Kind of like how you like cops until you get your first speeding ticket.
  16. Droid does turn by turn... that was the huge hype for it when it came out... http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/28/google-adds-free-turn-by-turn-navigation-car-dock-ui-to-android/
  17. When I was researching them last year for my folks, the vibe I got was TomTom was more Eurocentric (i.e. better in Europe. TomTom HQ is Eurobased) and more likely to route you away from the highways in the US - maybe 8-10% of the time, while Garmin was top dog in the US as far as routing, and features. Like I said, that was last year - it seems TomTom has gotten better in the features category, so they may be closer to each other. Or, third option. Droid w/ Google Maps.
  18. http://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/538ff0eddcba62836620eb8f18867056
  19. They left me VM's, but I didn't return their calls after they refused to pay my medical bills last time. They didn't understand that you have to PAY for that stuff here in the US. Fire out your urethra is every bit as painful as you think, but it was the second take when they requested Goldschläger that was the most painful.
  20. :nono:

    Well, I did send you a Happy Turkey Day text... after the penis one.

  21. Kick that crazy bitch to the curb. She should be f*(king ecstatic that he's at home playing Xbox and not out cheating on her. Not to mention, she makes Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 cry. She swings a golf club like a midget with tourettes.
  22. Happy Thanksgiving... yesterday at 1:20 AM

    I think half the people I text aren't getting their messages. Unless I have your # wrong.

  23. Did you get my txt?

  24. It's already been said, but cooking is squaw work... step away from the pans. When she needs spiders killed, or oil changed, then do your man thing, but otherwise, stay out of the kitchen, you do not belong in there.
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