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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Hopefully the Katana Curse will not befall you.... dun dun duuuuuuuuuun.
  2. How about /facepalm for Columbus, OH? From the book signing.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/23/palin-supporters-struggle_n_367800.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk&feature=player_embedded
  3. I thought you just had to yell 'They're coming right at us' before you shoot?
  4. I was talking about Punks Honduh - now that he's rocking the liter bike, thinks he's all that is man. But, yea, sure, you too. Except Punk would pull away from me, and I'll leave your Interceptor like you're sitting still... accomplishes the same effect. Neither of you have to listen to liberal gun-hating BS coming from my piehole.
  5. Post count is everything. Besides, everyone needs someone to hate on, on here. I won't have to shutup when you can just ride away from me on your wittle honda, right?
  6. How about, everyone in better shape than you gets to bang your wife or g/f?
  7. Those are good videos, I've seen them multiple times. You should cross-post those everywhere - like, Facebook.
  8. The only thing Pastor John was liberal with was Vasoline.
  9. No, I'm saying that everyone who open carries may have a Napoleon Complex. J/k....
  10. That's the problem I think... I've been indoctrinated. Too many years of 'liberal college education' in the math/engineering/business fields.
  11. Open Carry? Posted for Todd because he loves my cartoons
  12. I've switched to punting Honduhs, they're easier to catch than puppies...
  13. Do the guys with HiPoints ride Q-links? You'd think that the quality of their weapon would be reflected in the quality of the other things they have in life. Or, maybe they're rocking wrecked GXSR750s with decent-sized apartments?
  14. I also agree with IP's statement. 92.3 plays some decent tunes now that the station is run by a computer out of NY.
  15. The only similar comparison you make is women (who have a CHOICE on pregnancy). Smoking is a choice. People can't choose to be black or white, or crippled or not.
  16. I mean, when you run a radio "show" like that... you need all the characters or else you wouldn't have a show. If everyone agreed, then it wouldn't be much of a show. So, their true feelings aside, they know that it's their job for someone to disagree with Rover so they can spend 4 hours each morning talking about it and playing Devil's Advocate against each other, no matter how outrageous the counterpoint is. Yes, it'd be better if some of Dieters or Duji's counters weren't so obviously against a common sense approach or excessively hypocritical... but, it's a show. I don't listen to it any deeper than entertainment value while I stare at Excel sheets.
  17. I'd support it if it were proposed... but not to the point where I'd go out and rally for it or 'take up a cause' and fight for it. What do I care? I can CCW... Hence why the rest of my post because with, "But since that's not going to happen..."
  18. That's what makes it entertaining... I'm still trying to figure out if he's actually that retarded or it's just the 'character' he plays on the radio. I've already figured out Duji's playing a character.
  19. Selective reading/quoting - like a true neocon.
  20. I can't believe THIS topic made ORDN... and I can't believe how many people actually listened to it. I usually have WMMS on my radio all day long, so I've been listening to RMG since 2005 and MWL since whenever it started. I actually liked the most recent format they had... talk, then radio, then talk, then radio. RMG > Maxwell, but I can't lie - Maxwell, even being the whiny bitch he is, kept me entertained - though I didn't listen to him near as much as RMG, mainly because I sit at my desk from 8-11, and am only there from 3-5 during MWL. The last few weeks of his "keeping it real" discussing the contract and how "he's gotta get paid what their worth" was getting lame. All his other on-air quirks were getting annoying too (heavy breathing into the mic, yelling every other sentence until he was out of breath, "gimme a little credit, I've been doing this for 18 GD years", "Really?", "Waahina" ). It's no ones fault but his own that he was doped up during his last contract signing. Stansbury actually made that show - I wish him well, but Maxwell sounds like he needs a wakeup call to really figure out what he's worth. I can't hate too much though - I won my Xbox360 playing "Who's that whore?"
  21. Don't tell me you just found that video.... today. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=291802&postcount=23 http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=309066&postcount=26
  22. Would you separate people out by weight class? And we've come full circle...
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